The City of High Point, in partnership with Community Housing Solutions and the Housing Consultants Group, is hosting an “Operation Inasmuch Day of Service” in the Burns Hill Neighborhood on Saturday, April 27.

Operation Inasmuch is titled after the Bible verse Matthew 25:40, in which Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

 The program, among other things, provides a platform for churches, nonprofits, local governments and regular citizens to develop “a community-oriented partnership fueled by the desire to help others.”

The event will begin at 8 a.m. at Morehead Recreation Center at 101 Price St. in High Point.

This will be a one-day affair where volunteers will make home repairs at no cost to eligible homeowners.

 During these periodic days of service, volunteers work alongside of skilled professionals to do things like repair water damage, fix plumbing issues, seal leaky roofs, build handrails, do exterior painting and install or clean gutters.

The skilled labor workers and volunteers also make accessibility modifications for those with mobility difficulties and, in some cases, do general cleaning as well.

To be eligible for this assistance, homeowners have to live in their own home, fall within specific income guidelines and have a qualifying need.

If you want more information on the program, you can contact Michelle McNair with the City of High Point Community Development and Housing Department at 336-883-3685 or Sofia Crisp with the Housing Consultants Group at 336-312-0366.