Since, judging from the hype, The Avengers: Endgame is not just the only new movie in the world this weekend, it may turn out to be the only movie ever made, I would like to mention that my wife and I went to see the sole movie that didn’t look awful (that we hadn’t already seen) and to our surprise, we both enjoyed Shazam inordinately.
While we don’t love the guy playing the superhero form, we didn’t hate his performance, either. The kids playing the foster family and the hero-as-kid are wonderful. And when it makes perfectly obvious points about family life, they felt well-earned by the story.
Plus, using the Seven Deadly Sins as the source of power for the bad guy was a cool idea. And the villain has a better-developed backstory than the hero. It’s all good stuff. I would watch it again.
In a way, Shazam was our most recent movie we “watched with no prior knowledge.” Good script, great performances from the kids, and a pretty good performance from the only adults who matter.
Oh, how I miss you Uncle Orson.