Teachers now are complaining about their salaries, not getting raises, and not having money allowed for new programs. Now they stage a big walkout. Let me ask you teachers this: Didn’t you vote for Roy Cooper? You had to have him. All the teachers wanted Roy Cooper over Pat McCrory. Pat McCrory gave you raises. He allocated money for new programs. He released a lot of money for education. But you couldn’t stand him because he didn’t want the pedophiles around your kids in the restroom. So, you voted him out and voted in mister politically correct, Roy Cooper. Now, Roy Cooper has tightened up the purse strings on money, won’t give you a raise, and won’t allow money for programs. It serves you right.
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I just got done watching the news and noticed that in Alpharetta, Georgia, it took five police officers to pull a 65-year-old black woman out of a car for speeding because she would not sign the ticket, and she kept asking for a supervisor. And they have it all on dashcam. And then the police officer that was using derogatory comments to her resigned. Did you notice how every time a law enforcement officer gets in trouble or is caught on video for doing something illegal or something he’s not supposed to be doing, they always resign because they know they’re going to get in trouble, and they’re going to get fired, or sued. Just typical of law enforcement. They always run like a bunch of scared chickens. Same thing that happened in Greensboro with that Yourse case.
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Hey. This is an African-American conservative. And I’m not a racist or an Uncle Tom. So, please, don’t call me that.
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To the caller who called in about the person who called in about abortion and the Democrats and illegal immigrants, what the first caller meant was the Democrats will only open the doors or open the borders to illegal immigrants because they want their vote. They don’t care anything about them as people. They just want their votes. Because if the Democrats had any, any respect for human life, they wouldn’t have the stance on abortion the way they do. I predict that before Donald Trump’s second term is out, you will see abortion either thrown back to the states, Roe v. Wade overturned, or just making abortion plain illegal, because technology has showed us now that abortion is without a doubt murder.
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Happy Mother’s Day to the first lady, Melania Trump. Thank you.
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If Rhino readers want to see truly just how corrupt our top three local TV news stations are, come to the Thomasville Memorial Day Parade this Saturday at the Big Chair. Remember what you see while there. Then go home and watch what they skillfully edit out of their video coverage of the event and their later broadcast. It’s dishonesty by omission, folks. Go see for yourself. They have an agenda, and it’s not in our best interests. Control the media, control the people. Better wise up. They sicken me, and I no longer trust or respect them, period.
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Socialism is just a rationalization for envy.
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Dreamers want to be taxpaying citizens. Jeff Sessions plans to put new minor children in our system, fresh off the border. Is anyone else confused?
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This year Mother’s Day falls on a Sunday, and also May 13. I am pro-life. Thank you.
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Hi. I’d like to say this about the teacher walkout. What happened to all the money that is going from the Education Lottery that, you know, people are buying all these lottery tickets for? It’s supposed to be going for the educational center. And now you got all these teachers walking out, disrupting the school week, and parents are having to shuffle to get their kids to be in a place for one day because these teachers decided to walk out for one day. Whatever happened to that money? I mean, what is the Education Lottery for? I thought it was supposed to help the schools. And now you see that it’s not. Something is wrong there. Not only that, I think these teachers need to get a grip on it. If you want to teach a class, teach a class. But not only that, these kids are not being taught like they’re supposed to be taught. I think you should get raises and stuff by how many kids get promoted.
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I’m setting in the parking lot of one of our community schools, and I’m watching this teacher decorate her car. Apparently, she’s going to the rally in Raleigh tomorrow to rally for, you know, more funding for the schools and wages and on and on and on. The information on her car says, don’t make me use my teacher voice. I’m not sure exactly what that is supposed to mean. But there’s just something inherently wrong in our system when a group of employees can decide to take off, and enough of them take off that it just shuts down the whole school system. There’s something wrong with that, and I don’t know if it goes to the management level of our school systems, or what the problem is. I agree teachers may be underpaid, but boy when they decide they’re just going to shut the system down, that’s wrong. And you’ve got to really, really stop and ask yourself, where is their commitment as teachers who are really looking after the interest of our kids?
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Hello. I’m calling about those people fussing about the puzzles, the sudoku puzzles and The New York Times puzzles in this paper. Hush up. I’m tired of hearing it. Go to the dollar store and buy you a book of puzzles. They sell them. You get a whole bunch of dang puzzles in there for $1. I’m tired of hearing you talking about the puzzles that they don’t do anymore. Grow up and get a life.
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Regarding teacher pay, while I understand teaching is not an easy profession, I don’t know of any other job where you get a large number of holidays, tremendous retirement benefits, work a nine-month contract and have some sense of security about your job, unlike most workers out in the private sector. I have no problem with administrators taking huge cuts. They’re overpaid including, but not limited to, principals, superintendents, etc. But the idea that teachers need these huge raises that come out of property taxes of seniors is enough. And I am totally against what the teachers are doing. Thank you.
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Hey. I was wanting to ask you a question. What really causes global warming? Is it the deforestation of our planet, or is it our use of fossil fuels, or is it both? I don’t know. We’ve got to vote on cleaner energy use. You know, solar. Anyhow, I’m sick of all this junk. Anyhow, which came first, global warming or deforestation?
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Yeah, this is how twisted our country has become. In Pennsylvania they had four women win election seats over four Democratic men. Now, I’m not opposed to that at all. The issue, though, is that all four women, apparently, have been backed by the socialist left of the party. Now, if we are going to become a socialist country, that is scary. Then there is the media this week. They are actually cheerleading for Trump not to have this meeting. And they’re also cheerleading for Hamas. In my wildest dreams, as I reach my 71st year and being a Vietnam veteran, I can’t imagine a country so out of kilter and so skewed.
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A nut takes a pickup truck and kills people. Nobody blames the truck. A nut takes a gun and kills somebody, they blame the gun. Has anybody got a brain?
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I’m 83 years old and I never thought I’d live to see the day that all the news, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, would continuously talk about the president of the United States. It don’t make any difference what they think of Donald Trump. He is the president of the United States. They don’t realize undoubtedly if the third grade was their senior year looks like they’d know if they destroy the president of the United States, they’re destroying the country. The man is trying to get things straightened out. We know it was in bad shape. If they’d talked about Barack Obama any way, shape or form the way they talked about Donald Trump, there’d been riots in the street. And they just continuously talk about it. And how anybody could set and watch that day after day after day is beyond anything I can comprehend. I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but it looks like to me if he continues to be successful in what he’s doing, they’re going to look stupid.
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Are you kidding me? The North Carolina Department of Public Safety bought millions of dollars’ worth of computers and 1,900 of them are unaccounted for? And they did no auditing, no attempt to identify with inventory, or keep any records on these computers that were laptops and desktop computers? And this is the Department of Public Safety where this happened, all these computers have disappeared. And the prison system is in Public Safety. And so is the highway patrol. You know what? McCrory needs to pay for every one of these 1,900 missing computers. This is the kind of government he ran. And he should be the one whose head rolls.
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They’re bringing crime. They’re bringing drugs. They’re rapists. I assume some are good people. That was a quote from then candidate Donald J. Trump on the escalator. When Mr. Trump made that remark, or should I say that quote, that is the quote that got him elected, because it was then when he woke up the sleeping giant in this country. And the sleeping giant is the people that are sick and tired of their country being given away. He woke up the sleeping giant, and they catapulted him into the White House. The majority of the people in this country did not want their country given away to these people.
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It’s hard for me to believe the senior leaders of the FBI, Loretta Lynch meeting with President Clinton on the airplane, did not know what was going on with a spy in the Trump campaign. They have thrown everything they could do at this man, legal and illegal, and this country has gone to pot, and I don’t know how we’re going to go about getting it straightened out. When your senior leaders are running such an outfit as they’re running to try to overthrow an election, this is like something that happens overseas.
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I’d like to recommend that everybody that has family or friends in nursing homes and rehab facilities that they check, especially if they’re getting Medicaid. Because the Medicaid office in Greensboro is supposed to be social services, and the omnibus with the state, and these people running the place are in cahoots there. They are trying to cheat these people down to the last dime they get since Medicaid leaves people a generous amount of $30 left to their Social Security check, and they’re trying to steal that from them. I think everybody ought to follow them and start checking and make them double-check everything.
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Hey, Rhino. I don’t know if you remember or not, but I’ve called in a while back asking for some help how to get in touch with somebody, the VA, to help my ailing father who was in the Korean War, Purple Heart veteran, couldn’t seem to get nothing. Well, guess what, VA, you don’t have to worry about this man anymore. He died this past weekend. And thanks to you, he got zero help from you. Appreciate it. You let a 90-year-old man die and did nothing for him, VA. So don’t worry about him. He’s gone. He’s in a better place. And so you can go on and not help the next veteran from the Korean War. Unless you are in the Afghanistan or the Iraqi wars, those guys can get any flipping thing they want. But these old guys from what’s left of World War II and the Korean War, they can’t seem to get nothing.
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You know President Obama has 10 prisoners released. Ten. He just didn’t have the 3 a.m. photo op.
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Yes, I’d just like to point out that any of those so-called Democrats out there that it was your party in power for eight years. And it was your party that we now know tried to take out a Republican candidate using a mole from the FBI. And also, the FISA warrants and the Russian dossier. And we now know all the higher-ups, Brennon, Obama, for certain, were all involved and the names will come out when Inspector General Horowitz makes his report. They’ll probably leave Obama’s name off, but don’t forget Obama was the one, on Jan. 20 I believe it was, that told all the agencies to spread all those stories. OK? He authorized that. Make no bones about that.
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Investors, listen up. We need your help. Please, go into the nice neighborhoods in the city and county. Buy up the foreclosures. Buy up anything that is for sale. And lease them out under Section 8. Let’s show everybody that poor people can also be good neighbors. Just because of no fault of their own they are told they cannot live in the nice neighborhoods. It’s really sad. Let’s help these people out. Let’s give them a helping hand, a hand up, not a handout. Section 8 housing shouldn’t be in the bad areas. It should be in the nice areas.
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Yes, I’m confused. Is all news fake news? Is there really a volcano? Is there really a war going on? Or is it just news about Trump that’s fake news? I’m just so confused.
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Earlier this week Sean Hannity showed a photo on his weekly night show on Fox showing a smiling Barack Obama, excuse me, Barack Hussein Obama, next to Louis Farrakhan. Yes, yes, that Louis Farrakhan. The photo per Hannity was taking just several months before the 2008 presidential election. Apparently, it was intentionally not made public for quite some time, well after the 2012 election. I’ve been thinking, what if it had been public before the 2008 presidential election? I truly believe we may have seen President-elect John McCain late that election night making his acceptance speech instead of Obama.
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I wonder how we were able to engage in conversations before the non-inclusive, overly-used Northern phrases guys or you guys became so commonplace and trendy. What has happened to the gentle, inclusive Southern phrase, y’all? Bye, y’all.
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Folks, it should now be quite obvious to everyone that there are two forms of the justice system in this country. One applies to Hillary and Billy Bob Clinton. The other is for everyone else. What a pathetic, national disgrace.
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Geez, all these sudoku whiners. Grab yourself a yellow highlighter and pick out four nine-square areas in the puzzle. Color those in and try to solve that puppy. That should keep you busy and free up the phone lines for important issues.
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I’m calling about Nancy Pelosi and the MS-13. She’s taking up for these people. And I’d like to say this to her. I would like to know how she would feel if it was one of her children that got killed by one of these gang members. I think she would feel a different way. Or if one of her children had passed away. You know, you don’t know what it’s like to lose a child until you’ve lost one. And I’ve lost my son. And I would like to say this to her. You are a shame. You are a just a bad person. I pray that God will help you. For you to stand up there and to say that these people are OK. You need your head examined. You know? These people have lost their children from these MS-13 gang members. And you’re standing up there praising these people. I just think it is a shame that we even have to look at you.
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I’m just wondering, drama queen Trump keeps saying it’s a witch hunt. How is it a witch hunt when all the information Mueller has is coming from his team members that have pled guilty? And if they lie, they go to prison. So who do you believe, Trump or the guys that could go to prison? All of Mueller’s information is coming directly from Trump team members that are singing like little girls. Nineteen indictments. Does that mean nothing to you Trump supporters?
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Good morning. Welcome to America. This is my country. This is your country. How sad to have lived long enough to know the truth and values and morals you have experienced in a lifetime no longer exist. Thank you, Rhino Times, for this freedom of the press. The Son of a Legal Russian Immigrant.