Do these foolish, weak-kneed, wishy-washy, sorry-they-are-Republicans, wish-we-were-Democrats really think that they are going to be reelected if they don’t get Trump’s agenda done and in place? Republicans like Burr, Tillis, Budd, Walker, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, to name a few. Is something wrong with these people? Trump is the president. I am getting sick and tired, and it’s embarrassing to see you slobbering all over these poor whacky resistant Democrats. Republicans, you won. Please act like it. Get a grip, and get the people’s work done, and back up Trump.
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Let me get this right. Bev Perdue was elected governor. Her first order of business was to freeze teachers’ salaries and money going to the schools. She got voted out. Pat McCrory won the election. Pat McCrory gave teachers a 10- and 12-percent raise across the board the four years he was governor. The teachers hated him and voted him out and voted in Roy Cooper. Now, because of Roy Cooper’s cuts, whose mother was an educator in his ads, he is cutting the budget so much that Guilford County is losing 139 jobs. Are the teachers happy now? For some reason, the teachers voted overwhelmingly for Roy Cooper.
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Good Sunday morning, or it could be a good Sunday morning if I didn’t have somebody’s bass sounding all the way through my house, day in and day out. People sleeping in their cars, kids playing in a busy street, cars parked everywhere blocking your driveway. It’s a wonderful day.
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First thing I’d like to say is your box near Forest Oaks at the Food Lion, you have two boxes out there, stopped by Saturday morning to get one of the papers. They were empty. I don’t know if somebody has took them all, or y’all didn’t fill them up. I assume somebody stole them, which, again, gets back to the progressive Democratic liberals. What we watch each and every day on TV being done to President Trump is an absolute disgrace. If this was done to Barack Hussein Obama, he would be screaming racism at the top of his lungs. If these people that call themselves Democrats are associated with what is going on in this country, shame on them. They sit back and allow the most liberal socialist group of incompetence to take over their party.
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Continuing. In Judicial Watch’s Verdict paper, June 17, headlines about the IRS in the chronicles, “After-School Satan Club Gets Tax-Exempt Status in 10 Days.” Republican parties and Republican organizations trying to get a tax-exempt status in months and years could not achieve to get this status. This organization, the After-School Satan Club, in its tax-exempt application, the club states that its purpose is character development, and adult instructors are vetted by the Satanic Temple executive ministry. Children 5 to 12 would develop basic critical reasoning, character qualities, problem solving and creative expression, according to the Satanic Temple’s filing included in the documents.
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This is directed to your editor’s note about my call concerning three ladies sitting in a diner for two and a half hours, etc. If I said two and a half years in one sentence, I misspoke there, but I did get it right in another place. I’m surprised that you would comment on one misspoken word when you print so many Beeps from callers who don’t know proper English or sentence structure, and do not know facts, and make wrong statements and accusations. Do you think you never misspeak? An example is right here when you did not print my question to the previous caller correctly. A misprint is the same as a misspeak. One is on paper, and one is oral.
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I guess all the so-called leakers, the Trump haters, and all of the Democrats, they seem to forget that the majority of the people voted him in. So, therefore, what they’re trying to do to him, they’re trying to do to us. Don’t forget it at election time. Don’t forget. It will come back to them. It always does.
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So, the Democrats are the party of hate? Wow. That’s amazing. Really rich coming from the party that founded hate. The people that claim that they are so nice and the Democrats are so mean that you couldn’t tell from reading this publication when Obama was in office that the Republicans were so kind and nice. Sounds like there’s plenty of hate to go around on both sides. And until you realize that you are a hater, too, ain’t nothing gonna change.
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Hello, Beep. You know, it’s amazing that you ride around the streets of Greensboro and see the people that are driving cars don’t have any tags, pulling trailers don’t have tags, driving trucks don’t have any tags, riding motorcycles and scooters don’t have any tags. And, then, they don’t have insurance either. But guess what? We have to pay for it if we have a wreck with them. Another thing we got, we got a City Council that don’t have any sense. They ought to let the Police Department alone and let them do their job, but they don’t got enough sense to do that. They want to run it all. And they have no idea what they’re doing. We need to get somebody in there that will do the job and let our police force do their job if they want to do it. If they don’t want to do it, get rid of them and get somebody who will. We need it. We’re going downhill fast.
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This is for all the lovely ladies out there. I’m not trying to be ugly or anything. But, you know, we all appreciate casual Friday where we can wear our jeans to the office and everything. But if you wear makeup during the week, please, put some on on Fridays. It’s very noticeable to other people. An attractive woman looks just as good in blue jeans as she does a dress. But when you don’t wear no makeup, ooh, please, just put a little dab on.
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A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Hammer took Hillary Clinton to task for blaming everyone else but herself for her failed campaign and losing to Donald Trump. As a yellow dog Democrat, I could not agree more. She was a weak candidate with a lot of baggage who took blue states for granted, who had a hidden server that she lied about, her husband going and have the secret conference with the attorney general, Lynch. The list goes on and on and on. She’s totally responsible for having lost. I only voted for her because I was concerned that Donald Trump was uninformed and mentally ill. I wouldn’t have voted for her otherwise.
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I believe the figures that the man quoted was 216. But some Democrat that the second grade was his senior year – and how he got in Washington I do not know, because I don’t know how he found his way up there – said one down and 216, to go speaking of the man that got shot. If that is not the height of ignorance, I’ve never heard it in my life. I can’t believe that a Bible-believing Democrat that goes around a church once or twice a year, Christmas and Easter maybe, would belong to a party like that. Before I would belong to a Democrat Party, the way they’ve acted after this election, I’d join the Socialist Party, anything but Democrat.
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What is the meaning of life? To get close to God. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Hello, Beeps. I’m calling about Nancy Vaughan saying that she’s going to run again for the mayor of Greensboro. I think that it’s time that she resign, period. She don’t need to run again. We’ve had enough of her and Sharon Hightower. I think it’s time that we cleaned house up there. None of these people up there have our best interest at heart at all. They’re trying to hold the police back from doing their job. You can never get in contact with these people, unless they’re going to run for office again. But you won’t be able to talk to them. You’ll be able to talk to whoever calls you on that robocall. I just think that it’s time that we put in people that have our best interests at heart. These people up there do not have our best interest at heart whatsoever. I thought Robbie Perkins was bad. But Nancy Vaughan beat him. And let me tell you something, that is very hard to do.
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Hi. I’m calling about Nancy Vaughan going to run for mayor again. I’d just like to say this. I think there should be a limit on how many times you can run for mayor or city councilmember. There should be a limit on it. And I don’t know who you would call in order to get that put on the ballot box in November, but I think that should be part of our voting system. Come November, we should be able to vote on how many times you can run for any type of city councilmember. Because it seems like, every time, the same people keep running and running and running. The taxpayers keep supporting these people over and over and over. Look at Yvonne Johnson. She’s been up there for umpteen zillion years. The taxpayers have kept her up. I’m not trying to be ugly, I’m just saying there comes a time where we need new faces. We need a clean slate.
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Yeah, once again we find in the news, I think two instances recently, of these atheist groups taking municipalities to court to remove crosses and statues that have been in place for decades, maybe a couple of lifetimes. And it’s astounding. I mean, you no more divorce society from religion than anything else. The days of the week are all religious. The days of the month. I mean, the months are all religious with histories. So, can’t put up a cross even though it’s been there for 150 years. Well, my point is this, in a practical sense, can’t you get around that by simply taking that square yard of land and making it private? And if need be, make the entire area of the shadow of the cross, or whatever monument is. Make it private land. Take it out of the public domain.
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I see on the news where down in Florida a cross has been up for 75 years. And they’re going to have it taken down. There’s one thing about that, that these people that want it taken down, they’ve not thought about. When they leave this earth one morning before the cross gets off the ground, they want have to worry about ever looking at the cross again.
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Yes, I would like to know why it is whenever I call in something that I am concerned about, you’ll only print half of it. I called in last week about the telephone situation in Glenwood, but I also stated in there that I saw two cars racing down a street here in Glenwood side by side. Now, there’s kids playing in this neighborhood, and lots of them. But all of these kids have got moved into this neighborhood, these college kids. They race up and down Oak Street like it was a freeway or racetrack. And if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you would print what I call in, not just half of it. And, also, I stated, where are the police at in Glenwood? I never see one anymore. UNCG said they were going to provide police patrolling in this neighborhood, but I don’t see them either. So, I’d like to see my whole section put in the paper, not just half of it. Thank you very much, and have a wonderful day.
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Editor’s Note: The first minute of each call to the Beep is transcribed.
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When are you going to write a long column telling us how Hillary Clinton lost the election? It is the same old words over and over. Nothing is as boring as repetition.
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The Republicans Conservative Group of High Point last Monday had a gathering. About 32 people showed up. They elected a chair, a vice chair, a secretary and a treasurer. So, apparently, the High Point Conservative Party has splintered off from the Greensboro Republican Party. I was told since the Conservative Republican Party is technically a separate group, it has no affiliation with the Greensboro Republican Party, even though it’s calling itself the Guilford County Republican Party. I guess technically the Guilford County GOP needs to change its name to Greensboro Republican Party if High Point is getting ready to reopen its own separate office.
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Have you noticed that NPR never broadcasts stories about heterosexual white American males?
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Mr. Trump promised health care for everyone with preexisting conditions, lower premiums and no reductions in Medicaid. The healthcare bill that he and the House forced through would throw 23 million folks now insured off roll, raise coverage substantially for seniors and gut Medicaid. Like it or not, Medicaid is the only health insurance for 75 million Americans, many of them old or poor. The Senate bill is even worse. It gives a three-quarter trillion tax cut to the rich, the largest transfer of resources from the poor and middle class to the wealthy in our country’s history. Pretty soon Obamacare will look like the good, old days.
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To answer Johnny Depp’s question, wasn’t John Wilkes Booth an actor?
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This is to theBeep caller. It’s only your hatred for either party. If you could remember, a few years back, it was the opposite way. If you go back even further, hatred breeds more hatred. If your memory was good, your hatred, you will find different ways to express yourself.
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For whoever keeps complaining about the Police and Fire department, please listen very carefully. If those guys are on break, and you caught them on break eating, if you ever care to check the facts, they are on 24/7. When they’re taking a break, they deserve a break, even if they are working, and through their break their radio is still on. If they get any call at any time, when the call comes through, they’re in the neighborhood where the problems are. So they pick a space. They do paperwork. Their radio is still working. They drop everything and go back to work because you want them to work 24/7. They are on 24/7.
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Hillary, baby, we don’t really hate you. No, it was Russia. Russia lost you the election. Tell you what, next election, run again. Come on, now. Be a good girl.
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Hello. To all the firefighters, EMS and police officers. I hope you can finish a meal before rushing off to save a life or stop a crime. Otis says, stay safe, and thank you for your service.
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Hello. Is it just me or is America becoming a country of insurgents? Has united we stand become lost in time? Southern Guilford here. Divided we will fall.
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An excellent idea. John Kerry and Jane Fonda, who were photographed on a tank when she was saying that she wanted one of our planes shot down by the North Koreans, exchange them for our boys who are still being held in North Korea.