I would like to thank the Rhino for being the Rhino, and printing great editorials and interesting attitudes about what’s going on in Greensboro. And I’d like to comment about the Greensboro airport changing the name from PTI to whatever. This is a really bad idea. It’s wasteful, ridiculous. It won’t make a difference. And whoever came up with it obviously doesn’t have enough to do in their everyday work life either with the board or with running the day-to-day operations and creating more revenue, and flights, and more great things and have the whole thing flourish vs. sitting around trying to figure out something as ridiculous as a wasteful name change. Really? Are you kidding me? This is downright embarrassing.
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This is the airport diatribe, part 2. Further, I think that the reality is that when any entity is partially funded either by the government, or taxes, or federal funding, local, state, whatever, the people in charge have a tendency to spend money that they might not ordinarily spend if it was coming out of their pocket. So, my thinking is that we aren’t privy to what percentage of airport income is earned income based on their revenues, and what percentage is state-funded, locally-funded, federally-funded, and if all those people that think it’s such a great idea to change the name had to actually pay for it, if it was their company, and they owned it, they might think twice.
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I’m calling in regards to the fact that Donald Trump has got all this controversy about what he said about the Haiti people and stuff. I don’t believe that he is racist whatsoever. I believe that he loves America, and he wants the best for America. And I think for all these Democrats to come out and act like this is the end of the earth is just ridiculous. And for the American people that are working so hard to put food on their table and to pay their bills and to see this going on on television that all these Democrats are just about to kill their selves to get these DACA people, and all these people that are these refugees, to stay here is just really unreal.
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So, when Donald Trump was on TV telling all of America about the new tax plan that the Republicans are going through, he assured all of us that it was for the middle class. However, on New Year’s Eve, when he’s speaking to a group of his rich friends, what he tells them is you all just got a lot richer. And that is an exact quote of what he said to his rich friends. Now, you tell me how that is not a complete lie to the American people other than his rich friends. Sounds like dung-heap Donald is just continuing what he started by telling everyone on TV, the average American, a lie, something he knew he wasn’t going to do, like help them.
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Political Correctness is intellectual totalitarianism.
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Hello, Rhino. I don’t like to pry in other people’s affairs, but I’m aware of a dog chained to a tree in these frigid temperatures. I ask you, should I report it or look the other way? Southern Guilford here. I’ve decided to pry and do something about this.
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I don’t know a lot about honeybees, only that the queen dominates the hive. Suddenly, I realize why Hillary wasn’t elected president. Otis says hello.
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LOL. I laughed out loud when I read last week’s Beep from a Greensboro taxi driver who claimed that allowing Uber to work in Greensboro sacrificed public safety. Have you looked closely at a Greensboro taxi lately? I wouldn’t ride in one any more if you paid me. I used to use taxis all the time in London and Leeds, and the black cabs were always clean and well maintained. But our city’s taxis have dirty windows, filthy bodywork and worn tires as I remember. My one ride in an Uber vehicle, summoned recently by my son in Raleigh, resulted in a perfectly pleasant ride in an immaculately clean 2016 Ford Edge driven by a quiet and polite driver who was solicitous of our every need and even backed off the A/C when we mentioned we were a little too cold, in August. Doesn’t free market competition bite? Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Yes, a couple of weeks ago you were commenting about the double-wide sidewalks on Fisher and other places. And I agree with everything you said. In fact, one other thing I would like to suggest is that can they lower the traffic light so that when we’re waiting we can see what they are. They’ve got them way too high, and they need to come down. See if you can use your influence. Thank you.
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This is in response to all the people that only vote for someone with an R by their name. I’ve called before. Probably the most ignorant thing I have ever even thought of or imagined that you would vote for somebody just because they are a Republican or a Democrat. That’s awful. Anyway, as to Trump, some person wrote in about a 90-percent approval rating. Don’t know what he’s drinking or smoking, but he needs to share. I don’t know anybody that voted for him. I didn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t. The man is very crude, disrespectful, doesn’t care about the normal middle-class poor person. This tax plan is for the rich people. Everything I’ve read is the tax break for the middle class will go away. As for the rich people, it will not. Now, sure, this is fair. I’m sure it’s fair to some people.
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Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, make the Trump man fly.
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Hello. You know, we American people are really sick and tired of Congress and all these politicians, because we are getting short-changed here. All these politicians care about are the DACAs, all these refugees that have been in here and their status is getting ready to end. They don’t care about the American people whatsoever. We, the American people, wish that all these people up in Congress would fight for us, the way they’re fighting for all these illegal immigrants here. I mean, what’s wrong with these people up there? We are the ones that put these people in office, and we’re the ones that are getting jerked around. We have nothing. They’re doing nothing for us, but they’re doing everything for these Salvador refuges, for these DACA people, for these illegal immigrants. But they’re doing nothing for the American people.
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Hi. I’m calling in regards to all this racism and stuff going on. You know, people cannot change their race because that’s the way God made them. You know? If you are against one race or another, you need to take that up with God. You know? Because that’s the way God made everybody. God made whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians and that’s just the way it is. And, you know, everybody goes to church on Sunday, and they sit in there and they hallelujah, and this, that and the other. And, then, on Monday, they get out there and they start in this racism stuff. You know? It’s against the Bible to be racist. And, so, this is for all the reverends out there that are preaching, and all the preachers, too, that are preaching. They need to talk about this.
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These black football players, most of them are black, that won’t stand for the flag and the national anthem or anything else, there are 650 black young people, most of them black, that was killed in Chicago, Illinois, the year 2017, undoubtedly, they don’t make any difference to them. It’s just the cops. A black killing a black is OK with them. The answer to this, and I barely got out of high school, leave them in the locker room until after the national anthem and everything is played. They don’t deserve to be out there to hear it. And if a Democrat Party falls in behind them, it will be the best thing that’s ever happened to the Republican Party.
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This is a message for the Republicans in Congress and the Republican president, Trump. If the DACA people are given amnesty, green cards or pass the citizenship, the Republican Party is dead. It is over. Illegals means illegal. We do not owe illegals anything, whether they’re 6 days old or 60 years old. Illegal is illegal. We have laws. They didn’t obey the law. So you can kill the party if you like, and that’s what you’re doing if you give those people green cards, amnesty or pass the citizenship. You might want to think about it. Thank you.
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Congratulations to Greensboro’s wonderful bike lanes. They’ve turned 16th Street around the Pyramid Shopping Center over there from a four-lane, nice drive around there, to a two-lane with two bike lanes and a lot of unused space. What a waste of money.
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I think it quite a stretch for the left to be calling into question the mental stability of President Trump while a portion of its own base cannot decide if they are male or female.
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Ha, I just read the latest Beep where Trump supporters remind him of Jim Jones’ followers. Ha, well, I remember that. And I also remember that 96 percent of the black voters in Alabama just voted for Doug Jones. You talk about some Jim Jones’ followers. Bye.
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Yeah, I can’t believe they lost that Toyota contract. They should have offered more stuff. They think all the logistics and all this other crud. That’s baloney. Honda is making so many darn planes here they had to build two hangars. And, then, they built a third one just recently for production. You know? I guess they just Bama fluffed the cookie a little bit bigger than North Carolina did, and Greensboro. You know? It makes no sense. Who knows? It’s like that stupid ballpark High Point’s wanting to waste money on. I own property downtown in High Point. And if the furniture market ain’t in town, I can’t even rent the place. What makes them think they’re going to be able to afford to put a ballpark downtown that’s going to have any volume? I guess they’re going to build it with your tax dollars, and they’re going to turn around and hand it over to little High Point University ‘cause no one else is going to be able to us the darn thing.
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Just curious. The fallen politician, Jim Black, what association does he have with, quote, make-a-plan property? I’d look into it. Follow the deeds.
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I’m an independent conservative. I’m calling in regards to the way the middle-school teacher in Winston was handled. Maybe her behavior wasn’t totally perfect. Then, again, neither was the school board’s in the reaction. I think the superintendent and the president of that school board both need to be fired. She had to endure arrest, humiliation and a lot of things. But guess the superintendent did get an over $30,000 raise. That just doesn’t seem fair as underpaid as our teachers are. I think there ought to be a very big push to fire, not only the superintendent, but the president that called for the marshal to throw the lady out. Thank you.
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I’m calling about all these illegals in our country. Our country is broke. We’re desperately in debt. I’m so thankful I still get a Social Security check. How are all these young people that are working so hard and paying in their Social Security ever going to have anything when we’re keeping up all these illegals from these other countries, and educating their children, giving them welfare and everything else? It’s insanity. I’m telling you. They don’t pay any taxes. It’s unbelievable. And we want them to go home. Let them go home. Come back legally. We don’t need them here. It’s cost us so much in jobs. And our schools are overrun with them.
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Yes, Steely Dan Fan Man. I was talking to some fella a while ago that is 78 years old trying to tell me he could be my grandfather. And that’s impossible, because were my grandfather still alive would be 116 years old. My point is, there’s a bigger difference between my grandfather’s age and this man’s age then there is this man’s age and my age. And this man tried to tell me that a generation now was 14 years. And it was always my understanding all my life, and I’ve been around a while, a generation was 20 or 25 years. I’m not sure what. But it certainly wasn’t 14 years. And I would really like somebody to call back in on this and let me know what they have to say about that.
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I’d just like to say that I agree with the person that called in in the Thursday, Jan. 11 issue of the Rhino Times that these bicycle lanes have gone way too far, too much money spent on drawing lanes, knocking down on the vehicle traffic. If they want to ride their bicycles, that’s well and good. But I don’t think they need a 5-foot lane as big as a car does. They done that out on Spring Garden Street and cut it down to a one-lane car down there with bicycle lanes. And I’m like the other guy, I think they should pay taxes on their bicycles, and they ought to have licenses on them. They ought to have to carry some kind of insurance. I’m tired of them getting a free ride for nothing and taxpayers paying all this money out to redraw lines and doing all this other stuff for them. And when the bicycle lane ends with a big sign up there says lane ends, are they going to pick their bicycle up and start carrying it then? They need to do something different about this stuff.
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Why did the Randolph Megasite become called the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite when Randolph County is not even a part of Greensboro? Plus, if the Toyota-Mazda plant had chosen this site, only skilled workers would have been chosen to work at this site, not people who grew up in this area would have been hired since this land was always farming land. Why did Greensboro even get involved other than a chance to make money from this? It’s sad to see that all the homes that have been around for years that farmed have been, or will be, tore down. But money talks. So, people sold their homes. Now there’s just acres of empty farmland that’s just sitting there like it’s been for years. Why wasn’t it called Randolph-Greensboro Megasite anyway if Greensboro got involved; one, it was Randolph County to begin with? Shame on all of you that tore this community apart.
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This is for my Democrat friends that are good people. They go to church. They pay their bills. They own their home. They live a decent life. They need to think about this. Everybody knew that Hillary Clinton was going to win. She was a shoo-in. Now she didn’t win, and they’ve definitely tied her into this dossier that was put out about Trump that was absolutely wrong. You heard before of people who get hurt in a wreck and the doctor say they will never walk again. And some of them not only walk again, they’re out running. And they say it’s a higher power. And my honest belief, and I’ll go to my grave believing this, it was a higher power that put Donald Trump in. A higher power did not want Hillary Clinton running this country. And if you stop and think about the abortions, I’m not really up on all of that, but I understand it was her – an abortion at six months or something like that, which is actually a life.
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Yes, as a law-abiding, taxpaying citizen, I’m really tired of supporting the prison systems, the criminals and the drug addicts with their methadone programs. They’re the ones that should be deported.
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Hey, John. I’m wondering. Is the Airport Authority going to pay to redo all these signs around all these new highways that just got built leading to the airport? And I know there’s a few signs right now right there near Bryan Boulevard. Brand new. Now they’re going to have to take them down and redo them. Is the Airport Authority going to pay for it, or is it me and you, coming out of our taxpayer dollars? Look into that for me, would you? Thank you. It’s a stupid name they renamed it. They should have left it alone. Bye.
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To the person who called in complaining about all the mean things being said about the Democrats, let me ask you this. Look at the terrible, terrible things the Democrats have said about Donald Trump in the last year. And it goes on every day. The so-called journalists on CNN and MSNBC, who are nothing but paid liars by George Soros, have talked about him like he was a dog. They say horrible things about him and his family, because they’re jealous of him. And I think it’s terrible. You want to talk about the midterms approaching? You’re right. They’re approaching, and approaching very quickly. And when they get here, it looks to me like unemployment will be at an all-time low, the stock market at an all-time high, people taking home more money in their paychecks.
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Oprah Winfrey a possible ultra-liberal Democratic presidential candidate in 2020? Really? I can’t begin to imagine what Harry Truman and JFK would think of that. Maybe even Lyndon Johnson for that matter. All of them would probably be beyond disbelief. The thought would probably trigger the widow maker for all three of them. Folks, this is today’s Democratic Party.
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I thought the Clintons went down and touched Haiti and made it such an idyllic place. I thought that was over with. Gee, I sure hate Mr. Trump called it like he saw it. Good day.
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The headline is, Obama Rouses Fox News Viewers. You’re living on a different planet making a comparison between Fox News and NPR. Well, listen, I listen to both. I listen to NPR. I listen to Fox News, mostly Fox Business, because the rest of it bores me. But I listen to both, and I’ll say this. The president is as much in la-la land as is Hollywood. It’s almost like they only listen to each other. And for Rhino Times, my long-winded Sound of the Beep, you can delete those. New Year’s resolution: short as possible.
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This is in reply to the caller who called about my take on sexual harassment. I would like to make two points. One, the issue of sexual harassment has nothing to do with the competence and expertise of women versus men. That is totally irrelevant. Two, I never said all men should be fired and let the women take over. I merely said that if a man can’t control himself in the presence of women, then it is that man, not the women accusers, who needs to go. I note that every accused man has either been forced out or else resigned in disgrace. So I rest my case.
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It’s Saturday, Jan. 13. I’m holding a Greensboro news in my hand. The only reason I take this Greensboro news is to look at the obituaries. The headline, Trump Says He’s Not a Racist, said it’s Dick Durban who was the one who heard him make this comment, which he shouldn’t have made. But everybody that reads this paper, or reads this message, has said things they shouldn’t have said. Do the people in this country realize they’re trying to derail him? They’re trying to cause, I assume, a recession or depression. They want people to lose their homes, their cars. When they start losing their cellphones, they will get upset. Do they not realize that they ought to back this man? The stock market is the highest it’s ever been, and people’s getting $1,000 back, some of them. They say it’s over 2 million people got $1,000. Nancy Pelosi is having to take Tylenol every night and sleeping pills. Pains hurt that she can’t sleep. She’s upset. Do they not realize that the opposite of success is failure? If this man fails, the country fails. How idiotic could anybody be?
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Hey, Beep. I’m a 55-year-old female that lives on the southeast side of town. And I got to the park, Barber Park. I live over here, and I go to the grocery stores. No matter where I go, most of the time I’ll be going into a grocery store, some young man comes up to me begging for money. Their excuse is always, well, I’m from out of town, and I need some help. I want to know, what kind of help I’m going to give these men besides money? Why did they not go get their own jobs? It just irritates me to no end why they’re picking on me. I can go to Walmart. Somebody is going to ask me for money in the parking lot. Save-A-Lot, somebody is going to ask me for money. Food Lion, somebody is going to ask me for money. And they’re usually young men that can work.
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You know, Ronald Reagan really had a way with words and a way with people and had humor in loads. But let me relate this little tidbit. CNN politics online. Top 16 foul-mouth politicians. April 30, 2011. Let’s begin at the bottom. It includes President Lyndon Johnson, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, Sen. John McCain, President Richard Nixon, President Harry S. Truman, Bill and Hillary Clinton both, Ron Emanuel. Remember him? President Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Sen. John Kerry. Remember that guy? Not really. Donald Trump, Vice President Dick Cheney, Vice President Joe Biden, President Obama, former President Obama. All listed as the top 16 foul-mouthed politicians by CNN.
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Hi, Beep. I’m curious about this Greenway. Every time I go on South Elm-Eugene Street, I’m scared to walk down there. I don’t know what this Greenway is. When I go down there, there’s homeless people, people begging for money. I’m just really scared. Don’t print this, because I’m confused about what I’m saying right now. So, never mind. Ha-ha.
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To all of you Uber users out there. I know it’s cute, trendy and techy to dial up a cab on your phone, but have you ever stopped to think that you’re given this corporate giant, Uber, just a little bit more of your hard-earned money while taxi drivers and transportation service workers are struggling to make a living because of this unethical company? This company has bought its way into cities and dodged all of the legal regulations that the other taxi services and transportation services are compelled by law to operate under. So continue to give this corporate giant your money, and continue to squash the little man who is struggling to make a living. Isn’t that the American way? Isn’t it?
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Even if Trump actually said what Durbin said, I’m fine with it. It’s not like it isn’t true.