If a woman wanted to vote in a bikini in Guilford County, or a man wanted to vote shirtless, no one would stop them – but it would be seen by many as a pretty bad clothing choice for Election Day.
So, while a restaurant might care about that bikini, a poll worker would likely be OK with it.
But there actually is something of a dress code for voting – though it has more to do with whether or not your clothing constitutes electioneering than whether or not you’re showing too much skin.
On the first question, Guilford County Board of Elections Director Charlie Collicutt said this week that you can pretty much wear what you want. In fact, in the years he’s been Guilford County’s election director, that has never been a problem.
“I’ve never experienced any issues with inappropriate clothing,” he said. “We have a duty to maintain order while facilitating the voting process. If clothing choice made that impossible, I suppose we could step in to work out a solution – but I don’t see this really getting to that point,” he said of a woman in a bikini or a shirtless male voter.
On the other hand, there is something of a dress code for voting – it’s when your outfit is too over the top regarding the candidate or candidates of your choice. For instance, if your clothes were plastered with stickers with your candidates’ name on it, you may run into some problems – especially if you start actively calling attention to your clothes.
“There is a 50-foot buffer zone from the door of the polling place where electioneering is prohibited,” Collicutt said. “Voter’s wearing a shirt or hat, while not actively campaigning or showing, and just passively waiting to vote, is okay. Wearing stickers plastered all over is different, and could be considered as actively attempting to draw eyes in support of the candidate. It’s not necessarily the wearing of the stickers, but what is the voter doing while in line while waiting to vote.”
Here’s what North Carolina law says: “No person or group of persons shall hinder access, harass others, distribute campaign literature, place political advertising, solicit votes, or otherwise engage in election-related activity in the voting place or in a buffer zone which shall be prescribed by the county board of elections around the voting place.”
So wear that bikini to the polling place if you want, but go easy on the candidate-promotion attire.
Last election cycle a man in a Triumph motorcycle shirt got harassed by a pole worker that apparently couldn’t spell.
I’m still trying to figure out whether you’re making a joke about strip clubs, or else that was totally serious.
MAGA gear is great as well as anything with stars and bars on it
Let’s all support our local pole workers
Comment of the day.
My Gen-X rant begins here…
I see far more inappropriate clothing at the local Wal-Mart & at the grocery store than I’ve ever seen anywhere near a polling site. The next few election cycles should focus on AI. Artificial intelligence. I don’t even necessarily mean machines. Just follow what has come out of the schools, colleges & universities the past several years & you’ll begin to see just how fake most of those diplomas & degrees have become! Practically worthless. Nevermind the indoctrination & feeding the student loan industry whom the libtards expect the rest of us to pay back. I see graduate students who can’t pass a tenth grade reading test being given jobs over truly skilled candidates simply because they “may not check all the boxes.”
When is the last time a person counted back your change at the check-out? How old was she? The kid at the fast good joint acts offended if you don’t use the app or kiosk to place your order, then is more perturbed when you use real American cash, yet still has the nerve to ask you for a tip when they have not provided any service of value. This is artificial intelligence. Bring back real money, backed by gold, and common F’n sense. If they want to whine about the dress code, businesses should require pants pulled up and natural hair colors. We shouldn’t be greeted by the freak of the week everywhere we go.
And yes, you should tip pole workers, generously.