The City of Greensboro is kicking off a “Spring Expungement Series” on Thursday, March 20 and, for those who make it past the first stage, on Thursday, April 24.
Additional similar programs are being planned for the summer and fall of 2025.
The City’s Human Rights and Parks and Recreation departments will be hosting the first of the three scheduled Thrive GSO Expungement Education Series for Greensboro’s “justice-impacted” residents March 20 and April 24.
The programs will begin at 6 p.m. at the Lindley Community Recreation Center at 2907 Springwood Dr. in Greensboro.
According to promotional material from the city regarding the series, the March 20 event “provides information about the expungement process, a qualification screening, and access to community resources.” And, “Pending the screening’s outcome, participants may meet individually with a legal professional in the April 24 session.”
If getting your criminal history erased isn’t enough of an attraction for you, snacks will be available for participants March 20 – and dinner will be served April 24.
When a criminal record is expunged, the record is basically sealed – that is, it’s hidden from public view and doesn’t show up on background checks.
The process is meant to allow people with a criminal history to get a fresh start.
It’s not, however, a complete erasure: Expungement hides the criminal records from the public –however, law enforcement officials and some government agencies can still access them.
Those interested in participating can register online at
Thrive GSO is described as “a City-sponsored program for individuals, advocates, organizations, and agencies concerned with raising awareness about and addressing the issues surrounding criminal records, including expunction, housing, employment, voting, and education.”
Thrive GSO helps its clients connect with available government and private community services.
You can visit the Thrive GSO website if you want more information about these events or related matters – or you can contact Human Rights Outreach and Education Coordinator Paula Washington at 336-373-2038.
If any illegal aliens show up will they be detained for ICE?
Why do we need another progressive program for “justice- impacted residents”? Why can’t the recreation departments stay in their own lane? Tax dollars will feed you, get you govt and other private services. Greensboro has found another way to deceive the tax paying public with another program of waste using your tax dollars.
Maybe Trump can apply.
Maybe you can start a go fund page for the 14 year old black kid who shot and killed a 26 year old police officer, critically wounded his partner with an fully automatic weapon this weekend
I’m sure it was because of poverty, absence of 2 parents or economic situation. Maybe an IQ issue, not really sure but you can figure it out while you work on getting his record expunged
Good luck
Maybe you can learn to take a joke.
But sense you were triggered…..I have no context for the story you are sharing but the point of programs to reduce violence in the black community is to stop the violence before it happens. That kid is now forever a lost cause to the legacy of violence, gangs and violence too often found in the black community. Sad. But the conservative program of telling them to stop being poor, hateful, and violent isn’t working. Like the ‘just say no’ program failed.
So let the adults work to see if we can figure out a way to help those in the cycle of poverty, gangs and violence find hope and a way out. All we ask you just go away and stop with the fear mongering and shaming of a community, that HAS been victimized for generations, because you think they should ‘get over it’.
But you be you.
Just because you did it doesn’t mean you’re guilty. What a brilliant idea.
Worked for Trump and the Jan 6th rioters.
Recidivism is high. Why would an employer not want to know if an applicant has a criminal record?
Another Liberal go-dooder scenario. Say you hired a permanent job holder for your household or small business; would you want to know?
So I’m not allowed to know if the guy I’m hiring is a criminal, but if he commits a crime while he’s working, I’m the one who gets sued.
Where’s the justice in that?
Why should I, having no criminal record, help finance services to clear records of those who do? Having supported myself for many years. paid my and childrens’ food, clothing, and e public school taxes and college tuition, not been impregnated with children whom I could not support, contributed tax $ for schools, roads, public officials. My tax dollars even pay pay for the imprisoned living/medical expenses. Why should I have to pay to have their proven criminal record expunged???