Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston got to spend some time with the friend he made in the spring of 2021 – Vice President Kamala Harris.
Harris was in Greensboro on Thursday, July 11, and she spent time with Alston, NC Governor Roy Cooper, Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan and other elected officials before giving a speech at Dudley High School.
Alston said after the visit that he and Vaughan were “on cloud nine” after greeting the vice president, riding in the motorcade and hearing her speak at Dudley, where she addressed an enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd.
At the start of her speech, Harris thanked the governor and said she knew him well since they were both attorney generals years ago and worked together on several matters.
She thanked Mayor Nancy Vaughan for her warm greeting on the tarmac and she pointed Alston out and said, “Chairman Alston I thank you for your friendship and your leadership and all that you do.”
Alston and Harris have been friends ever since she visited Greensboro in 2021 and he convinced her to alter her plans that day to visit the International Civil Rights Center and Museum in downtown Greensboro, a museum Alston co-founded.
How did he persuade a vice president on an extremely tight schedule to drop everything and come to the Museum?
By invoking the name of a close mutual friend.
Alston was very good friends with the late Clarence Avant – a legendary music producer and power-broker who was born in Climax, North Carolina, attended Dudley High School and passed away last year.
Later in life, Avant moved to California and Alston said once Avant invited Alston out there and put him up in an ultra-elite hotel in Beverly Hills.
Alston became very good friends with Avant a decade ago when Alston called the producer to see about getting Motown music legend Berry Gordy to accept an award at the museum’s annual fundraising Gala. Alston told Avant that the Museum leaders wanted to give him an award as well.
In the end, it was Quincy Jones who came with Avant to the Gala and Avant and Alston became great friends from that point on.
Alston knew that Harris was also extremely close to Avant.
“When she ran for district attorney, he ran her campaign,” Alston said. “He made her.”
He said that Harris and Avant were extremely close and so, when Alston dropped the name in 2021, she lit up with amazement.
“When she heard his name and found out we were good friends, she melted,” Alston said.
In that first visit three years ago Alston told Harris, “I want you to see the seat that Rosa Parks sat in.”
Parks visited the building before it opened and sat in one of the seats at the now famous whites-only lunch counter.
Harris changed her schedule, visited the museum and also took a seat at the counter where four NC A&T students started a sit-in protest movement that spread across the south.
This time around, on her trip to Greensboro on Thursday, Harris didn’t visit the Museum; instead, she headed to Dudley to speak.
Alston said he thought the speech she delivered was terrific and he pointed out that she spoke frequently of President Joe Biden and all that he has done for the country.
There were several protesters who shouted out one at a time periodically near the start of the speech; however, as soon as each protester began shouting, they were escorted out and they were simultaneously drowned out by the crowd’s enthusiastic chants of “Four more years!”
Harris spoke of the accomplishments of the Biden administration, and she said that, if there was one person in the world who was most responsible for strengthening NATO, it was Joe Biden. She added that the need to keep NATO strong was just one of the many reasons that electing Donald Trump president would be so disastrous for this country.
“He said, ‘Russia can do whatever the hell they want’” she said.
“Someone who bows down to dictators makes America weak,” she said, adding that doing so is also “disqualifying for someone who wants to be commander and chief of the United States of America.”
“So,” the vice president said, “all of this is to say there is so much at stake in this and, last week, we were again reminded of that fact when the Supreme Court basically told this individual who has been convicted of fraud, that, going forward, he will be immune for activity we know he is prepared to engage in if he gets back into the White House.”
“This is not 2016,” Harris said. “This is not 2020. Understand the significance of what the Supreme Court does, and consider that in the context of the fact that Donald Trump has openly vowed that, if re-elected, he will be a dictator on day one and that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies and round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country.”
Harris said someone like that should never have the chance to stand behind a microphone and the seal of the president of the United States of America.
Thanks for the chuckles Scott. We all need humor in these trying times.
Wow! I got all goose pimply knowing that they’re such good friends. I’m sure the note card, cheat sheets provided by the advance team came in handy.
She did a great job pointing to the obvious reason to not vote for Trump. Good for her, our next President of the United States, if Biden runs or not. This race is a mess.
If you or anyone else is interested in the real Kamala pull up the Dailywire and go to the storyline. “Scamala”. It’s an interesting read
Rousing endorsement from our Vice-President. But then if our County Board Chairman was a fire-hydrant, she would have said the same thing about that little squirter too. Anyone in shock?
Chris – I expect you know the Trump comment about “Russia doing whatever the hell they want” was directed at NATO members who were not paying their annual dues and meeting their military readiness goals, as required to be a member of the coalition. A funny thing happened after Trump made that comment. Other NATO countries started paying their dues, building up their militaries and NATO became stronger and more aligned to face external threats like Russia. As he often does, Biden is attempting to take credit for a Trump success. You can do your own research to verify.
I’m also having trouble believing Skip’s statement that Harris arrived at the Civil Rights Museum before it opened. According to stories published on that date Haris had previously been to Guilford Technical Community College and Thomas Built Buses and arrived for a “surprise visit” at the ICRM around 4:00 pm. That’s a “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire” moment, Skip.
Harris may have been very close to Avant, but he did not “make her.” A small amount of research on the Internet should convince anyone that Willie Brown, past Mayor of San Francisco and Speaker of the California Assembly, “made her” through political appointments and introductions to influential contacts. She has long attempted to distance herself from Mr. Brown.
I don’t really follow the NATO topic closely. My understanding it isn’t really dues per se but allocation of resources up to a percent of gdp. But I don’t really worry as those commitments don’t mean much as am I not sure NATO is that effective. But again, I don’t follow it that closely.
I worry far more about Trump taking Putins word over his own intelligence office. And constantly giving praise to Putin. I am convinced (without evidence) that Trunp is on the hook to Russian oligarchs for loans once US and Eurpoean banks cut him off. But thst is just speculation. Regardless he clearly has a fetish for putin.
“I am convinced (without evidence) that Trump is on the hook to Russian oligarchs for loans once US and European banks cut him off. But this is just speculation.”
At least you are honest in stating your convictions are based on thin air. I wonder how many times you have ridiculed others who couldn’t support their claims? We’ve seen a LOT of baseless speculation just in the last 48 hours about the attempted assassination being a Trump setup. It is hysteria and not useful.
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Everyone remember that Chrissy predicts that Kamala Harris will be the next President of the US.
Leftists have a severe reality perception problem. Subsequently, when he is embarrassed by this, he will claim he never said it. He has been deceptive ex post facto on other statements he has made.
But he did, and here it is in black & white.
If Biden runs, she will end up taking the office as he continues to decline. If he steps out (or falls out), she is the likely nominee given the short notice.
It’s a guess/perdiction. If I am right I am right and if I am wrong I am wrong. So not sure where the gotcha is that Austin is ranting about? Must be because I am so frequently correct in my statements that Austin thinks he finally found a statement I have made that has potential to be wrong?
Biden introduced President Zelensky as President Putin today at the NATO conference in front of the world and then a few hours later called VP Harris VP Trump to start the news conference questions. I hear the song Slip Sliding Away playing…sad…very sad. God bless America.
Trump did come to Greensboro at the coliseum. There was a hugh turn out. It tied up traffic in the area for hours. Get your
facts straight.
Come on now KF, it was standing room only because they didn’t put out chairs.
They were planning the next tax hike for Guilford County
Pretty sad that they had to hold this function at Dudley High School? And we all know why? Because it is the the only presentable (by light years) High School in the City! Hope Skip and his Band of Bandits (all seven of them) enjoy their excursion to Florida soon! Of course, this trip is all in the best interest of the Guilford County Taxpayers!
I cannot recall a dumber politician than Kamala Harris. She and Michelle Obama are the darlings of Black females.
“Alston said. ‘He made her.”
I think Willie Brown would argue with that statement.
Would have like to have seen Joe handle this.
This us how things are when the LEFT takes over, right here in River City.
Just to be clear, according to Oxford:
Prostitute – noun – A person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.
Dementia – noun – A chronic or persistent disorder of behaviour due to organic brain disease. It is characterized by a decrease in intellectual function with changes in personality, mood, and behaviour.
Nevermind many other terms that would apply to the current state of the Union.
But everything’s great & there’s nothing to see here.
Pathetic…..did she do her giggle act….watched Biden and America obviously deserves better…..the left is trying to destroy the greatest country ever…..we have one election to get it right
to a
She’s dumber than dumb, Chris must live on welfare, correction: sweetie boy
I live on facts and real information not emotions and propaganda as many here do.. You should give it a try sometime. If you are capable.
You live on facts and real information? Yet just earlier the same day you made a claim based on zero evidence, as you admitted:
” I am convinced (without evidence) that Trump is on the hook to Russian oligarchs for loans once US and European banks cut him off. But this is just speculation.”
Do you see a contradiction?
thanks for info.