Now that the 2022 General Election is over and the Guilford County Board of Commissioners is set for another two years, it’s nearly time to select a new chair of the board to serve from December 2022 to December 2023.
The vote for that new board chair won’t be taken until a meeting in early December. However, the outcome of the vote isn’t in doubt. Current Democratic Chair of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston will be chair for another year.
Alston, the most powerful Democratic political leader in Guilford County, told the Rhino Times this week that he is interested in holding the office again and he hopes he’ll have the votes to be re-elected to that position of leadership.
That means Alston will be the next chair. Since the nine-member board is led by a Democratic majority, and since Alston is the senior leader who always gets his way, the matter of the next chair is now a done deal.
Alston is no stranger to the all-important middle seat on the dais in the commissioners meeting room in the Old Guilford County Court House in downtown Greensboro. The chair of the board only gets one vote – just like the other eight commissioners. However, the position brings with it greater powers due to the chair’s ability to set the board’s agenda, establish committees of the board and name the members, enjoy a higher public profile and the right to run commissioner meetings.
The chair is sometimes called the “mayor” of the county.
This will be the eighth time Alston has been chair of the board.
He was first sworn in as a county commissioner in 1992 and has served on the board for every year since except for a five-year hiatus from 2012 to 2017.
Over the years, Alston has been a highly controversial figure in county politics – he is a man with many avid fans and supporters and also one who has many detractors who are very critical of the way he’s run the county.
Our only hope at this point is the booster shots finally doing their job. It’s obvious the useful idiots of this county will continue to vote blindly for communist dictators
Anyone up for term limits?
There again, should be limitation years served for all government officials, local or national.
You get what you vote for. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Surprise Surprise!!!
Let’s give credit where it’s due. Skip has played local politics better than anyone before. He has, as Scott said done it without a glove laid on him by his detractors. Plenty of smoke but no fire. I always found Skip to be reasonable in most circumstances. He was never hesitant to ask for a favor or try to intimidate you for his cause. The only real problem I ever had with Skip, because I understood where he was coming from, was a statement he once made. He said “I have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies”. In short a politician. Sounds like either a person with a forgiving soul with no real friends or someone willing to use people for their own gain. I wonder, which one is Skip.
Actually, I think he’s paraphrasing George Washington.
Lol…same old results coming your way…start digging deep into your pockets.
Doesn’t anyone have an issue with local politicians making a career out of being on Council or the Commissioners. These people serve too long and no change, diversity, creativity or anything new ever happens in our fair City. It’s the same stuff all the time. Skip isn’t the only one…..the Mayor….so many of them. They are citizen servants, not kings and overlords. Even the President is limited to two terms. I think we should bring term limits to our local offices.
2 terms max.
Any more than that and even the most meek become power hungry, crooked SOB’s. Hair colors that aren’t natural, worry over pronouns, and confusion over the two genders and sexes should be instant disqualifiers. They show poor judgement before the person ever fills out the forms filing to run for office.
Man gotta get rich somehow. Hail to King Skippy!
You can always rub against him if you want. Just move into his district
Alston is a real Leftist, so he will do everything he can to enrich and empower the government and impoverish and subjugate the people.
You can look forward to more of your hard earned money being confiscated (in the form of even higher property taxes) and ever more mandates, rules, restrictions, requirements, regulations and red tape (all the better to control you).
Leftists worship their god, the state.
Rightists serve the people.