With a new Greensboro police chief comes a new command staff.
On Thursday, Dec. 15, Greensboro City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba announced that John Thompson would be the new Greensboro police chief beginning on Friday, Dec. 16.
Thompson was officially sworn into office on Tuesday, Jan. 10, and this week, Thompson announced those he had selected to serve on his command staff.
The new deputy police chief and three new assistant police chiefs will officially be promoted in February.
Thompson selected Assistant Police Chief Renae Sigmon to serve as deputy police chief. Sigmon joined the Greensboro Police Department in 1995 and is currently the assistant chief of the support bureau. She has a master’s degree in social work from UNC Chapel Hill and a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Maryland.
Capt. Richard Alston will be promoted to assistant chief. Alston joined the GPD in 2000 and holds a bachelor of science degree in marketing from NC A&T State University. Alston is currently the captain of Patrol District 2.
Capt. Milford Harris, who will be promoted to assistant chief, joined the GPD in 2000 after beginning his law enforcement career with the NC A&T State University Police Department. Milford currently serves as captain over the Vice Narcotics Division. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Liberty University in criminal justice.
Capt. Doug Tabler, who will be promoted to assistant chief, began his career with the GPD in 1997. Tabler is currently captain of Patrol Division 3. He has a bachelor of science degree in criminal justice from Methodist University.
After the deputy police chief and three assistant police chiefs officially take over their duties in February, Chief Thompson plans to have a series of community meetings. The times and places for those meetings are currently being finalized and should be announced next week.
Hey Chief! You hiring more officers?
Hopefully the city council will allow the police department do their job with NO interference. Chief stand up for your department and do not let the anti-police council and Mayor rule you. Council has done nothing to reduce crime, give the police department the tools they need to succeed.
Best of luck new chief. People will be binding your ability to make a positive impact. I hope you don’t think your officers will be able to be empowered in making a legitimate traffic stop or being empowered when there is legitimate probable cause from a traffic stop.
Same old same old. Good old boy and demographics.
Still waiting on the investigation results of the destruction of the Confederate Memorial in Green Hill. Who knew beforehand about the planned destruction in July 2000? Any Council members, Mayor? Who gave the order not to investigate the crime? Any Council members, Mayor? Legal Department? What do you say, Chief? Are you going to do your job or continue to curry favor with the soulless, ethically challenged members of City Council?
A whole lotta chiefs… any plans for more indoans?