Roughly half of the population of the Town of Summerfield is absolutely horrified by the notion of having any water system replace its current well water system because that might help bring major development to the municipality, which formed itself largely so that it wouldn’t get gobbled up by the City of Greensboro – and the residents could therefore continue to enjoy the peaceful, tranquil benefits of small-town living.

The residents of Pleasant Garden, on the other hand, haven’t shown themselves to have an ounce of city water-fright over the years; and, in fact, the small town that exists in a different part of Guilford County, has, in the past, been eager to enjoy the benefits of a true water system.

Well, at the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Thursday, Oct.17 meeting, the commissioners plan to approve an agreement that will provide the funding to the Town of Pleasant Garden to move forward with “Phase 1” of the “Pleasant Garden Business District Water and Sewer Infrastructure Project.”

 The board will approve an interlocal agreement with the Town of Pleasant Garden and authorize County Manager Mike Halford, or his staff, to enter into an agreement, with the town in the amount of $5.5 million to support Phase 1 of the small town’s business district water and sewer project.

This has been in the works for a long time and it will continue to be – since Phase 1 won’t be complete until about three years from now.

During a Guilford County Board of Commissioners work session in August of 2022, the commissioners voted to allocate $5.5 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act money to Pleasant Garden that would allow the town to begin a water and sewer infrastructure project.

Also, the State of North Carolina allocated over $5 million – through the state’s Operations Appropriations Act of 2023 – to the City of Greensboro for Pleasant Garden’s water and sewer infrastructure project.

This first phase of the project includes the installation of 16,500 linear feet – or about 3.1 miles – of 16-inch diameter water main pipe down a key section of Pleasant Garden Road.

Phase 1 of the project may also include things like a gravity-driven sewer, a pressurized sewer pipe, a pump station built to move sewage, and protective coverings for water pipes.

These details will be decided as the project design is completed in the coming months.

 The new Pleasant Garden water system will connect to Greensboro’s system at Ritters Lake Road.

 This small town system – delivering 3,000 gallons per minute – will provide enough water to carry out light industrial fire protection.

And it will be able to meet a total water demand of about 1 million gallons a day.

The project will take place from October 2024 to December 31, 2027.

According to the current schedule, getting permits, designing, and finding contractors will happen between October 2024 and June 2026.

Plans call for construction to start in August of 2026 and be finished by September 2027.

Last month, the Town of Pleasant Garden and the City of Greensboro signed onto an interlocal understanding called the “Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Water and Sewer Services.”

That agreement will govern the implementation of the water infrastructure project for the small town with very big plans.

Last week, the Pleasant Garden Town Council approved the interlocal agreement with Guilford County.