A lot of people who frequent the Governmental Plaza between the Old Guilford County Court House, the Guilford County Courthouse and Greensboro City Hall were excited to learn two years ago that Guilford County was renovating and updating that plaza as well much of the surrounding parking area.

However, now some of those same people – who eat lunch on the old plaza or take a break outside a few times a day or who kill time out there while waiting for court to commence – are alarmed to see that the renovation project will mean the removal of some grand old trees that have graced the plaza for a long time.

Some concerned citizens who contacted the Rhino Times wanted to know about the tree situation at the plaza – now that machines have arrived to remove a very large tree on the plaza near the back of the Old Guilford County Court House.

According to Guilford County officials, the removal of that tree  is necessary for several reasons.

“It’s actually related to damage the tree is causing to the Old Courthouse,” wrote Guilford County Communications and Public Relations Director Julie Smith in an email, “The tree roots have grown into the drainage system of the Old Courthouse which is contributing to flooding in the basement area and may be contributing to foundation damage of the building, therefore it had to be removed.”

Smith added that other trees on the plaza also need to be taken down after the initial tree is taken out.

“There are additional trees that will be removed for the same reason,” Smith stated. “The county will also need to remove the trees at the other corner of the Old Courthouse near the entrance to the parking deck. Those trees are not healthy and are also causing foundation and flooding issues.”