North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who’s running as the Republican nominee for governor of the state, is still traveling around North Carolina campaigning; however, the vast majority of state and national Republican officials have pulled the rug out from under him after a damning CNN report alleged that, years ago, Robinson posted on a porn site that he was a black Nazi, liked transgender porn and thought that Martin Luther King was “worse than a maggot.”

Robinson denies the entirety of the story; however, many of his fellow Republicans don’t seem to be accepting his denial. The Republican Governors Association – a group “dedicated to one primary objective: electing and supporting Republican governors” – cut off funding to the Robinson campaign. Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump disinvited Robinson to a campaign rally in North Carolina and did not mention Robinson’s name once at the rally. And Robinson’s top campaign staff walked out on him after, according to news media in Raleigh, Robinson refused to accept help from a group of computer experts who were volunteering at no cost to help him prove his innocence by conducting a forensic computer investigation of the posts that Robinson supposedly put up on numerous sites between 2008 and 2012.

Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate J.D. Vance said, when asked about Robinson: “I don’t not believe him; I don’t believe him – sometimes you have to let these things play themselves out in the court of public opinion.”

The national news outlets are now calling Robinson a “Zombie” candidate because, even though he’s going through the motions of a campaign, there’s no chance of winning and many fellow Republicans have pulled their former endorsements of Robinson that they issued earlier in the year.

The Democrats on YouTube, social media and television are having a field day with the story, and the Kamala Harris campaign is now constantly running ads in which Trump speaks about how well he’s gotten to know Robinson, what excellent character Robinson has and how Robinson is “better than Martin Luther King” and is “like Martin Luther King on steroids.”

One poster on Reddit wrote of Robinson, “He’s being forced to carry the campaign to term.”

Robinson was running well behind Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Josh Stein before CNN broke the story that Robinson posted that he was a “Black NAZI!” and other things much worse than that.

He has vehemently denied the allegations, but the president and many prominent North Carolina Republicans don’t seem to be buying it.

Republicans are also concerned that there could be an up-ballot negative effect that might cost Trump the state of North Carolina and, conceivably, therefore, cost Trump the presidency.

Many Republicans have called for Robinson to sue CNN – something Robinson claims he’s likely to do.

Robinson hasn’t responded to an offer from the Rhino Times to let him give his complete unfettered defense against CNN’s claims.