There’s a hot debate going on about a request to rezone agricultural property on North Church Street to a mixed-used designation that would allow both higher density housing and commercial development.
Earlier this year, Guilford County Planning Department staff recommended in favor of the property being rezoned. However, the Planning Board voted 4 to 4 on that proposal. A tie vote means the request was not approved, so the proponents of the rezoning request appealed the decision to the commissioners.
Now, at their mid-August meeting, the Guilford County commissioners will hold a hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Board’s decision that was made on May 10. The motion up for debate is to rezone property – roughly 4 acres – at 5805 N. Church St. in the Center Grove Township.
This is a request to “conditionally zone” property from AG to CZ-MXU.
Guilford County Planning Director Leslie Bell said that the county hasn’t been provided the exact plans as to how the property will be used – but he added that that’s not uncommon during rezoning requests.
Double G Properties, LLC has made the rezoning request. If the commissioners turn down the request, an option is for the backers to take the case to court.
While the county officials don’t know exactly how the land will be used if a rezoning is approved, they do know a lot about how it won’t be used.
The following conditions are part of the request and would be prohibited: “a) Animal Services (Livestock); b) Animal Services (Other); c) Townhouse Dwelling; d) Multifamily Dwelling (including Condominium); e) Congregate Care Facility; f) Group Care Facility; g) Nursing and Convalescent Home; h) Homeless Shelter; i) Athletic Fields; j) Club or Lodge; k) Country Club with Golf Course; l) Place of Worship; m) Vocational, Business or Secretarial School; n) Fraternity or Sorority (University or College Related); o) Hotel or Motel; p) Beneficial Fill Area; q) Heliport; r) Construction or Demolition Debris Landfill, Minor; s) Land Clearing & Inert Debris Landfill, Minor; t) Hospitals.”
Additional prohibited uses that were added by the applicant at the Planning Board May 10 meeting include a funeral home or crematorium and a boardinghouse.
Some other restrictions are that the building height for any structure used for a non-residential purpose can’t exceed 30 feet.
The proposed rezoning is “partially consistent” with the county’s Northern Lakes Area Plan, so if the request is approved, a plan amendment to Mixed-Use will be required.
Anyone with concerns regarding the rezoning can express their opinions at the Guilford County Board of Commissioners August 17 hearing on at 301 W. Market St. in Greensboro sometime after 5:30 p.m.
There’s an empty lot in the shopping center across the street. Leave this property zoned residential. The people living next to the shopping center don’t need to lose more privacy and value in their homes than they already have. Don’t start the commercial development sneaking down Church St. No to rezoning this property.