The Greensboro City Council approved borrowing the $4.1 million needed to end loose leaf collection at the Tuesday, Jan. 2 meeting, but Councilmember Zack Matheny is not ready to give up the fight quite yet.
The vote to approve borrowing $4.1 million to purchase 75,000 yard waste carts and have them assembled and delivered was 6-2, with Matheny and Councilmember Hugh Holston voting no. Councilmember Yvonne Johnson was absent.
But in an email on Tuesday, Jan. 9, Matheny questions the validity of that motion.
Matheny in the email states, “By copy to the City Attorney, I made a motion and Hugh [Holston] seconded the motion after his comments before Sharon’s [Hightower] motion, being motion had a second, even though it was not immediate, doesn’t that [motion] still stand and should have been voted on?”
Matheny questioned the savings projected by staff and noting that the loose leaf collection program was not just about “a bunch of rich white people in your district,” as he had been told by a fellow councilmember, but dealt with the whole city.
He then said, “I would make a motion to deny the resolution and deny the ordinance.”
According to Robert’s Rules of Order, at that point Mayor Nancy Vaughan should have called for a second, and if there was no second then the motion would die for lack of a second.
But that didn’t happen. There was no chance for anyone to second the motion because Vaughan called on Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter to speak, who then said that Hightower could speak first.
One problem with Matheny’s question is that it is based on the assumption that the Greensboro City Council complies with the City of Greensboro Ordinances that states, “Sec. 2-22, – Rules of Procedure.
“Except where otherwise provided by law or ordinance, the procedure of the city council shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.”
City Attorney Chuck Watts has repeatedly stated that the City Council does not operate under Robert’s Rules of Order despite what the ordinance states.
Since the City Council is not governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, or any other parliamentary guide, the mayor appears to have every right to ignore a motion that she doesn’t like and recognize motions that she does, as happened in this case.
“…….a bunch of rich white people in your district,” as he had been told by a fellow councilmember, but dealt with the whole city.” I remember hearing someone on the council hint that the service only benefitted citizens in NW Greensboro and thinking at the time it was racist. John, do you have the exact quotes that were made (which hint of racism) and who made them? I’ve thought for a long time that the majority of the council focuses on just about everything EXCEPT the City’s core services. I think that has now been confirmed.
John what council person said “ a bunch of rich White people in your district “ to
Mr. Matheny. I’d like to know, I want to start a petition to get them removed from office for being RACIST.
This city is 45% black you can’t win an election but you think you can get someone thrown off the city council lol
74 was the magic number this year and according to census Durham will soon be bigger than Greensboro population. What you say now motor mouth
Maybe 45% Black is why Greensboro is in shambles.
…and the incumbents just keep on keepin’ on!
I can not remember a service being taken away from taxpayers. Particularly one that was highly popular with the taxpayers and even though it had been poorly operated. Unfortunately, this vote based on conversation at the meeting appeared to be racially and class motivated. Also a first in my memory. in addition, the cost analysis was very poorly done and does not support the financial conclusion. Like so many analysis the analysis appeared to be done to support a desire decision. A new low in Greensboro’s city government.
Well said.
I am just glad I don’t live in the city!
Agree, except for the racial and class motivated thing. Of course, it was. This was not the first and will not be the last time. The Blacks in the city and county are racist in that everything is viewed through the prism of race. What a waste, Deena and Skippy. You two perpetuate race discontent.
I personally do not think much of Vaughan’s Rules of Disorder nor the disposition of this whole matter. While it may be a cancellable offense to attribute the decisions of the current City Council to the gender of its majority, (actually, as a retired contrarian curmudgeon my fear of cancellation is insignificant) I will simply note the fact that never before have we had a similar disparity, and never before (at least to my knowledge) has a decision of City Council generated a similar degree of public interest and disapproval.
So comparing the City Council with a Socialist ruling body is not too far off.
The only question is has anybody slipped up and referred to another member as Comrade in public?
You are such a tool. Do you even know what socialism is or do you just use it as a boogeyman word that you parrot from rightwing media?
Chris, do you not believe that welfare is a type of socialism? What about subsidized housing? Medicaid? In all cases, the government takes money from the working taxpayer and gives to others the government deems less fortunate. In fact, I believe income tax collection is a form of socialism. Money is collected from workers and the money is used for pet projects by the government.
The right has distorted the use of the word ‘socialism’ for so long. The actual definition of socialism is:
‘..a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole’
So no, I do not view Medicaid, subsidized housing, etc… as socialism. Where in those programs does ‘the public’ own the means of production? We have a democracy elected government that has responsibility for regulations that protect the community. Because we (or at least should) believe in community.
Chris, Chris, Chris, a feature of socialism is an equitable distribution of wealth and material resources. Welfare, Medicaid, public housing, and subsidized housing are features of socialism. The word “equitable” is important to understanding cultural socialism. Equitable distribution, in this case, is administered by the government and is not the product of achievement and fairness. Anyone or any government or organization that wants to achieve “equity” wants control, and is anti-individual, anti-fairness, and is a proponent of mediocrity in this writer’s opinion. Your definition of socialism is the economic feature of socialism. To achieve economic socialism, it must be done in steps, which is where the current government regulations and distribution of tax money comes in.
Chris. Means of production would be called TAXES without taxes the government could not provide anything
It’s funny that you think they are socialists and communists when the actual socialists and communists that are part of WHOA think the council is a bunch a corporate bootlicking capitalists. Interesting how everyone’s perspective is skewed by the propaganda they are fed.
Thank you John for this information and thank you Councilmember Zack Matheny for standing up to following procedures vs the helter skelter of the current mayor, city manager and other councilmembers that are there for show and personal gain. I know this is Greensboro and racism rules in both the city and county governments. I did not know we had white people leaves and black people leaves, but like I stated, this is Greensboro. Please citizens, think before you vote.
It is not a question of thinking before you vote. It is a case of understanding the issues and the candidates before a vote is cast. We do not have a well-educated electorate.
I applaud Mr. Matheny for his persistence in ensuring that the voices of Greensboro are heard. It appeared obvious to me that most on the Council had their minds made up prior to the meeting. I have never seen a single piece of data that substantiates the savings I’ve seen reported. And I’ve requested the data. There should be figures that show, in detail, the cost of each proposed approach, including the present, the present enhanced with additional trucks, pickup frequency, current proposed with bins and bags, and any other creative solutions. How else can you make a comparative decision? I don’t see the Council’s actions even based on an educated guess.
Thank you Mr. Matheny and Mr. Holston.
By a means then intend to spend every dime in the county including Sheriff Rogers with his buddy week long vacations spending $500 each a day at resorts…
The sheriff is a buffoon. I believe a felon and a buffoon. Why is Sheriff Rogers allowed to carry a gun?
Mr Matheny, the only cost talked about so far has been associated with the bins what about the cost of the special trucks to empty the bins the bins can be put out weekly so that means the trucks will have to run weekly so fuel costs manpower and maintenance all add to the bottom line of the so called savings. I’d like to see a total breakdown of all associated costs over the 10 year plan. Thank you for your diligence in this matter.
Please council, find a way to undo this mistake before it’s too late.
I thought it was the job of the city attorney to inform the City Council of procedure. Maybe the real reason for not following Robert’s Rules is because the Councilmembers are too dense to understand the Rule’s and do not want to be required to follow rules. Did Vaughn ask for a second to Matheny’s motion; or, did someone offer a second? If so, Vaughn was obligated under Robert’s Rules to ask for a vote on the motion. But, when has Vaughn ever followed rules?
Per the city attorney, they don’t follow roberts rules.
Yes, that is the problem. Isn’t it stated that in the absence of the Council’s own written rules, which the Council apparently does not have, Robert’s Rules are followed? It is so much better to admit ignorance than to pretend knowledge, and then demonstrate how really ignorant the Councilmember is.
Another reason this council needs to be voted out in 2025. It’s like the wild west at these council meetings. Hightower hollers out and talks over people but because she is black no one dares question her. Vaughn does what she wants to especially if you disagree with her. Goldie is in LALA land and Hoffman and Thrum are just YES people to what ever is pushed by Vaughn. Marikay is so disconnected with the tax payer it is not funny. They keep kissing the butt of the Office of Sustainability and Resilience – Shree Dorestant. This department is a waste of tax payer money and only a political arm of the city council.
Shree Dorestant is receiving her reparations. What the next candidate running for mayor should declare is the purging of unnecessary and ineffective offices, starting with all those positions of discrimination, such as DEI and the other alphabets.
The “purple book” is worth looking into. Trey Allen of School of Government wrote the book.
I am very glad Matheny is not giving up the fight or caving in with this idiotic circus of council members, as I watched on Jan. 2 to this circus of a board represents what used to be a safe and beautiful city is now turned into a cesspool of homeless and murderers . I could go on and on and on…… vote these idiots out of office!!!!! They have no order of business what so ever and have no idea how to run a city. All they Know how to do is spend our money and throw racist comments when they are loosing a debate.
Your point exactly. The Dems are gonna do what they want. If you don’t like it, what are you gonna do about it?
If you are going to deny necessary city services because it is mostly for rich white people (isn’t that discrimination), they your should dency city services to minorities, too. Hypocrites.
I suggest we should deny the services of the socialist govt downtown.
Ultimately, it is the voters (who bothered to show up) that are responsible for this. Justin Trudeau has moved here from Ottawa.
I hope this will be followed thru and the city council and mayor will be considered out of line and bias as to the wishes of the people. Who do they think they are? This is supposed to be a democracy and the rules of law abide and not a dictatorship of a few people who see only race and fiancial postions, and greed and jealousy because they feel they are not being treated fairly due to where they live and what they have accomplished in life.
Zack knows what’s going on. He’s viewed as an outsider by the majority on the council, but we need more like him if we are to save our city from going bankrupt.
I am opposed to the new leaf ordnance. Many were not aware of the council even voting on this.
How are the older residents on fixed incomes supposed to pay someone to handle their leaves or to even move the heavy containers.
According to the many opposition articles I have read this will not be the cost savings they are projecting. This needs to be stopped and put before the citizens of Greensboro.
I find it rather repulsive that Sharon Hightower would make such a racist comment about the District 3 constituents. We were Lakeshore, an unincorporated area on the outskirts of Greensboro. Nobody asked us if we approved, nobody put it on a ballot, we just got sucked up into Greensboro. I have never felt so unwelcome. But of course the contents of my wallet is welcome. Shame on the Greensboro City Council and Mayor Nancy for not muzzling this racist.
You would have to muzzle Vaughn too.
“Yvonne Johnson was absent”. Does she ever attend council meetings? It always seems like she is either absent or leaves early. I would like to know how often she is indeed at council meetings.
And, she keeps getting paid her annual salary, even if she doesn’t attend meetings. . . .guess it’s counted as sick leave, or administrative leave, etc. Shouldn’t we vote to pay council members based on the meetings they attend?
She’s a nice person but this happens when you have a geriatric government at all levels (local, state, federal). We need age limits more than term limits.
Disagree. Some young people are vile. Age matters only if the person is senile like Biden. Term limits needed for all offices, local, state and federal. Skip Alston would be long gone.
Ms. Johnson doesn’t have time to be at council meetings, she’s too busy trying to “Cure Violence “. Apparently she’s earning her money Greensboro only had 74 homicides in 2023 and not 100
The city of Greensboro operates under the FUBR Chinese Accounting System!
Roy D. Mercer used to say “somebody’s ass could get whooped over this!” We need more of that old school thinking. Sometimes liberals & race baiting fools need to be put in their place, by whatever means it takes for them to remember the ride.
I say just continue to dump them in the street…the city can deal with the consequences of their dereliction.
Matheny needs to run for Mayor!
$4.1 million plus the historical cost of expensive equipment now discarded that works . can i buy that vacc truck & start a private business sucking COG leaf piles i bid & contract ? investors ?