The City of Greensboro’s Ad-hoc Committee on African American Disparity is putting on its inaugural GOBIG Summit on Saturday, June 1.
GOBIG stands for “Go Blacks In Greensboro,” and has the theme of “Reducing Barriers, Moving Forward.”
Unlike many events promoted by the city, it’s not free: There’s a $50 online registration fee; however, that includes access to the panels and vendors, lunch, and parking for the day.
Promotional materials for the summit state that the June 1 event features “a collection of panel discussions hosted by City leaders and community partners, plus a catered lunch and access to vendors,” and adds that “Organizers hope the program connects Black residents around the Juneteenth holiday and draws attention to concerns that impact Black communities at a rate disproportionate to others.”
The panel will address topics such as community engagement, economics, education, health, housing and justice.
The summit will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on June 1 at the International Civil Rights Center and Museum at 134 S. Elm St. in Downtown Greensboro.
This program kicks off the committee’s 2024-25 GOBIG Series, which will, in various ways, examine “issues of marginalization for Greensboro’s Black residents and visitors.”
The city’s Ad-hoc Committee on African American Disparity attempts to break down barriers that prevent the success of black residents who live in Greensboro.
The committee researches policies and procedures, collects community feedback, and frequently makes recommendations to the Greensboro City Council on the best ways to improve access to resources for local African Americans.
Those interested can learn more about the commission at
“…barriers that prevent the success of black residents”…?
They live in America, where barriers to success are virtually non-existent – except for those caused by the man in the mirror.
Says the bigot in the room. While your preferred target is the LGBTQ community, you clearly ignore every study that shows employment opportunities remain more limited to people of color. One study used identical resumes and only changed the name to one that ‘sounded’ minority. Quess which applications were ignored more often? In general minority applicants have to fill out 30% more resumes than whites to land a job interview.
And that is just one example of how bigotry and racism still play a role in day to day lives of minorities in the US.
Please help all the ILLEGALS you support and bring a bus load to your farm, give them jobs and raise the next generation of ILLEGALS at your expense.
Everyone who works on my farm is legal and pays taxes.
So WHY are you such a vocal advocate of ILLEGALS
You are such a hypocrite
“Bigot”…? LMAO.
I really get under your skin, don’t I, Chrissy?
Chris, please provide the name of the study you reference above. Where can the statistic regarding the 30% be found? There are reasons that applications end up in File 13. One important reason is that of qualifications.
They used resume with identical qualifications with only the name changed to sound either white or black. I found an updated version if the study…,White%2Dsounding%20names%20get%20called%20for%20jobs%20more%20than%20Black,Black%20ones%20by%20around%209%25.
Chris, NPR has been discredited. Please provide a credible example for your opinion. You and NPR assumed that the only reason an applicant did not receive a callback was because of their name. The flip side of this “study” is that the companies that did callback a candidate was because of their name. These companies were looking for a DEI candidate.
NPR didn’t run the study. They ran a news story on the study. LOL
The resumes where identical except for the name. So what other reason could there be for not receiving a call back? Sorry to bust your bubble but racism still exists in the US.
It’s all subjective BS. Having worked in government for over two decades, I can assure you those “studies” always show whatever those paying countless tax dollars for said study want them to show. I could commission a study that to see the drivers of what color car have the most instances of prostate cancer & get the desired outcome simply by communicating our “concerns” to those doing the study. They want the money & for the “study” to be expanded. In today’s world you’re either the wolf, the sheepdog, or the sheep. We have far too many sheep willing to believe the tripe that Uncle Sam feeds them on the daily.
The study was very basic. Not a complicated study. The only variable that changed was the name of the applicant. But you be you.
Yes, it’s easy to get a study to point to any conclusion you want if you’re funding it.
Public opinion polling is almost as malleable.
Have you noticed that the Republican candidates always seem to catch up to the Democrats as the elections draw near? That’s because they have to become more truthful closer to the election, or no-one will pay them any attention next time.
It is not barriers that cause any real or perceived disparity in Greensboro or anywhere else between Blacks and others. If that were true, other such groups would experience the same disparity, but they don’t. Therefore, there is something unique about the Black population that causes the disparity, and it has nothing to do with racism. The claim of racism is a crutch to avoid the true reason for any disparity.
Gee, you think it was the 300 hundred years of slavery, 60 years of Jim Crow laws that held people of color down into poverty backed now by openly discriminating against people who remain trapped in poverty by calling them lazy? Hmmmm….wonder if that unique American experience has anything to do with the why the black communities in the US still struggle today versus white people who have never had to face the same challenges?
Well, Chris, let me respond. The most African slaves were brought to the 13 states after the invention of the cotton gin in 1793. That translates to most slaves being enslaved about 72 years, not 300 years. The cotton gin (engine) caused an increase in the number of slaves due to the increased demand for cotton. Jim Crow (codified equal but separate) can be traced to 1890 not 1865. Jim Crow laws were particular only to southern states. Blacks and White liberals would have everyone to believe that Jim Crow existed in all states; not so. Using 1890 as a beginning date for Jim Crow laws, and an ending date of 1965, this translates to 75 years of Jim Crow in the South. Jim Crow laws were not about holding back Blacks, they were about preventing Whites and Blacks from mingling with one another. Blacks still had the opportunity to find success; and many did. What makes the current argument that racism is the cause of Blacks’ failure is that there are so many programs made available to Blacks and a large amount of taxpayer money has been used by governments to help Blacks and yet, Chris, based on your comments above you are still blaming racism.
Many consider a significant starting point to slavery in America to be 1619, when the privateer The White Lion brought 20 enslaved Africans ashore in the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. So yeah, I rounded up to get to 300 from 244 years.
Slaves farmed far more than just cotton. The popularity of US tobacco also led to spike in slavery leading to a peak of 4 million or nearly a 1/3 of the population of southern slave states. It is estimated 10 to 12 million slaves were exploited during the period of slavery.
After slavery ended, instead of a glorious moment of liberty, some free-slaves were required to keep working on the same plantations, convicts were forced back into slavery through the Black Codes and sharecropping made African-Americans slaves through debt. So yeah, slavery did mostly last 300 years in the US.
To believe that minorities had the SAME opportunities as whites during Jim crow laws is absurd on itS face. Let’s look at some basic facts from that period of time. Poverty rate for blacks was over 50% while less than 20% for white families. Unemployment was 3x for black men than white men. Less than 30% of black families owned their home versus over 50% for white families. Of course there are the over 4,500 lynchings. Jim Crow laws lasted into the sixties. That’s only two generations ago.
Let’s not forget the wealthy black communities during the Jim Crow era. Tulsa burned to the ground. Wilmington NC burned down to the ground. Thousands killed.
What you are spewing is a Whitewashed version of America’s slavery and historical record of racism. But you be you.
Lastly, yes there are a lot of governmental programs that attempt to help lift people out of poverty. Lifting oneself out of poverty is difficult regardless of race but add in ongoing discrimination leading to lower job opportunities, poorer quality schools etc… With the growing wealth disparity in this country, it is getting even more difficult even if you are white….but still more difficult if black.
Best wishes.
Chris, one point. The slave population in the 13 states was about 1M in 1790. After the cotton gin, the slave population increased to just under 7M. As stated, the vast majority of slaves were enslaved for about 72 years not 300, mostly in the South due to a need for agricultural workers. I know that 72 years a slave does not fit your narrative. However, it is what it is.
Take a trip to Africa and talk to the leaders of the tribes who SOLD their own people into slavery, let me know what they tell you.
So, because African communities sold slaves, makes slavery and our countries history of racism, ok? Or are you trying to make some other point?
The point is, Chris, do not blame the slave traders for the slave trade, blame your ancestors for their zealous desire to hunt down other Africans to sell. You know, supply and demand. If the Africans were not sold, the slave trade would not have existed.
Britain abolished the slave trade in its Empire in 1808, and the US nearly destroyed itself in a war whose proximate cause was the African institution of slavery, imported to the Southern US as a matter of economic expediency.
Europeans were not unique in availing themselves of the institution, but they were unique in fighting to abolish it.
Do you wear cotton?
I don’t see any of the looney lefties boycotting cotton, or anything else that might be an inconvenience. They all seem to love to squawk & make a lot of noise about nothing. Hold your signs, dye your hair, chant in the street, pay those taxes & be good little sheep. I’ll drive right on by while listening to Skynyrd & laugh all the way home. #notasheep
Term Limits made my point, one thing would not have existed without the other.
—– —–
Hey Chrissy, if racism and discrimination are the cause of black failure, how come Jews are so successful?
I don’t recall the Jewish community being denied equal access to voting, education, jobs or housing any where near the level of the black communities in the US. I don’t recall the Jewish communities in the US being lynched or their communities burned to the ground and it’s citizens slaughtered as black communities where in the US. As a matter of fact I don’t think any other racial community in the US can claim the level of hate and discrimination faced histprically by the black community here in the US.
But you be you.
So you’re denying the chronic and systemic racism Jews have faced for centuries?
Answer: The American Indian.
In the US compared to the black community…yes I am denying that the Jewish community faced anything like what the black community faced in building their lives and economy here in the US. There is no comparison. Weres Jews denied right to vote here in the US, denied equal access to housing here in the US, denied equal access to jobs here in the US, were Jewish people lynched HERE IN THE US? Nope. While the Jewish community has faced some discretion here in the US, no where near the amount faced by the black community. Jews came to the US to escape the worst of racism in Germany and were mostly accepted here in the US.
In Germany where the Jewish community was cruelly persecuted, their oppressors were soundly defeated in a world war. The black community int he US, their oppressors continued to hold power. Very different story. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges.
But you be you.
When will we have a “Go Whites in Greensboro” event?
You know, just a mirror image of their event.
My son was refused admission to Early College at Guilford in one of the few spaces available. We subsequently learned the place had been awarded to a much less academically talented black boy.
So when will we see a program to help whites overcome the systemic racism we face?
Nailed it! Not fair at all. My taxes pay for those streets and to be told white people or even Asians, Egyptian, french, Mexican or whoever isn’t black can’t set up and sell is totally wrong. Welcome to the awesome racist town our city has become thanks to Nancy Vaughn and Skip away with our money Alston.
Really, how about looking at black on black crime.
I think Greensboro used to have ‘Go Whites’ events some time back. They were called Klan rallies.
There you go again, Chris. Membership in the Klan was low in NC. At its peak, there were maybe 9,000 members in the whole state. The states with the largest Klan membership were not in the South. As a side note, the Klan never carried the Confederate Battle Flag until the 1960s, and even then, the flag of choice was the US flag. So, if you watch the movie “O Brother, Where Art Thou” there is a scene where the Confederate Battle Flag is thrown into the air and a great effort is made to prevent it from hitting the ground. All fiction, made up propaganda. The Klan during the 1930s only carried the US flag. The movie is great and worth watching…love the music.
Lol, racists in NC really didn’t always agree so they formed under numerous groups. But let’s not forget in 1979 Klansmen attacked a Communist Workers Party “Death to the Klan” march in Greensboro, killing five people. While not as large as some other states, the Klan have forged alliances with like-minded organizations, as when North Carolina Klansmen (also in 1979) briefly formed a United Racist Front with the state’s tiny Nazi Party.
But you be you.
Why would a Klan group start a fight called “Death to the Klan?” It seems to me that the Klan were not the perpetrators that day given the name.
The Communist Workers’ Party wanted a confrontation with the Klan, so they provoked them with their rally and dared them to show up.
The Klan did show up.
A shoot out took place and several Communist Workers’ Party supporters were shot.
As the judge said at the trial, the only thing you could accuse the Klansmen of was being better shots.
If you’re looking for a fight, don’t cry when you get one.
Not surprised to see you defending the Klan.
The CWP showed up to march. The Klan showed up to fight and kill. Not complicated. Marching is a right that they Klan as taken advantage of as recently as the 90s in Greensboro. No one showed up to shoot them.
I’m not defending the Klan, I’m simply saying what happened.
You twist everything to fit your sick prejudices and biases, don’t you?
Chris , Klan rallies were met held in Greensboro and blacks were welcome to come to those rallies and still are
Lol, nice story Scott. Black disparity….in Greensboro?
Smoke & mirrors… Disparities do not exist due to racism. The greatest economist of our time, Thomas Sowell, has proven this time & time again. These “disparities” are caused by the continued embrace of poor southern & hip-hop culture as well as the decline of the nuclear family.
Wait….did you really just blame a music genre for disparity between races? Wow. Just wow.
I did not, nor did Sowell, it’s the ridiculous behaviors attached to that “culture.” Music in & of itself is only noise with a purpose. #notasheep.
Hey JustSayin’, Chrissy is very fond of straw man arguments , where he puts words in your mouth and then argues against that position, which is one you never espoused.
He twists your words just as he twists the truth.
I asked a question, so Austin uses a straw man argument where he puts words in my mouth then argues against that position, in which I never espoused. He twists my words just as he twists the truth.
Just Saying actually did a nice job clarifying his comment. I still disagree with his comment but his point is clearer now. Personally, I assume Hip-hop culture is built on the music more than the lifestyle but he believes the lifestyle is built around the music hence his statement isn’t about the music. That is his opinion. Clarified. Good for him.
But you be you.
Just stop.
Don’t you ever get sick of your self-serving sophistry?
Is the no limit to your pious puke?
Chris if the CWP showed up to “just march” as you said why did they show up with GUNS AND they fired the first shot. Watch the tape “88” Seconds. The SBI did and determined the cwp shot first.
But… but… but little Chrissy wants us all to believe the Communists were sweethearts who just wanted to go for a nice afternoon stroll.
* Strange that they gave a name to their protest, and the name was DEATH TO THE KLAN.
* Strange that they were armed to the teeth, and started a shoot-out too.
Oh right. You only believe in carrying a gun for self-defense if you are white? You only believe in right to protest and eventually riot if you are white like the Jan 6th insurrectionists?
Chris. The cwp started the whole mess weeks before when they went to China Grove to crash a Klan Rally then DARED the Klan to come to Greensboro where the cwp had posted fliers for a death to the Klan March. Well I guess the cwp got what they wanted. Chris you really should watch the film “88” seconds, it may show you how this ended. Both sides had guns the cwp shot first and it didn’t end well for them.
I don’t know about you Rebel, but I am all for crashing klan rallies. I strongly encourage others to do the same. Of course , now they carry tiki torches and matching khaki outfits.
Let’s start with WHO is claiming there is African American Disparity, and what is the basis of their claim? Of course, there will be no response because there isn’t any, just more grievance BS from the NGO government funded organizations that enable their operators to buy nice cars but render no tangible good to the intended “victims”. Wake up citizenry!
Let’s start with WHO is claiming there is no disparity and what is the basis of their experience to make such a claim? Hmmmm…..I wonder.
Ah here we go again…our City council going out of its way to promote racial harmony and unity by reminding everyone how bad white people are and how blacks are helpless victims.
Here is a novel idea for reducing economic disparities…stop have children out of wedlock. 84% of Aftrican American births are to single moms.
100% correct Joebucket.
Actually, he isn’t correct. Two corrections. The actual number is 70% today. (84% percent is a study out of Columbia). Also note, because a child is born out of wedlock doesn’t mean the father doesn’t live with the family. Over a third of African American families with children live together without being married. Marriages are expensive. Still a problem but just correcting your facts a touch.
This compares to 25% of white families. So also a problem in the white community but conservatives want to force births on unwanted pregnancies on people (unless inconvenient for them personally like with Mark Robinson.)
Just Sayin
Hmmm, I have a suggestion for a topic that would end so many problems in Greensboro. “How To Get Black Kids & Young Adults To Get Along With Each Other”……
Here we go again with hate speech. Never admitting that Blacks were handicapped by the system years ago and haven’t been able to recover. Read and look at your history. If you are smart than you would understand or simply just don’t care. It’s one or the other.
If it were the other way around, the same thing would be happening, but to the opposite race.
But Jews have suffered much worse discrimination, rejection and prejudice, and for much longer, yet they’re very successful in America.
How do you explain that?
Oriental people too.
The worst of the Jewish oppressors were defeated in a World War. The black community lived among their oppressors for generations.
But you be you.
Anyone is welcome to attend. There are no questions about race on the ticket form (I looked). I do think that the group’s disparity in charging $50 which keeps many of the people they claim they are concerned about is quite interesting, especially when this seems to be funded by government taxpayers and “charitable contributions” anyway.
I do always worry about whether people prefer to be addressed as African Americans or Blacks and their announcement and information doesn’t help at all in clearing this conundrum up for me. I also don’t know when to capitalize Black/black since people seem to not capitalize white, but should if they capitalize Black it seems.
It might be humorous to sign up and attend to ask these questions and why years of paying tax money to “educate the public” resources that funds business financing, housing, food, utilities, healthcare, transportation, education, mental health and drug treatment isn’t working.
You do realize that the holocaust occurred in Germany…not the US? But way to repeat more White Nationalist talking points. Kinda your jam lately.
But you be you.
You can’t talk to ignorance. Some folks will never get it. Nor do they want to. Sad!
But everyone will eventually have to answer to God.
Pick your side Heaven or Hell.
Love or Hate.
I don’t expect to change minds of people like Rebel or Austin or Alan. I just post replies so any readers that stumble through the comment section know that their over-the-top conservative statements are not the only sentiments in Guilford County.
In response to AM, the primary cause of the War Between the States was not slavery but the increase in federal power. The 11 states of the Confederacy believed they had a constitutional right in the 10A to secede. Jefferson Davis was not tired in a court of law after the War because the issue of the 10A would have been front and center.
Is “AM” me?
It was about states’ rights to continue slavery. Ergo, it was about slavery.
My 2c. There is inverted disparity in govt employment.