The One High Point Commission announced this week that it will host an information session for the public in order to update local citizens about the commission’s plans for the city to “explore community reparations for the African American residents of the city.”

In recent years, some local governments across the country have been seriously exploring the once-fringe movement of attempting to use current public monetary resources to make reparations to the African American community as recompence for slavery and other societal injustices in this country over the centuries.

In High Point, the One High Point Commission is spearheading those efforts.

Some argue that reparations are an important step in moving past the country’s racist past while others consider the entire movement totally absurd since it’s no longer possible to provide recompense to those who actually suffered through slavery.

Though there are many aspects to the reparations discussion in America these days, some reparations advocates are pushing for direct monetary payouts to those whose ancestors were slaves or whose family wealth was negatively affected during the Jim Crow Era of American history.

In February of last year, the High Point City Council adopted a resolution that created the One High Point Commission to look into strategies for potential community reparations for the African American residents of the city. That Commission is charged with making a recommendation through a final report to the City Council.

On Tuesday, Aug. 15, the final recommendations regarding “restorative economic policies” will be presented.  The session, which will be held in the High Point Theatre at 220 E. Commerce Ave., will begin at 6:30 p.m.

The One Commission includes two High Point City Council members, nine High Point residents, two NAACP representatives, and two High Point City residents who are non-voting alternates.

Registration for the August 15 information session is required.  Those interested in attending can register by visiting the One High Point Commission page on the city’s website – or by using the following link: community-information-session-tickets.

Questions pertaining to the event can be directed to the Communications and Public Engagement Department’s Human Relations Division at 336-883-3124.