The voters in Guilford County have been very generous to Guilford County Schools in the past four years – approving $2 billion in school bond debt for new school construction and other capital projects – so there’s no question that the learning habitats of the county’s school students are getting a major upgrade.

Now the schools, perhaps to make sure the school system’s online presence keeps up and stays spiffy as well, have launched a brand-new website that features active video in place of stagnate images of the previous site, introduces a new interface and navigation tools, and provides pop-up information meant to give the site a new look and feel as well as make it more informative for users.

School administrators felt as though the old site – which provides the information in a static and non-dynamic way was getting long in the tooth and short on the heel; and the new modern website is meant to make the system and its programs look appealing, more discoverable and is also meant to add vibrancy through a more image-driven model.

Those who would like to explore Guilford County school system’s new web offering can do so at

School officials are now asking for feedback from the public to find ways the new site can be improved.  There are some glitches that are being worked out now. For instance, some pages on the new site give a 404 error sign – an HTTP error message that means a page couldn’t be found.

“We invite you to click around to explore our district’s new digital home,” a posting on the new site states.

There’s also a yellow button on the site, which provides a link for user feedback.

Here are some of the improvements that are part of the new school system website…

  • A “hamburger menu.” That’s a very common feature of most modern web pages. It consists of three horizontal lines in the top right of the page that reveal the full site options and is an easy way to get where you’re going.
  • The page also includes a search chatbot on the right side of the homepage and in the search bar in the menu.
  • News about Guilford County Schools is still there; however, now it pops out from the left side of the screen.
  • Along the top of the new school system website, users will find calendars, school links and other information via linked “portals.”
  • There will also be secure log-in pages for students, families and employees.

Current Guilford County Schools staff information will be guarded by the webpage’s secure “Employee Portal.”

School staff will be able to log in with their GCS username and password and access their pay statements, benefits and other information.

At times, there will also be page pop-ups in order for school officials to pass along “critical information” to students, parents and school staff.