Fifteen years from now, the skies over Guilford County will no doubt be filled with flying cars and the county commissioners will be taking orders from our AI overlords after the rise of the machines. Though preventing Skynet from becoming self-aware and controlling traffic jams in the sky may be our biggest problems in the future, Guilford County now has an update to its 2040 Comprehensive Plan that’s dealing with items a little more down to earth.
The Guilford County Planning and Development Department has just released a draft of “Guiding Guilford, A Comprehensive Plan Update,” which is intended to serve as “a guide for Guilford County to help ensure development within the county takes place in a manner that aligns with the community’s vision for both the built and natural environments over the next 15-20 years.”
The long-term plan looks at things like land use and infrastructure concerns such as public water and sewer and transportation options.
The plan also encompasses economic issues and the preservation of the natural environment.
For those who would like to view the document, the comprehensive plan draft can be found online by visiting the Comprehensive Plan webpage at County residents are being encouraged to read the draft plan and offer feedback by completing a short survey by Monday, August 5, 2024.
That Comprehensive Plan Update survey can also be found on
In addition, you can also view presentations and read answers to frequently asked questions by visiting the comprehensive plan webpage.
Here’s a list from the county regarding what’s been done so far:
- Through a community-wide survey and workshops, collected community input on the goals and vision for the future about topics such as growth, development, land use, housing, transportation, economics, services and infrastructure.
- Gained an understanding of the current conditions of land use, and the best future vision for the county.
- Created the draft plan that outlines key outcomes of the planning process and plan recommendations.
So, what’s next in the process?
Well, updates to the draft plan will incorporate the new feedback from the community.
After review, the final draft will be presented to the Guilford County Planning Board and the Board of Commissioners for adoption.
If you have questions about the plan, you should contact the Guilford County Planning and Development Department at 336-641-3334 or e-mail
“Feedback from the community”.
They try to legitimize what they want to do to us by providing a survey. This is completed by an infinitesimal fraction of the population, who are generally self-proclaimed activists.
And it’s impossible to actually give them any input if you espouse conservative values. I know; I completed one of these surveys once. Every answer that’s supplied as an option endorses only statist and Leftist positions. You’re shoehorned into the responses they want.
Then they trot out these surveys as evidence that “the community” earnestly desires the policies they want to impose, and which they were going to implement anyway.
It’s a circular feedback loop for Leftists. The rest of us – the majority – are ignored.
Nailed it!
My god that’s a lot of words just to say you are a whiny bitch!
He is the master wordy whiny conservative.
He typical replies fall into 3 groups:
– Taxes bad
– Community good isn’t MY problem
– Anyone who doesn’t agree with me is evil
He really isn’t a complicated person.
Oh, that’s rich coming from the guy who spouts garbage interminably and verbosely, ad nauseam.
And your characterizations of me are as puerile as they are erroneous.
Want to debate the issue like a grown up, Chet? Or just sling mud like a little kid?
Precisely correct. Most people just want to be left alone. They find a place to live that they enjoy and wish to remain unmolested. Along comes a few developers who see an opportunity to make a profit by redeveloping an area at the expense of the residents, they use their ‘influence’ to pull strings to get their way, and the lives of residents are turned upside down for the sake of the developers. Increased density, traffic snarls, criminal invasion, and increased taxes, all follow turning a paradise of beauty into a crowded mess. I suppose that is the price of ‘progress’ but the result is regrettable.
Sucks to be the minority in your community, doesn’t it?
I’m assuming the associated property tax increases will involve moving a the decimal point.
Insurances will skyrocket more to add coverage from falling flying vehicles.
This is a joke.
Chicken little,the sky is falling,literally.
The Rich will always Decide.
Why would you fall for this ploy from the city? The decision has already been made.
The plans will endure until the end of this administration.
Build more roads, build more offices, warehouses, and homes. Reduce the tax rate. Then they will come.