In the “better late than never” category, the Greensboro City Council finally got around to a discussion of the vandalism and looting that did millions of dollars of damage to Greensboro businesses the nights of Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31.
The discussion began with the reports in the media about why the police did not take action to protect the downtown area and the business owners who were in their businesses on those nights.
Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann read this quote from the News & Record about the police response: “Officers won’t respond to areas that could put them or protesters in an unsafe situation, Greensboro Police spokesman Ron Glenn said on Monday.
“For the officers’ safety, Glenn said a lone officer or small group won’t be sent to check on a business while a protest or looting is ongoing.”
Hoffmann said that she was “absolutely appalled” at that quote and if that was the police policy then they needed to talk about it.
Chief Brian James said that he spoke with Glenn about that quote and Glenn said he was misquoted.
James went on to explain the lack of police protection for businesses in the downtown and said, “I will say in reference to that particular incident on those nights we had a number of protestors that were right in front of us and the people that did the vandalism and the looting in downtown were on the other side of those protestors and essentially we would have had to go through those protestors in order to get to the people who were breaking into the businesses and I will tell you if we had gone through them, and of course we talked about the munitions part, but if we had gone through that crowd we would have hurt protestors and I think we would have had police officers hurt as well. I think the message that I have given, while I certainly empathize with the businesses downtown and I know a number of those people, we still have to say that we value life and personal injury over property and that’s all we were saying.”
Hoffmann countered with the fact that it wasn’t only property but also business owners who were downtown.
Hoffmann said, “You know there were business owners who were downtown. I certainly know on Sunday night they felt some need to be there to personally protect their property. Chris Lester and I think his manager were both at Natty Greene’s. I think Gray Davis was in Gray’s Tavern. I think Becky Causey was there at some point in time.
“I find it hard to believe that there was only one way around or through a group of protestors in order to deal with a situation that was only a couple of blocks away.”
Hoffmann unfortunately ended her statement by saying that the discussion “is for another day and time.”
Almost a month after the damage and looting in downtown it makes one wonder when that day and time will come.
Maybe the Police Chief needs a GPS in order to figure out how to get around downtown! Could he not have had the officers circle around the block? Looks like we are in for a rude awakening with this new Police Chief – for him “Less is More”!
So, Nancy Hoffman now decides when to discuss the abject failure of our Law Enforcement to contain a number of spoiled malcontents?
It’s simply easier to kneel on the taxpayers neck and throw a quarter of a million dollars of OUR money to Zack Matheny and let him dole out the cash to whom his group feels is most deserving of downtown businesses. No mention of ACCOUNTABILITY for the rioters. Life in this world is best when each of us, beginning with current city leadership, are responsible for our own actions. ALL city leaders need to OWN IT, don’t avoid protecting our citizens and don’t keep your head in_ _ the sand.
RIGHT! Extract the $250,000 from the felons.
This was a no-win situation. If they had pushed through and there were injuries, hen they would be chastised for abuse of power. The “protestors” should be brought to task – not the police department. It is disheartening that it would take the council nearly a month for this to be brought up and then put off to a future date.
Is it possible that the new Chief has more empathy for the mob (protestors don’t protect looters) than he does for business owners?
Let’s get it straight the blame lies with Mayor Vaughan and the city council. Someone gave the stand down order and more than likely it was the mayor due to her actions in later protest. When these people blocked doors to business and major roads so in the Mayor’s words they could pray. She didn’t take into account those shoppers that had nothing to do with this nonsense. If I was a tax payer I would be asking for the mayor’s and city council to resign right now! One question I have for GPD is there a active investigation in to the arson at Matress firm
And the Mattress Firm that was burned to a shell on Lawndale? No help from Downtown Business Group, no city help. Just screw them all, because they’re a symbol of oppression, somehow, I guess.
I wouldn’t be a business owner in Greensboro. No way. The powers that be don’t care about me.
GSO still wants to know when GPD will take responsibility and make amends to Marcus Smith’s family. The city has been sweeping that under the rug for two years now…
Um…it’s an active lawsuit. How about we let the courts decide if the city owes anyone anything? Would you not want your day in court?
Duh. The City Council, govt, etc. will not back the people on the front line. Just as administrators will not back the judgement of school teachers. Therefore, The police have no choice but to cover themselves, themselves. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Let the police enforce the laws on the books as written. You don’t like it, change the laws. it is illegal to riot, vandalize, and threaten people. These are felonies. Area jails should be stuffed with perps right now. Give the Chief what he needs, and get out of his way. Otherwise, we have no effective police force.
It’s gonna be everyone for themselves, and it ain’t pretty.
Cramp the Coop
I believe it was totally due to weak-assed city leaders who had no guts to actually fulfill their duty to enforce law and order. The police were emasculated by mayoral and council edicts.
Uh, Miller, sorry but it has nothing to do with giving the chief what he needs, it has EVERYTHING to do with having him getting over his PC new wave method of policing and putting the needs of innocent victims over the needs of criminals. It tennis again, what do we expect from someone who ten or twelve years ago was under investigation by SEVERAL federal drug task force agencies for selling police info to a young lady by the name of Pettiford???? He was caught spending time in her car.
Well, yeah, but what do you suggest on how to train the police force?
So not only were there rioters and looters, but obstruction-minded accessories to the mob? Shouldn’t the laws on the books require the arrests of all concerned? Is it possible our Chief is enforcing the law by a code of situational ethics? Is he subscribing to some unwritten parallel Constitution that morphs according to his tolerance for the perpetrators du jour?
GPD policy apparently is if dispatched to a call that you know could result in injury to yourself or others then you can refuse to respond. Sad!
Can’t have it both ways. City Council needs to decide if they want a civilized city or not. Tie the Police officers hands for five years and then complain when your citizens tear up downtown.
So, I guess they didn’t like my very frank reply, huh?
As a county resident, I am appalled by the vandalism and looting that occurred downtown in late May, and even more appalled by how long it took the Greensboro City Council to take up the issue. When such vandalism, looting, and burning of businesses occurs, action must be taken immediately by police. This talk of “safety” concerns as a cause for inaction by the police is BS. Until “law and order” in our city (and across our country) is restored, we citizens shall continue to witness the veritable collapse of our civilization.
Every business owner, every person injured in a riot which was intentionally allowed by the people sworn to protect them, should immediately bring suit against the Police Chief and Mayor personally. If a policeman deliberately fails to do his duty he is fired. If he is an accessory to murder by watching it happen and doing nothing, he is correctly charged with the crime.
The leaders who ordered police to stand down and watch while crimes were being committed also bear personally responsibility. They should answer to their crime in court and should be responsible for damages.
Well duh, the police were obviously busy setting up roadblocks along I-40. Hard to provide all these protestor services while defunding the department.
I thought the mayor might be utilizing that old “Baltimore Strategy”. giving those who wish to destroy space to do so while maintaining a balance between the right to protest and the safety of the police. It’s a win-win for everyone if the strategy works but it seldom does. If that strategy doesn’t work, we can all rely on businesses having insurance. No insurance? There’s always the tax payers.
Who made the decision to let the looting go unchecked? This is a simple question, so let’s get a direct answer.
Now downtown Greensboro is a blight. Who wants to go there now ?
No body, no where, no f….g way. If you have a biz downtown, cut your losses and get out now. I would not go downtown without packing, and would not go at night, at all. I feel the folks from the Mellow Mushroom, Jerusalem Market, Liberty Oak, and Triad Stage. I will not be in to see them again.
Do all Guilford county citizens realize what the city council and mayor have in common with Chicago,Seattle,and New York?????? They are led by DEMOCRATS!!!!!When will people learn that Democrats are the reason most locations are down economically because of their leadership.You city of Greensboro people have taxes that are in the top 4/5 in the state.Each year they find another reason to add more taxes to you. As far as Police support,where is it when you need it .If it’s the new police chief then you need to start interviews to get a new one.Maybe he is not in tune with what’s required of a police chief. I agree maybe he needed a GPS to find the next block when he didn’t want to march into a crowed of rioters .Vote in some Republicans in November,You’ll be surprised what might happen in Greensboro!!!!!!
BS the police chief is well aware of Greensboro’s history. The city council…….full of progressives…find fault with what they do at every turn. Is this not the city council who eliminated funding for SRO Officers in schools ?? Re-lives the Communist Workers Party/KKK cage match at every opportunity ?? Allowed Micheal King to run amuck for years then allowed all the computer evidence of wrongdoing to disappear….and quietly closed the case?? Wailed about a “black book” that they knew was called a black book because it was black ?? This is the progressive/Seattle like world they have been wanting… they are starting to get what they ask for….do I detect a bit of buyers remorse ??