There’s already been some preliminary work taking place on and around the downtown Greensboro government plaza and nearby parking areas, but the Guilford County Board of Commissioners has just entered into a $8.2 million contract with Stone Restoration of America to overhaul the look of the plaza and do repair work to the plaza and a parking lot under it that’s used by many government employees.
The plaza and area below have sustained damage from rain and sun rays over the years and seeping water has damaged the lot below.
Earlier this year, work crews cleared big trees from the plaza and conducted major repairs to the above ground parking lot adjacent to the plaza, the lot that sits between the old Guilford County Court House and the county-owned Truist building beside it.
Guilford County put out bids for the government plaza repair and beautification project and two bids were received and opened: One from Stone Restoration of America and another from Strickland Waterproofing Co., Inc. Stone’s bid came in significantly lower and, on Thursday. Dec. 7, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners voted to enter the county into a contract with the company.
The project includes repairing damage to the plaza and the parking deck below, along with the construction of a new equipment ramp, a rectangular pergola on the plaza, a new monument and pedestal, and the installation of monument lighting.
Stone Restoration of America is based in Charlotte, and, according to county staff, the company has extensive experience in commercial restoration and waterproofing projects.
The work is expected to take about a year.
County facilities staff told the county commissioners at the December 7 meeting that the job would take place in sections in an attempt to minimize the number of government employees who lose their parking spots at any one time while the work is going on.
How long will this last before Skip gets involved and cancels the contract?
Is that just great. Greensboro will have a pretty place for people to see. Too bad they will have to tear up their cars on the city streets and face possible harm due to crime, or trip over bums on the sidewalks, or hit beggers on the street corners, and not have police protection. What is missing here? Sound judgement on the part of our commisioners. I forgot to mention the loose leaves that will cover the streets next year. Another dumb move.
Best comment yet!! Greensboro burns while the political kings and queens celebrate.
If we are burning then what is Asheboro doing?
Nero effect!
Samet woukd probably do it for 8 flat. And they’re local!
We good!
But they ain’t with the program.
“Damage from rain”…?? The UK has some public buildings that are over two centuries old that have no “damage from rain” after more than 200 years of heavy rain.
But our dear Lords & Masters must have only the very best….
The Parasitic Sector is awash with money, and spends it almost exclusively on themselves, their salaries, their benefits, their COLA raises, their disgustingly greedy retirement plans, and their grandiose buildings.
Meanwhile, the people paying for it all are struggling.
Well I certainly hope and pray they do some MAJOR WORK make the while damn plaza more friendly to the elderly and disabled. I was appalled my last trip down there at just how difficult it was to navigate. And city and county employees were absolutely no help at all. Oh and fix the damn elevators!!!
Government employees too good to walk one half of a block to large empty parking deck. Millions of dollars wasted and zero taxpayers benefit.
How did this happen this is not a minority co. Oh but wait a moment, with our county chairman’s childish, racist attitude and only 2 CO’s willing to bid the project there wasn’t a lot of options. Good luck to this company. Remember skip KARMA is a bitch, and it’s coming for you. You should be like Earl disappear from the limelight and maybe you’ll dodge it a while longer
The most important city n the county is 45% and growing actually we call the shots the county line is 4 directions your always welcome to hit them!
69 and counting big city 69 and counting
Your tax $$$ at work for something most of us will never see ! Really a high priority as already mentioned.
It’s about time the plaza had a pergola. But I’m really curious who or what the monument will be dedicated to.
Bet you can guess who!