Mayoral candidate Eric Robert sent the Rhino Times the city’s response to his public records request, and it is revealing.
Robert has filed a lawsuit against fellow mayoral candidate Mayor Nancy Vaughan, City Manager Tai Jaiyeobo and the City of Greensboro for violating the state statute that establishes the public’s right to public records. And looking at the response Robert received from the city, it appears a lawsuit may have been Robert’s best option.
North Carolina General Statute 132-1.b states, “The public records and public information compiled by the agencies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property of the people. Therefore, it is the policy of this State that the people may obtain copies of their public records and public information free or at minimal cost unless otherwise specifically provided by this law.”
Public Information Request Tracking (PIRT) Administrator Kurt Brenneman states in response to Robert’s request for “email correspondence and documents” about the gun shows at the Greensboro Coliseum that the “Greensboro Information Technology Department searched the City’s email archive and found 306 responsive emails.”
While it is a fact that most business is conducted by email, the request was also for documents and if the response from Brenneman is accurate, there was no attempt made by the city to find public records that are not in the form of emails.
As noted previously in the Rhino Times, the PIRT system used by the City of Greensboro is designed to circumvent the North Carolina public records law and it appears in the case of Robert’s request it has worked.
In order to believe that the city followed the law and provided Robert with the public records he requested, you would have to believe that Greensboro Coliseum Director Matt Brown and Coliseum Public Relations Manager Andrew Brown frequently send blank emails back and forth. Also, Andrew Brown and Matt Brown frequently send emails in which the subject line states that there is an attachment but there is no attachment.
You would also have to believe that Matt Brown and Andrew Brown send drafts of emails to city councilmembers back and forth or, perhaps more accurately stated, send blank emails back and forth with the subject line stating for example, “Gun Show Purchase Summary for City Council,” but never get around to actually sending an email to the members of the City Council.
While it is certainly possible that Matt Brown and Andrew Brown send blank emails back and forth on a frequent basis, it seems highly unlikely.
According to Brenneman, of the 306 responsive emails, 47 were not included because they fell under the attorney-client privilege. But there is no mention of redacting the body of emails that were included.
The body of those emails that are blank are public documents and, according to the North Carolina Public Records law, “are the property of the people.”
According to state law, the people own those documents but, according to the public records policy of the City of Greensboro, the public can’t see them.
Wonder why John didn’t ask questions about this.
You see who is running the govt, and how. It’s “Big Sedalia”.
John how did the gentleman who had the rights to the gun show get the rights from the city. Was there ever a chance for anyone else to ever hold a gun show. Was it put out for bid and can anyone apply for a permit to hold a gun show
As far as I know the Coliseum has never made a profit and has to be bailed out with tax money, so how can the 400K not be tax payer money. As usual Matt Brown does what ever he wants to without any consequences. It is time for Matt to go and the Money Pit to come under control of the tax payers of GSO.
So what? Skippy’s little museum does that ALL THE TIME.
Once again we see the superiority exhibited by elected officials.
John why not send a reporter to talk with the person who once owned the gun show also what account and budget line item did the 400k come from. Still lots of questions that need to be asked and answered. Just how can one buy ownership of a gun show
There is “something rotten” in the City. It comes on little cat feet, and moves on.
Prime example of bureaucrats running the asylum. Do not vote Nancy Vaughn (enabler of bureaucrats) back into the Mayor’s Seat.