The City of Greensboro puts a whole lot of thought into where city residents can and should put their waste – and often city leaders have very specific ways for them to do so. Now, the same people who took away curbside loose-leaf pickup – and brought you nice new yard waste bins and told you where you can buy giant paper bags – are offering you a deal on backyard compost bins and rain barrels.
It’s another way the city is trying to put the “green” in Greensboro.
“The City of Greensboro is making it easy for residents to lower their carbon footprint and conserve water by offering backyard compost bins and rain barrels for sale,” a statement from the city reads. “The City is offering 65-gallon compost bins for $57 and 50-gallon Ivy rain barrels for $75 online while supplies last. Visit to order online.”
Like all good salespeople, the city is letting customers know that the deals are for a limited time only: The deadline to place orders is Sunday, February 23.
After putting in their orders, those who buy the bins and barrels can pick them up from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 1.
The city will provide buyers with more details after they purchase the items.
“Whether you want to enrich your soil or take better care of the planet, there are plenty of reasons to start composting,” said City of Greensboro Waste Reduction Educator Masey DeMoss.
Water Resources Education Coordinator Laine Roberts spoke on the importance of rain barrels.
“Every gallon of water conserved using rain barrels means spending less on your water bill for watering your lawns and gardens,” Roberts said.
According to the statement from the city announcing the sales: “Twenty-five percent of a typical household’s waste can be composted. Keeping these items out of your trashcan frees up space at the landfill and cuts down on carbon and methane emissions released in landfills. Composting also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, helps soil retain moisture, and prevents soil erosion. Rain barrels help conserve water, reduce stormwater runoff, and minimize the need for chemical fertilizers.”
That seems about right since the EPA recently released a windfall of funding for this as well as recycling with a specific target to glass manufacturing . Wonder if whatshisnames exe override of funding will affect this. Watch for the city’s haste in implementation of this and other federally funded programs being dismissed by the house of nuts.
I’m guessing you are not a fan of President of the USA,Donald J Trump
Looks like another good idea that AIN”t worth a D A M N !!
Does Greensboro & Guilgord CO. a D O G E !!
The city department that endorsed this program does not understand rainwater collection and composting. If Greensboro residents jump on board and spend their money on the barrels, the result will be unused, battered, and dirty barrels, and the city will end up with the black barrels taking up space in landfills. Compost must be subject to the elements and must be turned over at least weekly to be useful, and it takes time to mature. If food waste not meant for a composter such as protein sources end up in the composter, vermin will show up for dinner. True composting is not for the lazy, people who lose interest quickly, and apartment dwellers. Rain barrels can be used to collect rainwater for hand-watering, but not for lawns unless your lawn is tiny and can be watered with a watering can. With any rainwater collected. if the container is not emptied regularly, the water becomes stagnate and attracts insects looking for water such as mosquitoes not to mention the smell of stagnate water. These comments are not meant to discourage rainwater collection and composting. As a practitioner of both for many years, it is a satisfying way to show love to Mother Earth. But as a realest, the idea of promoting these practices such as what the city is doing is doomed for failure on a wholesale basis.
Will they stop taxing your rooftop rainwater if you buy their barrels over having your own non city barrels.
For the taxes we’re paying, the city of GSO should be GIVING those bins to those residents who request them.
Seems to me that our ever increasing taxes to the city of GSO should cover the cost of these bins for those who request them.
All Greensboro residents should be encouraged to construct a hog pen beside their house and stock it accordingly. All the wet trash and a lot of the dry could go straight into the pen problem solved. Plus the annual bonus of free bacon and pork shoulder.
Please tell me that Waste Reduction Educator and Water Resources Education Coordinator are NOT full time jobs with full benefits!
Ken. They are full time. Not many years ago the city had a full time employee who drove around and inspected recycling bins for illegal materials. She was my roommate. 35 k a year salary
Just another way to get our money for there pet projects and make them feel good about themselves. Are they going to do their part or is this one of these things that we have to do what they say or else. Bet they will not pay a penny for any of this CRAP mush Less use it.
Nope…just another piss into the wind project.
Urinate windward?
And remember never eat the yellow snow