The Greensboro City Council will hold two meetings on Monday, Aug. 2.
The first is a virtual work session beginning at 1 p.m. The only topic on the agenda is redistricting, but at this time there is no additional information about what that discussion might entail.
The second meeting on Monday, Aug. 2 is the regular first meeting of the month beginning at 5:30 p.m. The meeting is on Monday because Tuesday, the normal meeting day for the City Council, is National Night Out. There is an unofficial contest among members of the City Council to see who can visit the most neighborhoods during National Night Out, so councilmembers are far too busy to hold a meeting.
The first meeting of the month is the only meeting where the public is invited to speak on any topic they choose. The council started out only having a public comment period at this meeting, but gradually the agenda for the first meeting of the month is growing with more city business being done.
The Aug. 2 meeting will be the second meeting since March 2020 where the public is allowed to speak in person to the City Council. However, speakers are still encouraged to speak virtually.
The meeting is officially a “hybrid” meeting, which means some speakers and presentations will be virtual. The full City Council has been attending these meetings in person, but councilmembers do have the option of participating virtually.
Like everything else in 2021, the meeting schedule for the City Council is highly irregular. In a normal year the City Council meets often from April until the budget is passed in June and then doesn’t meet much until the end of August after school starts.
This week the City Council held a town hall meeting on Monday, July 26 and is holding a work session on Thursday, July 29. And this is followed by a work session and City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 2. It’s a lot of meetings for this council, which during its four years in office has mainly held one business meeting, one public forum meeting and one work session a month.
As far as the work session on Monday, Aug. 2 on redistricting, the City Council can’t begin any actual redistricting until the US Census Bureau releases the 2020 Census data and that is expected in September.
The fewer the number of meetings the less damage they can do.
Or, they could tie in their meetings with the town of Summerfield. They could meet at the old tack shop. One giant C-F.