The Greensboro City Council discussed at length how to respond to the protests, vandalism and looting that took place over the weekend.
At the end of the virtual meeting on Tuesday, June 2, councilmembers got into a long discussion about what to do, but reached no consensus on a course of action.
Councilmember Tammi Thurm said, “The events of the past weekend have brought to bear subjects that we have danced around certainly at least since I have been on council.”
She noted that for over six months she had been trying to get some discussion going on consent searches by the police, “one of the many areas that appear to have adversely effected communities of color in our community.”
She said, “I would love to see us put together a task force.” She said the task force would include some of the people demonstrating, members of the Police Department, councilmembers and others.
Mayor Nancy Vaughan said it was a good idea but would need to wait until people could all get together in a room to speak.
Thurm said, “I don’t think we can wait for COVID-19 to be over to start the discussion.”
Councilmember Goldie Wells said, “Just let folks talk. We need to hear what their frustration is.” She added, “Time is important. Folks are mad about the curfew.”
Councilmember Michelle Kennedy said that holding another meeting and having the same conversations was not the solution.
She said, “We know what the problem is and it is us. And until we own that and we recognize that we understand that white people in particular have to take an active stance in dismantling structural racism it is never going to change.”
She added, “It’s time for white people to get off our asses and our couches.”
Councilmember Sharon Hightower said, “It’s time to stop talking and time to start acting.”
Councilmember Yvonne Johnson said, “I’m not sitting around any more meetings unless it’s about something that is going to bring change about institutional racism.”
Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter said, “We all need to open our hearts.”
“It’s time for white people to get of our asses and our couches”. What planet are you on? Another comment on this website mentions a recent incident is Minneapolis where a white woman was killed by a black police officer. Did white people riot? These riots are organized by the LEFT for maximum damage and civil unrest, in order to get control of the levers of power. These are nothing more than Brown Shirt street tactics. In the Wiemar Republic, after the 1930 elections, the Nazis gained control of 18% of the Reichstag seats. By 1933, Hitler and the Nazis controlled the Government. The Left, after taking control of the Democrat Party, now has a majority in our House, and is only a few seats away from control the Senate. With maximum economic pain and civil unrest, along with strong-arm vote manipulation, they hope to control the White House, too. Then, there will go the Supreme Court. Who will be our Hitler? Our apathetic and uniformed electorate will decide.
Completely Agree with Miller !!!
When we get our asses off the couch REALLY
What a statement. It works both ways. Not only white
Oh, so now it’s white people who are responsible for black criminals refusing to obey the law and law enforcement officers. Can everyone watch security check required at That young black woman speaks truthfully and honestly. I am sick and tired of being held responsible for the actions by blacks who want respect but don’t give it, do not want equality but want to be treated as if they are superior, and those who call police M—-F–Kers. You show me respect and you’ll get respect. Time for black people to get that chip off their shoulder and take responsibility for their own actions. And we need to elect a city counsel that represents the city population – not everyone in Greensboro is female and/or black.
Well said David
Councilmember Yvonne Johnson said, “I’m not sitting around any more meetings unless it’s about something that is going to bring change about institutional racism.”
Why don’t you with your $500k of tax payers money the city gave you put it to good use? What have you done with our tax dollar money?
Where are your results?
Why do black lives only matter if they are killed by a white police officer? The number of black on black murders in our cities is horrendous. Why are there no marches when this happens? The protesters want to do away with the police. That is such a ludicrous statement it deserves no response. If this happened, we would revert to the wild, wild west of the 1800’s where everyone wore a gun, shootouts in the street were a daily occurrence and the only business that survived was the undertaker! While I believe in the right to peacefully protest, people and mobs that go on looting sprees, burn buildings and assault business owners trying to protect their property should be dealt with severely. We have seen the result of these type actions during the late 1960’s. It is apparent that we have not learned anything from that time. What is accomplished by tearing down businesses in your own town? If you want change, act like a human being, not a criminal.
Ugh. I just can’t even begin to understand how people like this believe they are fit to lead. Maybe Ms Kennedy feels the need to bow down to her self-appointed masters but I never will. Her statement illustrates why racism is still a front page issue in today’s modern world. Because people like her continue to perpetuate it.
There is NO discussion to be made when it concerns Criminal Activity, Rioting, Burning Down Structures, Looting, is NOTHING MORE that Blatant Lawlessness, Arson, Grand Theft, and destruction and damage of property !! Criminals in this situation should be apprehended if possible, if the Police feel that their lives are in danger, than DEADLY FORCE should and must be applied. Quit coddling criminals and punish them, I don’t care if their College Students or Not, Committing crimes are not “Student Activities” Protest is one thing, but rioting, arson, looting are CRIMES Deal with them as such !!! End of Discussion !!
Our lovely Mayor did nothing to stop this in Greensboro. That should alarm everyone.
This city council does not care about the law abiding taxpayers. No one feels safe In Downtown any longer thanks to them.
every comment is spot on!
Looks as if all of us are in agreement here. No wonder the City evades citizens opinions at meetings. This is what they will get, and they know it’s true. Jus’ don’t fit their socialist narrative, duzzit? Hm?