The city is currently working on the Murrow Boulevard section of the Downtown Greenway, which is wide sidewalk that will some day loop around downtown Greensboro. In looking for information about this portion of the four-mile-long, 12-foot-wide sidewalk, I found this notification.
“March 26, 2010 at 8:12 PM
“Downtown Greenway planners (the Greensboro Dept. of Transportation, Parks & Rec Dept. and, of course, Action Greensboro) really want you to see the recommended plans for the next leg of the Downtown Greenway and hear what you think!
“Phase 2 of the Greenway is a 1.5 mile stretch along Murrow Boulevard and Fisher Avenue, from Lee Street all the way to North Eugene. For your convenience, there will be two drop-in sessions on Tuesday, March 30 from 12:00noon-2:00pm and 5:00-7:00pm at the Central Library (219 N. Church St.). There is convenient parking in the Church Street deck right beside the Library.
“The Phase 2 Murrow-Fisher section represents more than 1/3 of the entire Greenway, so it’s a very substantial, impressive project–and this makes your opinion crucial for the process to be successful. Please plan to come by the Library on Tuesday!”
That’s correct. In 2010, almost 10 years ago, Action Greensboro was seeking input on the portion of the Downtown Greenway now under construction from what was then Lee Street and what is now Gate City Boulevard to North Eugene Street. It’s also worth noting that in 2010, Action Greensboro was the lead outside agency in the Downtown Greenway project and in 2019 it is the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro.
The planning for this wide sidewalk began in 2001 and the current schedule calls for it to be completed it in 2020. But because the city has not yet acquired the right-of-way necessary for the western leg of the loop, that deadline doesn’t seem any more likely to be met than any of the other deadlines for the Downtown Greenway during the past 19 years.
The Downtown Greenway was the signature project for the Greensboro Bicentennial in 2008.
The City Council hears reports on the progress of the Downtown Greenway, but if the current deadline is met and the four-mile-wide sidewalk is completed in 2020, that means the city will have averaged a little more than 1,000 feet of Downtown Greenway construction a year.
The City Council also doesn’t seem interested in the cost, which is roughly the same per mile as building an interstate highway.
The downtown “greenway” is a multi million cash cow for several individuals. We wonder where the money and to whom it goes. We do know where the money comes from. The city of Greensboro tax paper. Greensboro is not growing as more people vote with their feet.