Dear Editor,
Why Joe Biden?
The Houston Chronicle makes a solid case in their endorsement of President Biden for a second term:
**** He’s the oldest and most experienced president in U.S. history.
**** The economy has recovered and is now healthier than any other advanced nation.
**** Unemployment is approaching a 50-year low.
**** Gas prices have fallen as the U.S. now produces more oil than any other country in history.
**** Inflation is trending downward.
**** A 7 billion dollar solar project is now in place.
**** The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is expected to create 1.5 million jobs each year for the next 10 years.
**** Medicare now has the power to lower drug prices.
**** Coverage under the Affordable Health Care Act has been made more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans.
**** The bipartisan Safer Communities Act is a response to the mass killings that have plagued our country.
**** The Biden Administration has worked tirelessly and successfully to restore confidence with our allies and at the same time taking strong and clear stands against our enemies both foreign and domestic.
The Houston Chronicle is aware of President Biden’s age and memory lapses, but they stated clearly that here remains focused, engaged and in command on vital issues that occupy a president; and that he the most productive president since Lyndon Johnson.
So why Joe Biden, indeed.
Bob Kollar
Are you smoking crack?
My thoughts exactly. What he doesn’t offer is an explanation on why the “dims” in congress, and some republicans, are giving away money we don’t have, but is borrowed from the Fed. . .it’s called printing money as we need it, not something that’s already in the bank. See how this works? I’m still waiting on my billion. . . .but I’m a conservative so I know it won’t be provided.
Republicans give away money just as much. They just give it to the wealthy and corporations. Biden gave to students. I think both are wrong and we need to balance the budget but that will require revenue increases.
“Just Say No” on revenue increases! What we need to do is pull back and fund ONLY those programs and services that benefit the truly needy, not one bank account for this favorite program, or that favorite program, etc. Once a government program is created, it takes on a life of its own which only increases the groveling at the trough of the largess, along with votes counted to maintain their reign in congress . . .both parties guilty.
What would you propose cutting that equals 2+ Trillion dollars? I personally think business should pay their fair share of taxes. I am taxed on my income. Why can business so easily avoid taxes?
This is sarcasm, right?
Who are you really and why are trying to make Bob Kollar look bad.
Don’t forget he is running against a disgusting person who used fake news to lie and claim democracy was cheated and used his lies to drive his followers to storm the capital and attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history.
So there is that….
Anybody know who he’s talking about?
C’mon Alan–everyone knows that Chris loves to drink that leftist kool ade fiction.
Ignorance and denialism well illustrated. Thanks Alan.
He’s in his own little world, Alan. Alice in Wonderland, like all leftists.
That is less appalling to me than the mass invasion at the border.
Then you should be angry that Trump killed the immigration reform bill that would have closed the asylum loophole. I know I am.
You and I both know that was a BS bill. We don’t need a bill. We need to enforce the laws on the books. Quit handing out free hotel rooms and debit cards. Maybe minorities are waking up-in Chicago black people are hot! Go watch some council meetings from up there.
Sadly, they are enforcing the laws on the books with a department that lacks funding to support surge of immigrants declaring asylum at the border. Name one law that isn’t being followed or enforced. The bill would have closed the asylum loophole, but conservatives won’t tell you that since their master Trump didn’t want to give Biden a win during an election year (those are his words).
But yo ube you.
Trump did not encourage any invasion of the Capitol. He was in Washington the same day as the conflict so we’re many non-violent true American supporters.
Everyone who wore a TRUMP t-shirt at the parade was not a TRUMP supporter; many were Biden supporters trying to pass the blame/buck. Just because some of the true offenders wore TRUMP t-shirts, he/she was trying to misdirect the instigated action-too weak to stand on their shameful, ignorant lack of intelligent thinking.
Thanks Bob Kollar! I laughed so hard I soiled my pants.
The Houston Chronicle published this? Without trying hard, I can shoot holes in these superbowls. For example, govt does not create jobs, it destroys jobs. Ad nauseum.
Absolutely right, Miller!
Margaret Thatcher used to call public sector jobs pretend jobs.
Our govt is running out of other people’s money. The interest on the National Debt is near a TRILLION bux, or some 40% of the govt’s total revenue.
The govt cannot stop this spiral without ensuing anarchy. (See Argentina or Venezuela).
A trillion here, a trillion there; first thing you know we’ll be talking about real money.
Open borders, inflation,pro abortion, who would vote for him?