The following is a letter to the editor by Rhino Times reader Christian Rice

In a show of support for Big Business over the average American, based on the false premise of reducing ‘overburdening regulations’, Trump takes action to increase profits of Big Pharma at the expense of the most vulnerable of American citizens, the elderly.    With Trump’s rescinding of Biden’s Executive Oder 14087, Trump removes all price controls / models implemented to keep Big Pharma prices under control.   This in spite of the following facts:

–          On Average, pay 2 or 3 times as much as people in other countries for prescription drugs

–          One in four Americans who take prescription drugs struggle to afford their medications

–          Nearly 3 in 10 American adults who take prescription drugs say that they have skipped doses, cut pills in half or not filled prescriptions due to cost.

–          82% of Americans believe Drug prices are too high.

Conservatives love Big Business who do NOT have the interests of Americans in mind as they make business decisions.  Rightly, businesses focus is on profits and returns on their investments.  The role of Government is to keep the profit focus in balance with American interests.  Hence the important of Government regulations to keep businesses to destroying the 1) Environment 2) Labor Rights, and 3) The US Economy.   Especially for those organizations that posses the scale to operate outside of classic market controls.  (Big Pharma, Big Oil, Amazon, Big Tech, etc…)

So, to anyone who says, Trump cares about the average American, this is the first example of many that will show you made a huge mistake when you voted in 2024.    And this is just day 1 of Trump’s Oligarchy.

Christian Rice