What Was Biden Thinking?
Dear Editor,
There’s a song by country star Dierks Bentley called “What Was I Thinking?” and you have to wonder if Uncle Joe’s handlers/caretakers were thinking that the day after his bizarre Charlie Chaplin “The Little Dictator” like show. If the (National Socialist) Democrat Party handlers thought this was a good idea, they are, IMO, beginning to believe they can shed the disguises they’ve been wearing.
People are trying to defend the background saying it was red, white and blue. I saw the blue on the flanks and the red in the middle, but where was the white? If it’s there somewhere someone please tell me where and I’ll admit I’m wrong. And if the idea was to use the national colors, why was the red used so prominently displayed in the middle. And what was with the two Marines, again prominently displayed, in the background for the duration of the speech. I’m sorry but it looked like something some tin pot dictator would do.
Add to that the content of the speech. It seemed to focus, for the most part, on dreaded MAGA Republicans, the disloyal opposition, the not-so-underground violent revolutionaries that want to bring down the DNCs Social … I mean United States of Amerika. I mean America (sorry for the typo). Where were the issues of gas prices, the poor performance of our public schools, the high prices on everyday wants and needs of the American people, the nonexistence of our southern border, the fentanyl crisis that’s slowly destroying this country (see southern border comment)? And BTW, remember MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. If that’s a bad thing, then I guess I’m a MAGA conservative and by their definition a fascist who needs to be shunned and locked up. And though I’m an old man, I dare anyone to call me a fascist to my face (Chris) and not hide behind print.
Warning … I don’t fight fair.
One last comment on the Joe and Jill show. Did anybody notice the jacket Jill was wearing? Light blue and cut to resemble the jacket of an American colonial soldier. Very nice touch, Jill. Kudos to your handlers.
The whole show was an insult to great national symbols and the city of Philadelphia. The only thing missing was the Imperial March music that was played for Darth Vader and the emperor when they entered a room.
I stand for the Republic. Do you?
Alan Marshall
Ban Smoking In Public
Dear Editor,
As far as cleaning up the city streets goes, first-stop public smoking. I cannot pass any public doorway, park or street and not see where some lazy, nicotine addicted individual has not cared enough to put their cigarette butts in the trash. The Murrow Boulevard Post Office tries to maintain a nice lawn for the city and customers, but there should be cameras, follow-up and heavy fines for these litters. Smokers who stand in doorways of buildings stinking the air for others and then leaving their trashy butts for others to clean.
How about those who smoke while in their cars? They should be required to keep their windows closed while smoking and use their ashtrays for the butts. If they like smoking so much why not enjoy the smoke with windows closed. Usually the smokers have their hands holding the cigarette out their window closer to the window of the next driver than to their own noses.
I don’t want to put tobacco farmers out of business but help them get in a meaningful crop. Why are we supporting so many harmful crops and products?
N. J. R. Wells
Well put, Alan. I too challenge anyone to question my love of America, my patriotism. I took an oath 35 years ago, to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and as far as I know, I was never released from that oath. All of our public servants (for you socialists who refer to them as our leaders, politicians are supposed to be public servants, safeguarding our freedoms and liberties – they are NOT our leaders) took a similar oath upon entering their elected office, but very few have any inkling what that oath meant, much less what’s in the Constitution that they’re supposed to be protecting and upholding.
Unfortunately, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. If that opens a few more eyes as to the dangers of true fascism/socialism/communism/etc., so be it. Those of us who saw it coming are prepared to weather the storm.
I would not stand to fight until all peaceful means to resolve the mess this country is in have been completely exhausted. Unlike the socialist left, I don’t believe violence should be the first step. I’m a patient man, but I, like everyone else, have my breaking point. Once all peaceful means have been tried, and that breaking point is reached, yes, I will answer the call. The evil among us will rue the day when good men are forced to do bad things.
thank you Tom,
I took my oath 50 years ago, and few more times after that, and like you when I checked there was no expiration date.
Also like you I prefer to hold out until all peaceful means have been exhausted. After that, I take my cue from “Road House”…”Be nice.. until it’s time to not be nice.”
I never took such an oath, but if push comes to shove I too will defend the Constitution and the Republic. I was born British, but in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Where liberty dwells, there is my country”.
If liberty is lost in America, the World will become a dark dystopian horror.
This country is worth fighting for.
Freedom isn’t free.
Thank you for your commitment to this country and out Great Experiment. Welcome to the fight.
Our President took this oath.
So did Benedict Arnold
Taking the oath and keeping to it are two entirely different things
This was pretty much what the first paragraph of my comment above, covered. Most of our politicians don’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution, or what it means. What’s worse, is the most of the voting population don’t either.
Obama made such a big deal about how the Constitution was a bunch of negative liberties/restrictions for the government – Yeah, that’s absolutely right. But instead of honoring the vision of our genius level founding fathers who wrote it, and operating within the bounds of the Constitution, his life mission was/is to change the Constitution, or at the very least, misrepresent it to the mass hordes of mindless sheep.
I don’t care what letter they have behind their names, either – those politicians who try to trample our Constitutional rights, and those who allow it to happen, should be removed from office.
One of the biggest misconceptions the Constitution deniers have, is that they can somehow create laws, or amend the Constitution, to negate the Bill of Rights, such as censoring free speech, or punishing the exercise of free speech, or take away our rights to defend ourselves against tyranny. The Bill of Rights doesn’t give us the ability to speak freely, worship how we see fit, defend ourselves, etc. Those rights are given to us by our Creator. So, they can come up with all the gun laws they want, and threaten us to keep silent, but only those who understand what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights truly mean won’t be affected by their petty attempts at tyranny.
Would you say you’re an Oath Keeper Alan? Hmm…
Please let me know where to find you to meet your request to call you a fascist to your face.
Angry little old man Alan ranting again. Apparently the using the colors of our American flag offends him. Better watch out boys, he doesn’t fight fair. What a joke.
If you support the Jan 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power after a free and fair election…yup you are most likely a fascist.
If you still believe Trump to be the ‘real’ president by supporting the unfounded belief that there was mass election fraud during the 2020 election…yup you are most likely a fascist
Or maybe, if you believe both of those statements, you are just an ignorant fool who feel into the cult of the carnival barker.
Chris, why don’t you come up with some original thoughts, and write your own Letter to the Editor? It’s easy for you to come up with snarky replies and put down other people’s opinions. It’s easy for you to twist facts that others put out there.
Put your own self out there and see what kind of feedback you get.
I have written a number of letters. Look back through and give them a read. My most recent letter was about fuel prices and the cause of the spike in prices.
Again, I ask you where the white light was….oh, that’s right, it was a clear light.
And I never said I supported the Jan 6th demonstrations. Also I notice you opted to hide behind print when calling me a fascist…no testicles/ovaries huh
Lol, I didn’t call you Fascist. I just noted what I consider fasciitis ideals/beliefs. Besides I would put you more in the fool category anyway. Read my statement again. As usual, I apologize for the typo.
What a joke.
I found it interesting that NONE of the major TV networks aired Biden’s teleprompter read. Obviously, they too realize that he and his puppeteers are BAD, even for them. Why did “doctor” Jill accompany him to and from the podium? Perhaps he couldn’t find his way.
The menacing background, complete with Marines, was purposely sending the message that this administration “will crush you if you mess with us.”
RED WAVE is approaching!
Yes, the presence of uniformed military in plain view directly behind Biden was chilling, and menacing. It displays the mind set of this hard Left administration though, as they militarize the state against us. 87,000 additional IRS investigative agents (many armed), guns & ammo galore for all government agencies (even including the Postal Service), and the classification of dissent as “domestic terrorism”… all are elements of their Stalinist plan to subjugate us and make us into serfs. Impoverished serfs, at that.
Here is Trump doing exact same thing in 2020. Calling other party Fascists (note he is calling all democrats fascist) not semi-fascist with military in background.
Those Air Force guys are required to guard the POTUS as he descends the stairs from the aircraft – they’re not theatrically installed behind him to send a sinister message during a major speech.
Not analagous, not at all. Nice try.
He called ALL democrats fascists! If you only issue is the lighting of Biden speech and where guards where placed, Marines regularly assist with security for the President. Expecially at formal events. Optics are nothing more than that….optics. Since the right wing can’t counter or really take issue with his comments which are a real concern and most Republican officials dread having to address publicly, they attack the optics. And the good sheep follow.
Careful Chrissy, you’re looking like “an angry little man”…
Smokers are nasty. They throw butts out the window, dump out in parking lots everywhere. Butts dont desinigrate for years. They should just be allowed to smoke in there homes, private property and cars. Second hand smoke has been determined to cause health issues.
Spot the REAL Fascists… – ( and I don’t smoke).
Whether someone is allowed to smoke, or not, should be up the property owners.
I took great issue 15 years ago, when the state banned indoor smoking at privately owned businesses, restaurants, and bars, except country clubs, of course. I am not a smoker. I do not like the smell of smoke. I certainly don’t want to eat having to smell smoke. BUT, I think it is a huge government overreach to tell private business owners that they can’t allow anyone to smoke in their place of business. If I go into a restaurant or bar, and it smells too much like smoke, I’ll exercise my personal freedom to make choices for myself, and go somewhere else. I, nor the state, have any right to impose my opinions, likes, or dislikes, on any other person or business. The only party who should be able to tell a business owner they can’t allow smoking on premises is the property owner.
If a restaurant/bar owner wants to have zero non-smoking tables, that should be up to them. If someone doesn’t like it, they can go somewhere else. We are not entitled to insist everyone around us bend to our will.
All this was done by the state health department under the guise of being concerned for everyone’s health. If this were truly about health, they would ban the production of tobacco products altogether. But, the state and federal governments receive too much revenue from big tobacco to do that. They said they were concerned about people working in these places being exposed to second hand smoke. These workers are adults, who can choose for themselves what kind of working conditions are suitable for them. No one’s holding a gun to their head, making them work in a specific job.
They were so concerned about health issues, that they decided to waive the smoking ban for country clubs. I guess they don’t care about rich people’s health? That can’t be it. Maybe they, and their buddies, enjoy hauling off to their country clubs and having a cigarette or a fine Cuban cigar after dinner, and weren’t willing to give up their freedoms, as much as they were willing to give up ours.
EVERYTHING the government does is about control. They don’t give a rat’s @$$ about anyone of us beyond the taxes that we pay them. Living under a nanny state is the exact opposite of living. The sooner everyone realizes this, the sooner this country can start to heal.
Your snide comment about “Smokers are nasty.” – I’ve known some very fine people in my life who smoked. They were the salt of the earth, and would do just about anything within their abilities to help a total stranger. “Nasty” is the absolute last word I would ever use to describe them. How dare you generalize like that. It is your God given right to do so, but it’s also my God given right to let you know what I think.
One thing I DO agree with you on, is that butts should be disposed of properly, just as any refuse should.
Brilliantly put. I agree with every word.
Alan, I believe you know Joe is not capable of thinking as dementia robs the brain of that function. You are hearing his socialist handlers if and when Joe can properly read his notes. Betting you hear more vile lies as the mid term election gets closer. Doubt you will hear any plans to address issues that are affecting every day Americans…of any color. The socialist have busted this country…we are broke. How will you explain this financial mess to your grandchildren? Think and vote wisely…there may be time to salvage this country.
Funny that Trump added over 2T to national debt pre-covid in order to give his rich buddies a permanent tax break and a small temporary tax brake to middle class folks with no off sets. Yet you get all bent out of shape about democrats giving debt relief to young Americans chasing a fleeting middle class American dream.
Chris how big of a check are you sending to the government to help pay for these student loans
I assume about the same size check you wrote to pay the rich to become richer under Trump.
Best wishes.
Alan I’ve always stood for the Republic of AMERICA even before I ever read anything you wrote and always will. Our country as we now know it is headed toward the movie “Red Dawn”. I’m an old fellow too people need to remember not to pi$$ us off life in prison doesn’t mean as much to us. And Chris like Alan I’ve never fought fair. I fight to win
Careful Reb,
You’re liable to bring down the wrath of Chris. You might actually have to think about possibly maybe be concerned with being the target of him/her.
No problem Alan I’m nice until it’s time to stop being nice then I’m all in to win. God bless the Republic of America. These colors don’t run
@Alan Marshall
You’ve got to be kidding right? Red lights threw you off? Did you hear Trumps speech on Saturday? He has, for years, done what you are accusing Biden of doing. Colored lights and optics? That’s what’s got you all fired up? What about this the hundreds of times Trump did and said something stupid and lied over 30,000 times documented. Trump is the most autocratic potus we have ever had. Impeached twice, tried to overturn his election loss, stole confidential documents “lock her up!!” Are you kidding me? I actually voted for trump so I liked his policy. His behavior, however, is TOXIC and is the reason Biden is potus today. Why don’t you direct your anger where it belongs – to Don the Con – or are you just another victim?
Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display here, courtesy of Mr Sour Grapes. They just can’t let it go, can they?
Funny how Alan can do nothing but rant gibberish about Biden but rational statements and examples of Trump being bad for America and it is ‘derangement syndrome’. Hypocritical as usual.
Are you trying to deny that Leftists are fixated on Trump?
Of course they are as he is a disaster for democracy as he clearly wants to run again…
– he denied to peacefully transfer power as he ignored his own advisors about his lies surrounding the the free and fair election that he lost…for no other reason than his own ego.
– he sat idle as his followers stormed the capitol using violence to stop the peaceful transfer of power
– he denies science in support of big oil, his own twisted view of vaccines, etc…
– he idolizes Putin. A leader currently attempting to occupy a free democracy.
the list goes on and on and on.
Democrats truly believe and can justify their belief that Trump would be awful if reelected. I point out many of his failings here but rarely do any conservatives here counter those arguments by attempting to defend Trumps failings / actions….the standard practice seems to be to attack the messenger. Makes since given what a loser Trump is…hard to actually defend him. Call it derangement syndrome if you like. It is well understood you can’t defend his actions. You be you. Rational people see him as a major threat to democracy. I know I do.
Thank you for confirming Trump Derangement Syndrome. QED.
Well said.
Chris you’re so dumb. Austin’s comment was a dig at dumbocrats not Trump
Thanks Aussie.
PS I nearly emigrated to Adelaide, SA. Ended up in Greensboro, NC.