Call Me Paranoid, But …
Dear Editor,
If all the news reports are accurate, Uncle Joe and the (National Social) Democrat Party are expanding their range of targets via the DOJ.
From LifeSiteNews: “A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on screaming.
“Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.”
Again, I say if the news reports are accurate (Chris), the DOJ is one step closer to giving more ammunition to the conspiracy theorists. You have to admit that 25 to 30 reportedly heavily armed FBI agents were banging on the door of a family of two adults and seven children at 7 a.m. demanding entry is going overboard.
Even though the original charge, attack of a patient escort, was thrown out in District Court in Philadelphia, Merrick Garland’s DOJ picked it up. Additionally, back in March the same thing happened to 10 other pro-life protestors. In 2020, nine other protestors were treated in a similar manner. And again, Uncle Joe’s fingerprints via the DOJ are all over the place, while pro-life clinics are attacked and defaced and the workers are threatened with serious bodily harm or even murder with no apparent serious action from the same DOJ. Yes, this is my opinion based on what I’m seeing. Maybe there is more equal action in the works. I hope so. But given the current administration, I doubt it.
The pro-abortion mob is doing everything they can to reverse what the Supreme Court legitimately struck down as unconstitutional. So this, the attacks on pro-life groups, is their way of forcing their beliefs and standards on U.S.A. citizens.
They, along with (N.S.) Democrat Party, appear … appear to be doing their best to make sure their way is institutionalized in law before they lose power. Hopefully the GOP will gain control and grow a set to make the changes that need to be made, and fast.
Remember, folks, this is our government. They work for us, supposedly. But the way I see it, they think we are under them.
Note to Chris/Carl Ford: Time to call me paranoid.
Alan Marshall
Too bad Trump will cause the Dems to have 4 more years in 2024 and it’s his fault Biden is potus now!! Trump leads with divisive and toxic leadership and cannot win the general election – he lost popular vote twice and lost the house and senate – all in four years. He id the only potus to be impeached (twice, no less), serve only one term and lose the populate vote (again, twice). If the GOP wants to win in 2024 they need to dump Trump – there are others better suited with similar policy – but it doesn’t seem they have the backbone to do it.
Lindsey Graham said it right in 2016 “if we primary trump we will regret it and deserve it” – after all that has happened I’d say he was correct.
I say good riddance to that sleazeball who told so many lies we stopped listening to him altogether. And shame on those who kept making excuses for his anti-feminism behavior. Forbidden files at Mar-a-Lago? I’m shocked. The man was unscrupulous from the beginning but everyone found him entertaining. Ridiculing handicapped reporters, chants of “Lock Her Up”, I could go on and on but an ashamed of this nation which used to have such a good reputation.
I’ll bet if we look closely enough we’ll find funds diversion. That just seems to be all too common for billionaires.
Is that why George Stephanopolous admitted that ABC’s polling showed Trump beating Biden in a 2024 contest (ABC This Week, 2022/9/25)?
This truth was so odious to one of the guests, Donna Brazile, that she declared her home state Louisiana would put Trump under investigation “just for showing up”. And there you have it – straight from the horse’s mouth. The left admits that it is using the justice system as a political weapon. That’s Third World dictatorship stuff, but it’s where we are today as the Democratic Party controls the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the judiciary, the Permanent State or bureaucracy, the mass media, Hollywood, the entire education establishment, and social media. They have virtually accomplished their totalitarian state.
Trump’s return to the White House is our only hope if we are to return to a free, pluralistic society. And he’ll have a huge battle even if he gets there. The Left is entrenched, and intoxicated with its power.
Pluralism under Trump? Get real, under Trump there is only Trump and nothing but Trump. If you don’t tow his line he turns is Trumpers out in full force to cancel culture you out of the party and government. Trump openly used the DOJ to target his ‘enemies’. Get real.
We need a true moderate candidates that can stay out of the party over people mindset that Trump perfected to ruin the Republican party. Lets get Liz Chaney and Joe Manchin to run for 2020 and restore integrity to the White House.
It’s “Toe the line”, as in put your toe on the starting line, not “Tow”.
Yes, let’s get a wet paper bag to run for president in “2020”. Geez, you might want to get the year right if you want people to at least entertain your thought, as disagreeable as it may be.
And cancel culture is primarily a liberal thing despite you repeatedly insisting it is not.
*No, it is this administration that’s weaponizing the justice system and targeting its political opponents – obviously and undeniably. Donna Brazile even admitted it on national television.
*And Trump got more heat from the media than any other President in living memory, so pluralism was alive and well when he was in the White House.
*And the saying is “toe the line” not tow the line.
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So that’s wrong, wrong, and wrong.
It must be awful to be so stupid.
Now I see how you ignore science…You think your OPINION is fact!
Trump got more crap from the media because the couldn’t refrain from reacting to his idiotic tweets. But who cares about mainstream media and who they like or dislike? Bias is in the extremes for both sides of the media these days.
I like how you ignored the fact about how Trump tired to weaponize the DOJ to the point he considering swapping out the head of the DOJ at the last minute so he could overturn a free and fair election. But you go ahead and get bent out of shape for the DOJ chasing real crimes. You know, like mishandling of highly classified documents.
If Trump weaponized the Department of Justice, who was the target?
And please, try not to drink before 5.00.
Like Hillary Clinton, you mean? Where is her investigation? And she actually obstructed justice by destroying 33,000 emails – while under subpoena!
Sorry buddy, it’s clearly the Left that uses the justice system as a weapon against political opponents, while giving Democrats a pass. Third World corruption – courtesy of The Democrat Party.
Funny how the guy so worried about crime from immigrants thinks it ok to assault the elderly (victim was in his 70s) because they don’t share the same opinion on women’s right to chose. So is lawlessness now the norm for the right wing….oh right….it’s perfectly ok when committing crimes against people who disagree with them. Like they did on Jan 6th. Like they did at Charlottesville. So much for the right support Muh Freeeedum.
I notice you intentionally overlooked the fact that the individual in question assaulted his 12 year old son causing him to have to intervene. Why did you do that Chris/Carl Ford? Oh, that’s right, it didn’t fit you’re agenda. It’s perfectly ok when committing crimes against children, to use your words.
He claims to be a sidewalk councilor. You are NOT a councilor if the people you are trying to council do NOT want your input or opinion in their lives. But if you think taking a 12 year old to a place where you fully intend to be confrontational is a good idea, you shouldn’t be a allowed to raise children. Hiding behind your kids. What a joke. Not surprised you support him Alan given you hollow tough guy talk you like to use in your letters.
The people in Charlottesville got what they deserved. Don’t poke a sleeping dog with a stick.
I think your white hood got twisted and your are missing your eye holes again Rebel.
Watch out for my stick chris
Paranoid? No. But with the Big Government (Brother) we have now; it may be necessary not to “over expect”.
Sounds to me like someone needs a hug.
The Stasi and Brownshirts are alive and well, they’re just not who CNN says they are. Papers, please in Biden’s America… Unless it’s to vote, then heck let anyone and everyone… more than once if they like!
Abortion is not the issue. Our descent into violent totalitarianism is.
This country is slipping into dystopian fascism faster than any other in history.
Na, it is much better now that we voted out Trump in a free and fair election. Hope we get the chance to do again in 2024.
Keep telling yourself that, buddy.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” – Goethe.
I know right…. those poor Trumper and Qanon nutters. They lies these sheep beleive has enslaved them to some creepy demigod.
Chris, you say the most stupid things. Anyone, ANYONE including brainwashed idiots like you, that believes or thinks anyone is better off now than they were before these socialist scammed the election system is either lying or more cognitively compromised than, umm, uhhhh…well anyway… oh! You know the guy…come on man! Are you a junky man? Anyway, you’re an idiot, not a joke. I’m serious.
Love your conjecture! Thanks! No doubt the “Brown Shirts” have arrived in America! Only wonder what their next target will Be?
Jim Donaldson
Let the revolution begin. One government for the people and by the people
For context, here is some information about the single source Alan gave for “all the news reports”:
If you keep reading conspiracy supporting websites as news, you’re going to start becoming paranoid, Alan.
Tell Julee hi.
Alan – Seriously? Man, give it a rest already. Chill T F out. Chicken Little ain’t got Nuthin’ on you.
Red Dawn Rising dimwit. It’s coming
Rebel has to have a cause. Even if it is made up by a guy wearing a Fred Flintstone hat storming the capitol.
Chris just so you know where I come from. American by birth Southern by the grace of GOD. Live free or die fighting. Long live Fred Flintstone. Sorry l didn’t see him storming the Capitol but if I had I’d have given him a hand. I
Popular vote wins class president in high school not the Electoral College. Take a civics lesson from third grade. Both parties are warmongering , autocratic , enemies to liberty and freedom. Both are two sides of the same cradle to grave soul crushing oligarchy. Vote Libertarian. Practice civil disobedience. Don’t pretend Bush, Obama, Trump , or Biden were or are anything other than rubber stamps for big government, death and destruction abroad and debt that cannot be repaid.
Voting Libertarian will not help. It will when people stop looking to Big Brother for handouts. Bon Chance.
Hear, hear!
Reminder: Mark Robinson does not want third graders to learn civics.
Long time no see John. Where you been keeping yourself?
The Supreme Court did not rule that abortion is illegal or unconstitutional (as many on the Left claim). It just returned the issue to the states, correctly.
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The Gestapo tactics of the Federal law enforcement agencies are indicative of the police state we now live in.
Edward Snowden was right.
Did see you as such a Drama Queen as to make such hollow and worthless comparisons.
dang typo…Didn’t see you as such a Dram Queen Austin.
Try again, Chrissy. Even a slow Third Grader can get their English right on the 3rd attempt.
You might be able to manage it!
Thank you Austin for speaking fact
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party—also known as the Nazi Party—was the far-right racist and antisemitic political party led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazi Party came to power in Germany in 1933. It controlled all aspects of German life and persecuted German Jews. Its power only ended when Germany lost World War II.
The Nazi Party was founded in 1920. It sought to woo German workers away from socialism and communism and commit them to its antisemitic and anti-Marxist ideology.
Adolf Hitler became the Führer or Leader of the Nazi Party and turned it into a mass movement. He aimed to lead the German “master race” to victory in the “racial struggle” against “inferior” peoples, especially the Jews.
The Nazis ruled Germany as a one-party, totalitarian dictatorship from 1933 to 1945. The Party used its power to persecute Jews. During World War II, Nazi propaganda portrayed “the Jews” as Germany’s true enemy and depicted their destruction as necessary for the Germans’ survival.
Hugh has been indoctrinated by our pathetic government schools, and it’s obvious because of his ignorance.
The NSDAP (National SOCIALIST German WORKERS’ Party) was a hard left political party, as is clear from its name. The policies embraced included massive public spending programs (creating the Autobahn system, and even the cars to drive on it, Volkswagen), the intervention in the free market to create a command economy, and the severe curbs on free speech. All this is now being implemented by the hard Left administration we suffer under.
Massive Public Spending – check.
“Public-Private Partnerships” (ordering the private sector to comply) – check.
“Cancel Culture” (people and press fearful to speak out) – check.
The Democratic Party is a political party full of Neo-Nazis who are determined to make America a totalitarian state under their control. Or as Obama put it, to “fundamentally transform America”.
There was nothing left wing about nazis. You are so ignorant, and reading what you wrote has me terrified of what comes next. Face palm emoji.
Is that why they called themselves a socialist party?
I’m terrified of ignoramuses like you – who constitute the majority.
Na na na an nah! Ya ya your wrong colonel Sanders!
You’re a 7 year old – mentally at least. Go back to reading your comics.
Has anyone really read a Hitler biography, or “The Rise & Fall of he Third Reich”?
William Shirer wrote the best bio, and account of the Nazi’s rise and fall.
It has become the definitive work. And it really is the best account.
Sorry, that should be ” Nazis’ “