Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Dear Editor,
How many times have you heard mouthpieces for the nanny state make reference to “the new normal”?
Who’s deciding what this “new normal” is? I’m pretty sure it isn’t any of us. What I am pretty sure of is it’s being formed by those that consider themselves our lords and ladies (instead of our civil servants), their puppet masters and the flying monkeys they surround themselves with. It’s being formed using what they consider to be their idea of what we should be able to do, when we can do it, where we can and can’t go, all because of their benevolence. “Please sir, may I have more?”
Look at what happen in Dallas with the owner of the beauty salon. Sentenced to seven days in jail in addition to a $7,000 fine for refusing to bend a knee, tug her forelock, and submit to the all omnipotent imperial judge’s demand that she apologize, calling her selfish for the crime of wanting to feed her children. There, ladies and gentleman, proudly stands a true American patriot, a modern version of Patrick Henry declaring, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” While our current situation is nowhere near as dramatic as the laying of the groundwork for the American Revolution, it is the concept of what Henry was prepared to do. He would not kneel, he would not submit, he would not hang his head and say, “I’m sorry milord”.
Too many “elected representatives” have tasted the sweet wine of near absolute power (remember, power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely) and like a hardcore alcoholic will fight manically anyone who tries to take away their bottle. And it doesn’t help when they have a propaganda machine, aka the mainstream media, made up mostly of graduates of the Joseph Goebbels school of journalism and backed by the electronic version of that institute under the names of Google, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
One of the few good things coming out of all this is some children have been saved from public indoctrination disguised as government schools and have been given unvarnished truth and taught in a reasonable manner other than common cra … I mean core.
The Roman poet Juvenal said it best… Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Translation “Who will guard the guards themselves?”
Alan Marshall
You cant stop change. If the so called nanny state that is just trying to provide guidance to avoid disaster is too much for you, the new norm can be we all act like nothing is happening. In that case the new norm will be over run ICU units, doctors having to decide which lives and who dies.
Opening the economy is very critical. The key isn’t WHEN we open the economy but HOW we reopen business. That how will involve change and that change will be managed by the state. Many businesses have done a great job adapting. Others who are ignorant and fear mongers, have not and they are the ones who will indeed have to be forced to change or put us all at risk.
In this case….if you dont like the change, you can literally die.
I vote we support the changes from our elected state representatives who have our community’s best interests in mind. Even if those interests dont align with yours.
‘You can’t stop change.’ Actually yes you can. Your statement only applies to someone who has already succumbed to the lies of our benevolent leaders.
‘If the state trying to provide guidance is too much for you…’ A mandate, law, or fine violation of the Constitution/Bill of rights is not guidance. It is forced coercion at the barrel of a gun.
‘Others who are Ignorant(?) Or fear mongers(?)…will indeed have to be forced to change or put us all at risk’ Wow. That’s exactly what I think, except I’m talking about our ‘elected representatives’. Not the individual citizens. This is the basis of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and why this country was formed as a Republic. It isn’t about the collective, it’s about the Individual.
I am sorry you have lost faith in America and bought into the alternative truth spewed by alt right types. It is a terrible way to live.
Stay healthy and be safe.
When did defending the Constitution become an alt right point of view?
“alt right types”…thank you Christian. I can now finally complete my list of slurs, slams, and deflections like racist, homophobe, sexist and other unsubstantiated names that have been directed at me.
You have my pity and forgiveness.
Cooper should allow the 2020 Republican Convention to be held in Charlotte! It will bring much growth to the city (new jobs for construction workers, restaurant reservations, hotel reservations, etc.)
Cooper should not let his political affiliation harm our city and state!
Couldn’t say it any better.