Exercise The Right To Vote
Dear Editor,
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller
I realize that there is very little time in our government run indoctrination centers (public schools) due to DEI brainwashing material, but maybe, just maybe, we can squeeze in a reading assignment that the people that run those centers would probably find radical and cause them to clutch their breasts in fear.
There is a book written quite a while ago by a man named George Orwell titled “1984.” In this book is a world I believe we are seeing in its infancy and could come to fruition if we continue to elect the sort of people we have and if true, legal citizens of this country don’t put down the TikTok indoctrination devices and start not just paying attention to what is going on, but quit wringing their hands and whining about someone needs to do something and get out and do something.
How hard is it to get up from the couch, drive/walk down to the polling place and cast your vote? Cast your vote while it still has power. If we wait too long it won’t have that power because overwhelming numbers of illegal aliens will be casting their vote for the (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their puppets. Think I’m being paranoid? Look at how many places are giving non-citizens and illegal aliens the right to vote in local elections. Again I reference the nose under the tent.
I refer to the right to vote because it is just that…a right. And don’t start the “Republicans suppress minorities’ right to vote” by requiring ID. State ID can be gotten for free. The problem is people are too damn lazy to go get it. And if they need assistance the (NS)DP needs to go out and give their friends a ride.
It’s called being a responsible American citizen. It’s part of the cost of freedom.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
More fear mongering from Alan about brainwashing….
My kids went through Public School education and received more conservative messaging from teachers than liberal agenda messaging. Why? Surprise surprise, their teachers were from the local community which happens to be more conservative then liberal. You will notice he gives no examples. At most, they find some random book in the library that isn’t mandatory reading or part of any curriculum and then use that as reason to ban any book that doesn’t agree with their view of the word….so…who wants to control what your children are exposed to in schools? Sounds like it is the conservative agenda being pushed in schools across this country with all their book banning.
Personally, I have a great relationship with my kids and the have looked to me to help with their own critical thinking and coaching on how to view political and social topics in the world. Maybe the conservatives should pay more attention to their kids than some nutter spewing misinformation online.
Also, a quick reminder that Alan doesn’t really want everyone to vote. He doesn’t seem concerned with people whose work schedules make it hard to get to the polls on a specific single day of the year. He wants you to skip work (often without pay) or risk having to stand in long lines after work to vote. If you have to work two jobs to make ends meet, he really really doesn’t care about you voting. Hmmm…wonder why? He will say it is because of the risk of fraud that he has never been prove to exists. But more likely, it is because lower income people who are more likely to vote democrat are the ones to take most advantage of either mail in voting or early voting options.
Hmmm…..if you want people to vote. Support easy access to voting Alan.
So you apparently have no problem with non-citizens voting.
It is illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections since 1996 which makes sense to me. Local elections, sure. If they meet our state residency requirements they have vested interest in local politics. Not all states allow non-citizens to vote but so far NC has not seen fit to change our state laws on the subject. If we changed our laws to disallow non-citizens to vote, I would not be upset.
I support ease of access to voting. Especially during Federal elections. As I travel a great deal for my work, I have really enjoyed early voting and find it personally offensive that you want to take that away. Especially since your only excuse is some magical fear of mass fraud that has never been proven to exist.
I noticed you again avoid providing any supporting information of your fear mongering about school indoctrination of children. Hmmmm. Wonder why?
This farrago of fantasies is a good example of how the Left argues. They put words in their opponents’ mouths and then argue against that position, a position never espoused by their opponent.
It’s called “a straw man argument”, and people who are intellectually weak, or who know their position is weak, use it all the time. So in this case, Alan exhortations for everyone to vote are blatantly misrepresented by Chrissy as him not wanting people to vote. It’s duplicitous sophistry, and Chrissy does this all the time.
But it’s just a red herring.
And it’s weak.
Alan has been very vocal in other letters about wanting only one day of voting and only voting in person. I was just reminding his audience. So thanks for the opportunity to remind them again.
That does not constitute him “wanting people not to vote”.
That asserts his desire for election integrity.
I give clear examples of how single day voting would make voting inaccessible to many voters and yet Alan always harps back to ‘that’s how we used to do it years ago’. So yup, he doesn’t care if everyone doesn’t have access to voting. It’s called Inference. You know….critical thinking….
But you be you.
You, Chrissy, are incapable of critical thinking.
All you spout is the current liberal talking points on any issue.
Again, that is all you got? Can’t counter my argument yet again. LOL
What IS your argument? You don’t have one other than saying ‘Well in other letters Alan said X’
What are you, six years old?
Chris, you seem to forget there is also voting by mail.
What galls me is the school system buses students to polling places, may of whom have no clue as to what to do. How do I know? A friend of mine worked at the polls and they have to explain the process to students (must not have had a civics class). He says most come in knowing who they want to vote for, and guess what, it’s for democrats. . . .which is par for the course for liberals to seek ways to get their votes. A lot of students have never voted, yet the school system is carting them off to vote? If voting was so important to them, they can vote after they get out of school, or before they go to school, and get the school system out of it.
Voting can be made easier by making State election days a HOLIDAY…….provide more places for people to vote, like at schools that hopefully would be closed on Election Day……perhaps High Schools only and kids help with the voting. Make an ID absolutely necessary for one to be able to cast a vote……people who argue against having an ID to vote are non-thinking folks in my view and/or up to nefarious purposes. More places to vote and make voting day a holiday – same would be true for Federal election days…….like the day coming up in November of this year. I have no problem with Absentee ballots (there is a long standing process for that), but do have a problem with mail in ballots and ballot harvesting……..just another way to potentially corrupt the vote. Vote on Election Day….Period. It’s manageable and doable.
That has always been my point Rick.
Chrissy’s problem is he has (intentionally) forgotten that’s how elections have been conducted until recently. But I regret confusing him with facts.
Oh, and by the way…it’s ALWAYS been illegal for non-citizens here illegally to vote in American elections.
We used to also just poop in holes dug in the ground. Progress is good old man. Give it a try sometime.
Seriously? Have you taken yourself to that level?
Yup I am progressive and believe change is good. Early voting has increased access to voting to thousands of people and i will defend it every time Alan whines about how things have changed.
In response to Alan Marshall’s letter of March 11, he is right on the money. I will add that it is hard to beat a candidate when they have mail in ballots, drop boxes and seriously outdated voter rolls to play with.
Trust the system. Conservatives have been trying to prove mass fraud for a number of years and have yet to find anything. But keep trying. Makes me feel good to watch modern conservatives fail again and again.
“Trust me” is one of the big lies. Trust is neither given nor taken, it is earned. And easy to lose.
Given the lack of any mass fraud in our elections I consider their trust well earned.
Good letter Alan, but not strident enough. My country of birth (UK) has transformed into a totalitarian state from a free country in my own lifetime, and I’m only 60. If you doubt me, and still believe England is free, just Google Sam Melia, who has just been imprisoned for 2 years at Leeds Crown Court.
His crime?
He printed politically incorrect stickers on his home printer, and stuck them on lampposts in Yorkshire.
The UK has become the USSR – and it can happen very quickly.
We are not that far gone here – yet – but if the Democrat Party wins in November, our country might be lost.
Your reference to the NSDAP is apt because the German people gave the benefit of the doubt to the Nazis and never believed their aims were just evil. By the time they woke up, it was too late. Evil is never vanquished, it just reforms in a new guise and recommences its work. Or as Ronald Reagan said, freedom is only ever one generation from extinction.
And it’s later than we think. Even in America.
Interesting you don’t mention that Sam was actually convicted of inciting racial hatred but given your recent posts I am not shocked in your support of someone spreading racial hatred.
Sam said that native Britons will be a minority in Britain by 2066, which is true.
The government said that this is “inciting racial hatred”.
So is the truth racist?
And this deflection is irrelevant. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison for placing stickers on lampposts. Do you think that’s okay in a country that claims to be free?
Lol, THAT is not what he said that got him into trouble. It was the racial slurs, anti-semitism etc… he was also apparently a bug fan of Nazi Germany.
Not sure any of it warrants jail time but laws are different in UK related hate speech. But your attempt to frame him as a truth teller and ignoring the actual events that led to his arrest is typical of a white nationalist attempting to cover their racists views to play the victims.
Spare me the unfounded character assassination, please.
You are incapable of arguing without insulting, aren’t you?
SAM MELIA was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for sticking politically incorrect little stickers on lampposts. FACT.
Therefore, there is no longer freedom of speech in Britain. Freedom of speech is normally the first freedom taken by the state when it moves to authoritarianism – which has happened in the UK.
And that is my point.
Go ahead Austin….what did the stickers say….go on. Tell us. Or would that be admitting that Sam was spreading racial hate and promoting violence against other people based on their race?
It is rich of you to accuse me of unfounded character assassination given all the silly childish names you have called me over the years. Typical conservative hypocrite.
Unfounded? You literally suggested that people should be thankful their grandparents and great grandparents were slaves. You referred to immigrants as ‘animals’. LOL, you are the poster child for white nationalist propaganda. And now you are attempting to frame a well-known racist as a victim for promoting hate and violence against minorities? I would say, my framing of your character was spot on!
Maybe you should take a long look in the mirror.
Sam Melia is not a well known racist. He is not well known, and he is not a racist.
2. I have already told you what his stickers said, the sentiments expressed are factually correct, and you have chosen not to dispute them.
3. I never said that people should be grateful that their ancestors were enslaved. I said that if I were African-American, I would at least be grateful that my ancestors had been brought to America, so I could live in the Land of the Free, rather than Somalia, Sudan, or South Africa. Please don’t misrepresent what I said.
4. For the sake of argument, let’s say Sam Melia was indeed “spreading racial hate”. What does that mean, exactly? It means that he was saying unpleasant things about non-whites, doesn’t it? Should that be illegal? Should that result in your arrest – and a two year jail sentence?
Can I still say nasty things about Nazis? Is it okay to hate them, but not militant Islamists who want to destroy the UK and turn it into Sharia Law Islamism? If so, why is it a criminal offence to hate some people but not others?
1. Yeah, he was well known. He ran a website with 3k followers. Content full of racial hate.
2. He stickers said “Make America White Again”, “Small Hats Big Problems (with pic of Yamika) , “They have to go back”, etc.. etc.. So clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Unless you think making America white again is factual correct?
3. You didn’t even quote yourself correctly. “..if I were an African-American I would thank God every day that my ancestors had been brought to America” Still very much the White Nationalist talking point. So yup, the most racist and insensitive thing you have ever written here I believe. Although calling immigrants animals is a very close second.
4. I didn’t say I agreed he deserved jail as in US we have the first amendment that I strongly support. But the UK has different laws. And frankly, I suppose they really just wanted to shut his hate down and make an example of him. My main point is that you are going out of your way to defend an extremely racist person which was no surprise given your #3 above.
But you be you.
But I didn’t quote myself, I rephrased what I had said. So it’s not possible to misquote myself. Right? Do try at least to get the basics right, Einstein.
Sam Melia’s stickers are being misrepresented in the British media. My brother & mother live in Leeds (West Park) and have seen dozens of such stickers (they must have been his), and have never seen any of them say the things that are being presented in the Leftist media.
The Left just lies.
Your point – whatver it is – is irrelevant. It’s my point that you are trying to assail, and my point is that freedom is in danger, agreeing with Alan, and illustrating how rapidly it can be lost, even in “free” countries.
You have failed to refute that point.
You like calling me a racist, don’t you? Do you remember when you had to publicly apologize to me, in a letter to this publication, for your unfounded smear?
It’s time for you to apologize again, mate, for your sickening character assassination.
C’mon, I expect another apology.
Misrepresented his stickers? The news showed videos of the stickers. (the news channel showing the pictures of the stickers was a conservative news channel on YouTube attempting to defend the racist the same as you.)
I don’t like calling anyone racist. I would prefer you not call immigrants animals and repeat obscene white nationalist talking points about people being thankful their grandparents and great grandparents were slaves.
I suggest you find another way of defending your and Alan’s argument than defending a vile racist. But you be you.
Free speech is for everyone, including things you don’t like. You or I may be next.
Sam Melia would never have been arrested and imprisoned if his little stickers had said something like “The Proletariat must overthrow the Bourgeoisie” or some other Leftist sentiment.
He dared to say what many British people feel, that their country is being invaded by hostile foreigners, and that British values and culture are being irreversibly destroyed.
For that, he was imprisoned.
How is a person’s culture destroyed by the existence of other cultures in the same vicinity? To destroy a culture, they would have to do what early Americans did to native Americans by separating children from families and forcing our culture onto them with the threat of violence if they didn’t comply.
Sounds like you have a real hatred for people different than yourself. Am I wrong?
I personally love traveling and working from our major US cities where diversity is the norm. One of my favorite stories is meeting the Muslim who negotiated the sharing of parking between three churches since each had their services on different days of the week….Jewish Temple on Friday, Muslim services on Sat and Christain services on Sunday a crowded town outside of Philly. He was willing to answer all my ignorant questions about being a Muslim (he was born in Pakistan) abroad and here in the US. I learned a great deal. We didn’t agree on everything, but I still value those conversations a great deal.
Sure, there are immigrants I didn’t like on a personal level and have no interest in a personal relationship. But I can say the same about many Americans I have met in my life. You want to claim that immigration had led to greater violent crime in the US by sharing the ugliest story you can find online, but studies show you are wrong. Immigrants actually prefer to keep their heads down and avoid crime for fear of being deported typically and therefore commit less crime on a per capita basis. (Sorry you don’t understand statistical analysis, but I actually think you do…you have habit of denying the accuracy of any study that disagrees with your personal bias without being to articulate the methods used in the study that you believe are flawed and invalidate the findings.)
I hate no-one.
You do.
LMAO. Your comment history says very different Austin.
But you be you.
In the US that is thankfully true. Sam is from the UK where laws are different.
You made references to immigrants in this country and implied they are blamed for for greater violent crime and fear being deported for whatever reason.
What you’ve done is told one of your typical half-truths, All of your comments and defenses try to paint legal immigrants and ILLEGAL immigrants as one in the same. Let me TRY to correct you…illegal immigrants are the problem, not legal immigrants.
Nice try Chrissy but you really need to quit comparing apples to cow patties.
Alan do you even try to research anything before you post your comments.
Give this link a good read. Texas actually tracks the immigration status of everyone they arrest so their data is the gold standard for this type of study. It also makes sense to use TX data given they are on the front lines of the border crisis that Republicans refused to address.
I suggest you take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself what of your belief system is personal bias versus factual knowledge.
Illegals are more than 50% less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.
Again with the half truth attempt. Your “data” only reflects one state. What about the other example listed in the report.
Oh I forgot, it shoots your attempt to lie.
But you be you
Clearly you didn’t read the entire article as it outlines validating data points with other States. Are you really that lazy? But you be you.
Chrissy is very confused.
He seems to believe that defending someone’s right to speech is the same as defending the beliefs expressed by that person.
I defend Sam Melia’s right to freedom of expression. That does NOT mean that I support his positions.
In Chrissy’s little head, that means that the ACLU agrees with the KKK.
He’s just rather unintelligent. Thick as a brick, as we say in Yorkshire.
Slow down old man. The ACLU defined the right to free speech. They did not defend the KKK as Austin loves to do for this guy Sam. Big difference. But you be you.
My question is this… Since Chrissy is such a profound defender of illegals coming into our country, giving them a better life and having the rights we have… Has he opened his home to house them out of the kindness of his heart? Has he gotten them jobs at the company he loves to travel for? Has he helped them in any way to better themselves by giving them his own personal money?
Chrissy, you defend these illegals! You stand up for their rights. Rights, I might remind you that they do not have because they are not citizens of the United States. Right they have not earned by becoming citizens of the United states. They do not have the right to vote no matter what you say. They have not earned that right. Our laws are clear and as you yourself have said in the past, our laws should be upheld. So when our laws say it is illegal for a non-citizen to vote, that is how the law should stand. They do not in any circumstance have the right to vote in our elections! We do not change our law to benefit the left because they want the votes so they can stay in office!
Chris, When you open your home to these people, when you give your job to these people, when you give your money to these people, then you can open your mouth. Unless you can prove you have done all of this, please stop. All you do is embarrass yourself by your remarks. You blatantly call people names because you know you cannot defend what you say. You are on here calling people racist. You are on here calling them white nationalists which is the same as calling them racist. Apparently you are racist against white people. It’s blatantly obvious in your remarks. I don’t know what color you are and frankly I don’t care. But I am sick and tired of every comment you make is by condemning others who do not look at things the way you do.
Apparently you don’t realize just how idiotic you look and sound. I don’t know you and frankly I don’t ever want to know you. I do not want somebody in my immediate surrounding who constantly gets their kicks out of putting other people down. We all believe in things differently from each other. If I like one football team, I can guarantee you will like a different one. Does that make us mortal enemies? Absolutely not! That just makes it more interesting to have a debate on the fine points of each team. But you take it to a whole new level and can’t find anything good in anyone who disagrees with you. This makes you a flat-out jackass dude! Please, grow up! Embrace the Constitution because once that is gone, you have no rights. And I promise you, once they start taking your rights away, you are going to cry like a little baby and demands somebody stand up for you.
You may not like Republicans and trust me, I am fine with that. I don’t care if you like me or not. But I will stand up for my rights! I will stand up for my Constitution and my Bill of Rights! And my rights say that illegals cannot vote! They don’t know our laws. They didn’t come from here. They don’t know what each party truly stands for. They do not have the right to vote in our elections!
So please, suck it up buttercup because that’s the law!
And everybody said AMEN
“1984” is a must read. It is also a slog. You can listen to the book online, or on CDs; that helped me a lot.
I agree Miller. Woke me up to what’s really happening in our world.
Orwell was a thoughtful and prescient writer. As a former socialist, he could see where the politics of the Left would end: in totalitarianism.
It always does.