Blind Or Ignorant
Dear Editor,
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
Are you listening Greensboro City Council? Of course, you’re not.
The (National Socialist) Democrat members of the City Council have shown themselves to be either ignorant or truly deserving of the title of lords and ladies, pretending they don’t see what’s going on. If they did, and actually cared about their subjects, they would publicly rebuke their selected prime minister and have him escorted out of the building, preferably on a rail.
The people of Greensboro need to pull their heads out of whatever they have them hidden in and, as a body, march on the council chambers and demand, demand that this individual be removed immediately.
Additionally, Guilford County citizens need to be paying attention to what the state legislature is up to. Look into Senate Bill 675 (SB675), which is designed to benefit large cities and possibly suppress the ability of small towns like Pleasant Garden, Summerfield, etc., to continue to exist and/or grow. Things like abolition of minimum lot size for single-family and two-family homes, for example. Note this would apply to all towns and would force them to allow any number of dwellings per acre.
How many communities would be able to continue to exist under these laws. Do you have to think real hard to figure out who some of those who backs it? (*cough* Guilford County Commissioner Chairman Skippy Alston and his lackeys *cough*) And I for one am quite sure small towns who incorporated in order to maintain their chosen way of life had little to no input on any of this. Thanks “elected representatives,” both (National Socialist) Democrats and Republicans.
Again, I encourage everyone, especially those that are getting tired of our “elected representatives” representing one group more than all equally, to contact these “representatives” and insist they come into the communities and talk about this and try, try to justify why they feel it’s all right to take freedom and liberty from those that chose to live their life not under the likes of those like the grand council of Greensboro.
“When, O Catiline, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be an end of that unbridled audacity of yours, swaggering about as it does now?” Tullius Cicero, Roman senator.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
I agree that this is an awful bill. But I am surprised that Alan agrees with me on this topic given that he is such a staunch conservative. I would think he would love reducing government control over an individual’s rights. (in this case right to develop ‘their’ land as ‘they’ see fit.) But typical repbulican….only cares about individual rights that impact themselves….not ‘other’ people’s individual rights.
Your statement makes absolutely no sense.
You are supporting government control of personal property you socialist!! lol
Is that easy for you to follow if I write in the troll speak you are so used to using yourself?
That statement proves your little red choo-choo has chugged around the corner.
So you agree with this Republican, but engage in a flight of fancy about what you imagine he “would think”, so as to demonize him anyway. How despicable.
You are so partisan that you can’t even be charitable enough to agree we have common ground, when that is the case.
You’re just a knee-jerk Leftist.
Drink up the Kool-Aid buddy, and keep on spewing the spiel.
Awwww more name calling from Austin. What will I ever do?!
If you had any intellectual integrity you would just apologize.
But you don’t, do you?
You’re a wanker.
Chris. You’ve got an awful lot of patience to take the time to respond to our name-calling “conservative.” His comments are tainted with vitriol and totally unworthy of a thoughtful response. I think ignoring him would be a more appropriate response. It certainly seems that he gets his cues from a former President currently under multiple indictments.
While the fauxty sicks sits wherever Lord Obama tells him to compromised and corrupt taking bribes for influence in our policies. Oh yeah! Lets not forget Ol’ dopey Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired that was investigating Burisma. (Quid Pro Quo) Taking money from RUSSIA, CHINA and UKRAINE! Irony doesn’t begin to describe the timing of the communist indictment. Hmmm… just as the news breaks (Ignored by the mainstream of course) of Joe taking five million dollars from Ukraine tah dah! Trumps indicted on BS. You communist are simply disgusting! I have to wander how much of the U.S. taxpayers money sent to Ukraine is finding its way back to the Biden Crime Family.
Your comrades are so scared of Donald J.Trump. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so destructive to the United States of American. I would tell you that you should be ashamed of yourself but most folks with a FULLY functioning brain know that you socialist Marxist commies have no shame. BTW professor, your alignment with lying commie Chris is a testament in and of itself to YOUR IGNORANCE!
Mr Bretzmann, if you abhor vitriolic personal attacks you must condemn Chris. You seem to be new here, so let me inform you that this individual continually and chronically employs ad hominem attacks. Those who dare to contradict him are “nutters”, “bigots”, “fools”, “moonshine swilling rednecks” and even “racists” ( a smear he once leveled at me but had to apologize for when he had no evidence).
Your praise for this odious individual is misplaced…. as you will learn.
I once attributed by a comment from Rebel to Austin by mistake and apologized. That Austin thinks this shows weakness in my character says far more about him than it does me.
To be clear….If you call LGBTQ people perverts, you are a bigot by definition. If you trust conspiracy theorists over highly studies scientists and peer reviewed science, you are a nutter. So if the name fits…wear it proudly. Such as the name redneck that I wear proudly as a small farm owner and avid hunter.
Best wishes
Chris let me see if I understand you correctly, because you own a small farm and are an avid hunter that make you a redneck I know a lot of good ole boys who you should meet sometime, I’m sure they will be glad to give you an education about what a real redneck is. You’re not one. A good start would be taking down your rainbow pride flag and putting up a MAGA flag.
No, you explicitly and unequivocally called me a racist but when challenged, you were unable to provide a shred of evidence to back up your smear. At least you had the decency to write a Letter to The Editor in these columns, apologizing to me. Remember? This was well before Rebel ever commented here.
Stop lying.
Please, just stop.
Chris, you just can’t let it lay, can you?
He is such a drama queen I just can’t help myself.
No, you are a drama queen, my dear.
One day, you might grow up.
But I doubt it.
Chris, remember the old saying . . . .”it is better to be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Quite often I see you in this category as someone who can’t resist falling into the trap. As they say, let it go and it will lower your blood pressure.
A US Citizen has no “rights”, which is evidenced by every bill one receives in an ALL-CAPITAL-LETTER NAME, every title or deed in your possession (which shows you do not and never will have ownership of that item. US Citizens have “privileges” that can be taken away. Only a living man or woman has rights – unalienable rights our forefathers fought and died for to leave for us. And people in public schools have not been taught what a “real man” is. They dont know to claim their rights and record it on the public record, when they reach the age of majority in or competent to handle their own affairs.
A turd is a turd.
But small towns do get a benefit from being near GSO? No?
With no metro areas nearby, small towns tend not to fair as well – less economic growth, higher prices, etc etc – you can look it all up.
Maybe we should have a say on land development – I say pack in those suburbanites who thrive off of being near GSO just a little bit tighter!!
What I’m seeing here is people(?) attacking the messenger yet totally ignoring or not commenting on the subject. I wonder if that’s because they can’t because I’m making valid points and they don’t have don’t have equally valid counterpoints, or (and this is the reason I have a tendency towards) they can’t, and I base this on the fact that none of them, with the exception of Mr. Ray Bretzmann, have the male anatomy to use their actual names.
Mr. Bretzmann, I, for what it’s worth, do admire you for having that much integrity.
BTW, I’m a DeSantis supporter, but then I understand how those (NS)DP goggles affect people