BLM Should Be Looking For Answers
Dear Editor,
The death of George Floyd can serve as an eye opener for finding solutions to the flood of black homicides occurring daily across the country. All too often the early morning news is little more than a recount of the previous night’s black-against-black murders and assaults. This is not police racism, rather it is black-against-black genocide.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other protest groups have failed to ask a key question that goes unanswered, but eventually must be confronted head on. The question: Why was George Floyd not a married homeowner with two or three kids and a job (or jobs) to make ends meet? What prevented him from becoming that kind of person? Like anyone else, he had an opportunity to make a better life for himself; with proper guidance he might have succeeded. Nothing should have stood in his way. What happened? BLM needs to find the answer, not only for Floyd, but for millions of other black Americans in similar circumstances.
What if BLM was empowered to tackle black-against-black homicide by developing and implementing programs within the black community to encourage education, personal growth, responsibility and realization of opportunity? More federal legislation, more money, more demonstration and protest – none of these will solve the problem. More than 50 years and trillions of dollars spent has done little to improve conditions for the lot of black Americans. Yes, progress has been made, but look at what is happening across the country. No one in their right mind wants the current chaotic situation.
If Americans and BLM could agree that BLM needs to focus its strengths and abilities, not on the streets, but into the homes and hearts of African Americans, the outcome would be remarkable. BLM has a golden opportunity to change the black experience in America. An all-out BLM effort against black versus black violence could produce positive results for all Americans to cheer about.
Bill Knight
Bill Knight was the mayor of Greensboro 2009-2011
What a complete and utter disgrace this public official is! In what world is being “a married homeowner with two or three kids” an indication of the character of a person? Apparently, the previous mayor of this city thinks that those who don’t care or can’t afford ownership of a home, or those that do not want a spouse or children, or those that work jobs that he doesn’t deem a real job are deserving of a knee to the neck until you brain is starved of oxygen. You are a disgrace, ex-mayor Knight, blaming what happened to George Floyd on assumptions about his homeownership, relationship status, and job that don’t align with your personal “good old days” values.
What the mayor is referring to is citizens who understand the meaning of a “family”, try to make a living by working rather than relying on federal handouts, wants their children to have a better life than they have had, understanding that criminal activity does not result in benefits and that murder is taking the lives of others. The number of black on black crime so far exceeds the minimal number of extreme events between criminal perpetrators and the police that it is staggering. As the former mayor stated, until the black community understands these basic principles of being an American citizen, their long-term outcomes and futures cannot improve. This may be harsh to some, but it is one of the basic issues that must be examined rather than blame the police department for everything.
So you are saying that its ok for police to kill people of color in the street because the community they come from lack’s your ideal view of family? If family status was the cause, then why don’t we see or hear about all the white trash men being killed on a daily basis by police?
apparently you don’t understand how life works. Which would explain your fake moral outrage.
Floyd was a vicious criminal
Bill Knight was the best mayor Greensboro ever had
My condolences to Mr. Floyd’s loved ones. We do need police reform. Dr. King led peaceful protests——they didn’t loot and burn cities! All lives matter. Americans of all races should unite to make America great again! We are all human beings and Americans.
The point is the situation that put Floyd in a position to be high on drugs and using a fake 20 bill and described as “out of his mind” by others at the time is also an issue. No / that does not justify his murder – and he was murdered – but BLM could be spending useful time and resource to help African Americans to be successful and not such an easy target for police. Yes, blacks people more likely to be killed by police but they are also more likely to be involved in crime – that is not racist that is just a fact. If BLM asking white people to look into their hearts to find truth then us black folks need to do this also.
Oh if that were their real agenda!
BLM’s aim is not improving or saving black lives. It is the total destruction of our country. Black lives DON’T matter in the ‘hood or at the abortion center. They only matter when it gives BLM an excuse to loot, pillage and burn.
Wayne Hinson is totally spot-on in his comments about BLM. Indeed Blm is every bit as much of a domestic terrorist organization as Antifa and the KKK. Their acronym has even become the subject of a joke: “BLM stands for Burn, Loot, and Murder.” Further, a better, more accurate name for this organization would be Some Black Lives Matter. One never hears anything from these people whenever a black cop gets murdered. Just sayin’.