Face Diapers Don’t Work
Dear Editor,
What Mr. Alston and the rest of his Democrat colleagues need to understand about reviving the “face diaper” mandate is that there are a number of people, myself being one, that will not put up with this continued stupidity on the part of the county commissioners and will take their money out of Guilford County if this happens.
According to Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins, there is no evidence to show that masks work. The virus is too small in size to be caught by the pleated paper masks commonly seen, and especially cloth masks. Moreover, most of the folks that I see wearing masks are wearing them below their nose, making the mask that much more worthless.
While I have shopped and eaten in restaurants in Guilford County for most of my 70 years, there are other nearby counties that do not have a mandate and it will be easy enough to spend my money there. Perhaps if the merchants of Guilford County start complaining enough about the loss of revenue, this foolishness will cease.
Don Ferree
Sheep Lining Up For Tests
Dear Editor,
Isn’t it hilarious to watch frightened people lining up to get a test for a disease that is so harmless that they don’t even know whether they have it?
Liberals are sheep.
Austin Morris
Police Officer Should Be Fired
Dear Editor,
Why hasn’t the L.A. police officer who shot and killed an unarmed 14-year-old girl been fired?
Valentina Orellana-Peralta was trying on clothes at a Burlington Coat Factory store when she was shot and killed. She died in her mother’s arms. For some reason the police officer hasn’t been named. He is on administrative leave, which is the same as a paid vacation.
I think that we need a national law, constitutional amendment or police union rule that states that any police officer that kills an unarmed, innocent child should be fired and banned from working at any law enforcement agency. No police officer should have a “license to kill.”
Chuck Mann
I do not understand the continued usurpation of our freedom. As the letter stated, there is NO evidence that the masks work. Ridiculous lines a mile long of asymptomatic liberals waiting to be tested. Legal and medical professionals have repeatedly said the mandates are illegal. Trite, but true. In unity there is strength. Refuse the mandate. Asked why the masses did not rebel against the likes of Hitler. Most given answer, “it began so slow”.
There are studies upon studies now that show that masks do work. The most comprehensive study that use large random samples with a control group showed that cloth masks don’t make a difference but this has been understood for some time now. It does show that N95 masks make the biggest difference but also that standard surgical masks do work as well. Either are 100% for sure. Most studies note the statistical impact is to reduce transmission by 16% to 20% so by no means perfect.
Governments make mandates all the time. Trump loved the use of executive orders as does old man Biden. If you want to sue over having to wear a small mask for a few minutes while shopping, go ahead. Best of luck to you.
Whoopi for you.
Yes!!! Thank you and totally agree!
I was replying to Roger in case it doesn’t look that way
Well Chucky, I guess we are all better off that you aren’t involved in deciding whether or not the officer acted properly. You don’t get to decide his fate based off of skewed media reports and internet rumors. At least go watch tbe complete video released by LAPD before you spout off.
For Chucky and anyone else not fully informed, here are the basics. Officers were called to a store about a male alllegedly assaulting multiple people with a blunt object. Other callers indicated tbat he may have a gun and may have fired shots. Officers arrive and locate a trail of blood that leads to a seriously injured woman. The suspect is still standing over her and is still armed with the bike lock that he is wiellding as a club. They do not know if he has a gun or not. The point officer, who is armed with a rifle, opens fire on a suspect actively assaulting someone with a deadly weapon. Sadly one of the officer’s rounds either missed or over-penetrated the suspect and struck the bystander, who was not in the officer’s line of sight.
Was his decision to shoot the best option? The lady on the floor with broken bones would probably say yes. The innocent victim would clearly say no. Eithrr way, the Supreme Court has ruled that “the best option” is irrelevent. Neither society nor the courts have the luxury of deciding what would have been best using the 20/20 vision of hiindsight. From a criminal perspective at least, the courts have said that an officer’s decision need not be what is best, nor does it even have to be correct. It must simply be a decision that another reasonable officer, placed under the same circumstances, might do.
So you have an armed suspect, committing assault with a deadly weapon on a severely injured victim. Some reports indicate that the suspect has a gun. The officer located this suspect in the act of assault and had an apparently clear line of fire. In order to protect the injured woman, themselves, and the public, he decided to open fire. The officer did nothing wrong.
That does not mean there will not be civil liability, which is a whole different animal, but even that will primarily come about because of the negative publicity surrounding the death and the LAPDs desire to clear this up ASAP.
Go do a ride along Chuck and see how you fair in real time decision making. Stop throwing cops under the bus because things didn’t turn out rainbows. Sometimes there can be no happy ending. Better yet, maybe pay cops at a rate commensurate with your expectations. It’s fine to expect the world of cops, but not if you will not give them expert level training and expert level pay. In the end, we all get what we pay for. So keep paying ballplayers millions while they give you their uninformed opinions, and keep paying cops end teachers a pittance while expecting perfection. Lunacy.
I knew it would be asking too much to expect Chuck to give us “the rest of the story.” He would make a great lame stream reporter, tailoring the news to give a very biased account of what actually happened. A lot of what is wrong in our society today is caused by people just like Chuck.
Note to Chuck: Leaving out relevant parts of the story may not technically be lying, but it is still intentional deception, and that is every bit as bad.
So true!
Bah, bah, bah, bah is the language of the sheep. Wear a mask sheeple if you feel lucky. Try common sense for once and keep your distance from folks who have some outward manifestation of an illness, like sneezing, coughing, sweats and such. Come on now. Use your brain … don’t let others tell you how to behave.
Bah bah bah is the language if the sheep telling you to not trust science or experts in their field of study because it doesn’t fit their fascist agenda of the modern conservatives.
That’s more like the sound of complete conformity which is what big brother is hoping for. It’s pretty bad when the doctor who came up with vaccine technology (Dr.Malone) gets banned for his warnings. The FDA CDC want 55-75 years for releasing the data; what does that tell you?? If anyone should be listened to it is he. Some of you like to argue I can see that, but do you ever stop and think for yourself and not just regurgitate what you’re being told? Not enough time has gone by to prove anything positive or negative and certainly not enough testing has been done to conclusively say masks/shots work. It’s still emergency use so people should be given the right to make their choices for their life. If unvaxed or maskless people make you afraid stay home or just wear your own mask. Will yours not work if I don’t wear one?! The rest of us would like to live our lives and not be told how to. You call the mask an “inconvenience” and you bet your ass it is! It’s a waste of time otherwise the last year of wearing them would have proved it eradicated the virus. Just common sense is what people need. Step away from the mainstream media and go live!!
Dr Malone doesn’t seem to have evidence of the vaccine being dangerous (best i can tell from the rambling article i read). His primary concern and disagreement is with the speed the vaccine was rolled out and the legal liability waiver of the Big Pharma players making billions off his invention.
The vaccine was tested and further has been deeply studied in the population and has been shown as safe and effective at saving lives.
He comes across as a jaded guy pissed he didn’t get his way and now loves the media attention. He has funded no studies, no data, no analysis of others data so comes across as just another skeptical scientist without the resources to back his gut feelings.
Dr Robert Malone invented mesenger RNA technology and is a highly respected medical scientist. Furthermore, he is one of the few talking heads in the mass media who is not being compensated by Big Pharma or government in any way. He expresses his concerns over the Covid “vaccines” using his technology because he is genuinely concerned about the breches of normal protocols that have taken place.
The expose of Pfizer’s clinical trial fraud by THE CANADIAN COVID ALLIANCE which he posted on Twitter is a lucid and compelling take down of Pfizer. Twitter banned him the next day.
Anyone – even the creator of the technology – who dares to speak against the prevailing narrative is immediately silenced.
That alone ought to tell you something.
Oh….Mr Malone didn’t come up with the technology behind the vaccine as he likes to brag. He came up with a key finding for sure but many others actually had to build onto his finding to actually make a viable vaccine.
You’re splitting hairs.
His credibility is unimpeachable – and you know it.
Dr. Malone lost his credibility by still supporting horse dewarmer as a cure even though every controlled study has shown is has no effect on recovery. He is a very smart guy that played an important role in the science behind the vaccine (although the actual covid vaccine was developed by an entirely different group of people.)
He is just jaded he didn’t reap his ‘fair’ share of the billions made by Pfizer.
He has no data to back any of his claims and has yet to formulate any response to his peers that DO have significant data sets that contradict his gut feelings of fear.
The police officer who fatally shot a 14-year-old girl in a dressing room, has been identified as Los Angeles Police Department’s anti-racism champion, William Dorsey Jones Jr.
If this individual was not black, he would have already been charged with murder. I believe that this was the officer that another officer was trying to talk into holding back during their approach to the shooting area.
Common sense would dictate that you not shoot at an area when you don’t know what is behind it. It had to be obvious that it was not a SOLID wall in the middle of a mall.
This story has all but gone away in the media. No surprise here!
Nothing is obvious when you are dealing with someone actively trying to kill other people. If you think you could be cool, calm, and collected while watching someone get their brains beat in, be my guest and sign up to be a cop. Everyone thinks police are such highly trained experts at everything. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are just people who’s adrenaline is pumping just like yours would be. Heck, go look at the NC training standards. They only need to shoot a 70% score under perfect conditions. That means that the state is saying that it’s OK for them to miss with 3 out of every 10 shots they fire….under PERFECT conditions. Then when a cop misses their target suddenly everyone is up in arms. How did this happen?!? Well, because the state said they only had to shoot 70%. You want experts, you need to hire experts. Cops are not experts and it is not their fault. It’s just what it is.
I would like people who obviously have no law enforcement experience or legal training and do not know the standards established by the Supreme Court for officer involved shootings (reasonableness), and do not know all of the evidentiary details of the case (relying on skewed media reports) to stop speaking on the topic. It makes you look like uneducated idiots. Go read the two court decisions on the topic: TN vs Garner and Graham vs Conner. You can find a YouTube video (one from the past lead attorney who specialized on the topic at the NC Justice Academy) if you would like to address the topic from an educated perspective instead of anti law enforcement rants.
The law is clearly biased for officers protection. Without it, officers wouldn’t be able to do their jobs. That doesn’t make it right however.
The end result here is that an innocent child died because an officer used a firearm to protect a woman being beaten with a blunt object. That officer clearly had several other alternatives to subdue the criminal given the crowded close quarters of the location. Is it a failure of the officer? I would suggest not. The real failure is the poor quality of training of officers in the US. There are plenty of other countries that fund significantly more training of their officers before they are released for duty with a firearm.
End of day policing needs significant improvement in the US to reduce events such at this as well as other factors hurting policing such as racial profiling, etc…. But as long a training standards are maintained at the local level across thousands of districts, we have little hope of it getting better other than lawsuits and criminal prosecutions.
Sad really. Why not reallocate some of the Trillions in military spending to improve training and compensation of those challenged to protect us at home versus overseas?
Police training standards are not managed locally. They are managed at the state level by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission. Standards are not maintained across “thousands of districts” Standards are set by each state in the nation, so more like 50 versus “thousands”.
Police standards are handled at the state level because, as law enforcement developed in America, there was a conscious choice to make policing a states’ rights issue rather than have one federal police force.
For partial credit, I will give you that each agency is responsible for ensuring their officers complete the state mandated training, but all standards are set by the state.
In the future, maybe look up your guesses about how stuff works before hitting submit. Thanks for chiming in though.
Training standards are very uniform across the nation due to case law and accrediting agencies such as CALEA. I agree, this shooting will most likely have civil liability attached at some point. But he Supreme Court of the United States has established the standard of reasonableness. Reasonableness is defined as what would an average officer do in the same circumstances. I actually agree with you Chris about the inadequacy of training for police officers. I know in this area the annual in service is now mostly completed online and the classes required to be in person are a joke with people on their phones, instructors rushing through the training and giving answers to the state required test (I am speaking specifically about in service-the academy is handled more professionally).
Policing is not a profession. People need to realize that in NC the basic requirements are 21 years old, 10th grade reading level, GED or high school diploma, and not a felon. Police are not paid as a profession. We get what we pay for. Promotions to command staff leadership positions are often not based on actual competency but demographics and good old boy network. The culture does not encourage new thinking or outside of the box thinking. These are all issues that I believe has contributed to the continued downfall of police agencies. Most officers are moral people who go into the profession with an idealistic vision that they can help people or change the community. As time goes on most realize that the bureaucracy and politics prohibit independent thought and working for bad supervisors decimates morale. Police make mistakes. This case was a huge error in judgment. I have read that the officer involved has been on suicide watch. He will never get over this. But citizens seem to expect Ferrari policing on a Chevrolet budget. Perfect split second decisions. I am not referring to criminal acts by police like Derek Chauvin. But please know that training is very similar across the country due to agencies striving for best practices-especially in the initial training.
So to be clear…..you have classroom training then you have om the job training. Studies show in most all environments, 80 percent how ypu perform is determined through on the job training.
And no, there is no standard for training at the nation level….case law is at the State Level for majority of crimes handled by local police.
Twice i have had officers try to search my car for dubious reasons when i was younger. One even called in three other cars for back up. We were just 4 guys on the town after a college reunion and i was the DD and sober. We were polite and calm…he claimed to smell weed which was clearly BS. Never found a thing. And will never forget or
forgive those asshats.
I agree that field training is where most of the “training” occurs. New officers learn the culture, right or wrong, and often police in the same vein as their training coach.
Search and seizure is based on the 4th amendment, federal law. Individual officers violate the 4th amendment all the time across the country. I have had my vehicle illegally searched on two occasions, once by a GPD officer and once by a state trooper. Both instances were when I was young and did not know the law.
My comment was based on a recent article on policing standards that makes your very point. Sure there are documents with standards established by the state as you point out. But each local department has their own take on those standards as defined by practice and enforcement of standards. Local practices always trump ‘the manual’ under the excuse of ‘we have special circumstances’.
Practices that lead to racial profiling is the best example of this. Some departments use traffic stops for very minor offenses to then find excuse to execute a warrantless search with either a drug dog or old school intimidation tactics.
So i stand by position although i could have been more clear so thank you for adding the additional clarity to my comment.
Vehicle searches have been limited in scope the past few years with new case law. If an individual officer is violating the newer standards that could be a training issue or officer issue.
I am extremely familiar with the agencies within Guilford County and the surrounding areas. I do not know of an agency intentionally violating the codes set forth by the NC Training and Standards division. Some of those codes are actually in the law and the violators could be charged. NC does take standards for law enforcement seriously. GPD did have a problem with their police academy within the last 15 years in which the captain in training had to go before the board and beg for them not to revoke GPD’s ability to have an academy. The meeting notes used to be online but they no longer seem to be available. Training and Standards does not play. They will revoke an officer’s certification with sufficient evidence pretty quickly.
You have more faith in the blue wall than I do.
Chris, not to sound racist but if you ever need the police why don’t you go grab the methhead off the median at your nearest intersection? Typical libtard socialist commie! Oh! I know! Put your N95 over your face so that insane idiot can’t harm you with his “blunt” object. Yeah! I’m sure someone called a social worker to come have a conversation with the lunatic beating these folks to death. Hmmm! Sir, what seems to be the problem today? Pffftf You never disappoint me with your idiotic socialistic communistic fascistic comments of ignorance…. if brains were gasoline you couldn’t start a termites chainsaw. Please do keep commenting though. It reminds folks that The adverage person is dumb and half of them are just like you, dumber than adverage.
Yawn…..more hateful drivel from a conservative who is incapable of making a coherent statement so tosses out scary words like commie, libtard, or socialistic without even addressing a single point of my statement.
You guys could almost just copy paste your silly rants under each of my posts. Lmao
Oh I have very little faith in GPD. The very same captain that almost lost their police academy retired as a Deputy Chief, which means he was promoted after that debacle. The Training and Standards meeting notes used to be online but they seem to no longer exist. The same academy had to pay back pay to new hires in the academy for working them over 40 hours without overtime or comp time (that was around a $1 million). Their time sheets were not accurate on their face (interpret that statement as you wish). That was after an officer filed an EEOC complaint. There are a lot of skeletons in the closet of how GPD treats officers on the micro level. The City Council is responsible for the macro level-pay, vehicles, TRAINING. You want to support the bare minimum, you get the bare minimum, which may be officers who operate from a place of fear due to poor training (not established standards, ongoing training), read at a 10th grade level (state minimum but agencies are free to have stronger standards), and are immature due to lack of work and life experience.
Chris, you and I are probably more on the same page than you realize. I have always believed that most problems in agencies are based on a failure to train, minimum hiring practices, and promotions not based on competency.
Well said. I only add that as long as police are only accountable to themselves, there will never really be motivated to do better.
End result a kid died an an officer will beat himself up over it for the rest of his life….. something needs fixing.
Once again, Chuck Mann proves “ignorance” is alive and well.
What I would like to know, is how the Guilford County Board of Commissioners can also meet as the “Board of Health”? From what I can tell, none of the commissioners has a medical degree, so how can they be responsible for making health-related decisions on behalf of the citizens of Guilford County? A Board of Health should be comprised of medical experts, not politicians.