Cash To Go Away
Dear Editor,
From the writings of Kipling, a piece called Dane-geld (Google the term):
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”
If we are going to cave and pay these criminals Dane-geld, I have a much better idea for the exchange rate. For every attack on international shipping in international waters, an attack is made on five targets in the country responsible. Start with military targets, then go to infrastructure targets, i.e. power plants, nationally owned facilities, rendering airfields/airports inoperable (not attacking terminals, just runways), blockade ports (think JFK in the ’60s) to include stopping, boarding and seizing tankers and turning away tankers trying to pick up loads, seize financial assets.
I have always been and will continue to be for playing by the rules. What this means is if my opponent decides to play by their own version of the rules then I will do the same. This way they decide how the game gets played. What about the civilians? As I said, their rulers have set the rules so the onus is on them.
I know, I know, whiny little liberals (like _ _ _ _) will scream how we have to be better than them. These are their rules. They can change things at any time. It’s their call. While I would like to use the “Chicago way” – “They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue” – I know that is not acceptable to most people…at least until it begins to affect their comfort and security, then they start the transition to becoming a mob. (See New York and Chicago with the illegal alien invasion)
In short, they know we (read Uncle Joe) have no testicles or spine and will continue to be the bully until they get handed their fourth point of contact, (a paratrooper term…Google it) then they suddenly change their tune.
The average American has let themselves be led into this situation by our “professional politicians.” The majority of the blame falls on the lack of involvement of those average Americans. They can correct it.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Democrats Are Not Socialists
Dear Editor,
Terms such as socialist, Marxist and communist are favorite boogeyman terms for modern conservatives. As with most things found in modern conservative circles, it is hyperbole used to stir up their base with fear. Let’s start with the actual definition of socialism:
“Socialism is a political and economic theory advocating for collective or governmental ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. In a socialist system, the goal is to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth and eliminate or reduce class distinctions.”
Before we evaluate this definition to the party platform and actions of those in the democratic party, we must note that Democrats are a highly diverse group versus the autocratic nature of conservatives that must pledge loyalty to a single individual and his ideas. So yea, on the extreme side there are some that identify as socialist in the democratic party. The extremes do not define either party.
Democrats do not want collective or governmental ownership of private businesses. Democrats do believe in regulation more than conservatives. But both parties believe in regulation to keep private industry from hurting the public. Note conservatives want to control how big tech algorithms return results for search and social media feeds. Democrats just believe more in science and climate and environment and public health. So nope….not socialism.
Democrats do believe in a progressive tax structure which has been a part of the US tax system since ratification of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1913. Both parties have and continue to support this tax structure. So nope….not socialism.
Democrats do not believe everyone deserves the same wealth. They do believe everyone deserves the same opportunity to the American dream. Yes, this is controversial, but it is not socialism. Republicans believe people are poor because they are lazy, and Democrats believe people are poor due to difficult life circumstances that are hard to overcome without support. Democrats also believe in a safety net for when anyone faces hard times. As always, I remind my modern conservatives that 70 percent of people receiving federal assistance (other than children, elderly and disabled) are working Americans and are temporary. So nope…not socialism.
So nope. Democrats are not socialists, communist or Marxists. They simply believe and support the words of Christ to help those less fortunate. If republicans believe letting children starve and homeless freeze to death is the answer…that is why we are a democracy and choose those who represent us in government.
Christian C. Rice
Alan’s rant miss timed again (2nd time in a row). US.bombed Yemen today. Why would anyone listen to Alan. His is again wrong about Biden. Maybe he should write about something other than current events since he can’t keep up.
Democrats are the party of ever bigger & bigger & bigger & more abusive government. They are the enemy of individual liberty at every turn.
Republicans pretend to be the opposite, but only occasionally are. Christian, don’t sweat it; you authoritarians are in the saddle. But please don’t take this pose of being virtuous.
No virtuous pose here. Just strongly disagree with the socialist label toss around like the boogeyman about democrats. Both Democrats and Republicans have pushed up national debt again and again.
Why does Bernie Sanders call himself a Democratic Socialist?
Both sides of the aisle indeed love to spend taxpayer money.
But Healey, that’s the whole point of pledging your allegiance to the Left – you’re automatically deemed a saint!
Being a Democrat magically means that you “care”, that your heart bleeds for the “less fortunate”, and that you publicly and ostentatiously wring your hands over every perceived injustice, real or imaginary.
What’s the point of being a Democrat if you can’t posture, pose, and feel superior to others ???
Rational reasoning doesn’t enter into it.
It just gets in the way.
Tell that to some of the leading figures of the Democrat Party who make sure to add “Socialist” into the terms they use to identify themselves. I.E. “Democratic Socialist” or “Social Democrat.” You can obfuscate all you wish on what they may “really” mean, but they are self-identifying and I’ll take their word on it. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do in this more enlightened age?
Democratic socialist is not Marxist Socialist or Communist now is it? Just means they believe in reducing the gap between wealthy and poverty as much as possible using progressive taxes that have been a part of the US system for over 100 years. But again, the Democratic party is highly diverse.
Calling a democrat a ‘Social Democrat’ or a Democratic Socialist’ isn’t nearly as spooky as calling them Socialists, Marxist, or Communist now does it?
Then why do they call themselves socialists?
Not reducing the wealth gap but eliminating it. Marxist is the proper term.
Quote anyone suggesting that within the democratic party?
To be in the democratic party, you have to swear you will never use the word “socialist”, even though that’s more of a correct term for them.
Christian, don’t mix politics and religion.
Oh Christian why trying disprove everything Conservatives think about Democrats your hyperbole turns into hypocrisy. While trying to prove Democrats superior intellect because you believe in science ( never mind all the genders ) you prove yourself guilty of labeling Conservatives . People are poor for many reasons lazy is just one of many, so nope that’s not what all Conservatives believe, Democrats just believe throwing money at any issue solves the problem, well for 60:years that’s been going on and we still have generations of poor and people that live off the government, not just Conservative hyperbole just facts. Noticed how you skipped the issues at the border conveniently.
Anti Climate change is officially a part of the modern conservative agenda. Is pointing out that fact upsetting to you?
The comments here in the Rhino Times seem to lean heavily towards calling recipients of government assistance as lazy. I haven’t counted but can send you a link to several such comments from the last year or so.
If you have a free solution for homelessness, poverty, health crisis, housing crisis, etc… I am all ears. Also note that most of these programs are designed to be safety nets. Not make poverty disappear. If you have ideas to make the issues of homelessness and poverty disappear, I am all ears.
Chris the pisshead socialist commie Marxist! First of all… THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY! ITS A REPUBLIC! Just one fact that you have wrong…. Btw, a wise man once said,”democracy (its a process) will cease to exist when you take from those willing to work and give to those who would no’ anyway, you and a team of UNCG social scientist needn’t look any further that the basic house cat. If you keep that cat around and feed it daily he will camp out there forever but if you stop feeding that cat it will start taking care of itself before long.
Next up… democratic socialist. Laughing my FN head off. That is an oxymoron moron. They do not exist in the same room unless Lukashanko and dopey Joe are having a pow wow in the Oval Office.
One more thing. Judging by your name I can tell your mother had high hopes for you…What disappointment she must feel.
I covered every bit of your point of view in my letter. Give it a read again. But I can tell by the hate in your comment that you did read it and couldn’t argue against the points I made so you resorted to repating old propaganda you hear in your conservative circles and childish name calling. Your mom must be proud.
“Peace thru strength.” Try messing with the Israelis or the Russians. See what happens. You get re-messed in spades.
A few well-placed attacks on Iran and their proxies will take care of it. See what Gerald Ford did with Cambodia – no more attacks.
We need men with some cajones in Washington. I have no respect for our Govt in Guilford County or Washington.
Uh, Mr. Rice, we’re actually a REPUBLIC: a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
A DEMOCRACY: a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
A republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive.
The United States is a federal republic with a democratic system of government. It operates as a representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
For once, Chrissy is completely correct here.
Actually Austin, I hate to disagree with you but the United States is a Constitutional Republic, We elect representatives who are supposed to be making decisions based on our wants, needs and desires that WE express to THEM, not on our behalf, hence the term “representative”, not Lord or Lady.
And for the record Chrissy, I’m not an “ex-soldier”. I’m just no longer on jump status.
It isn’t a matter of opinion. The FACT is that a republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive.
The United States is a federal republic with a democratic system of government. It operates as a representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
If we can just make stuff up and terms and definitions don’t matter, then I can call you an ex-GRUNT.
American believer, you beat me to the punch on that one. And I’m glad to meet another individual that makes that point. Bravo!
Healey, well said.
TR, I prefer to refer to them as the (National Socialist) Democrat Party. I believe it’s a far more accurate title.
“Peace thru Strength” is one of my most firm beliefs Miller. And thanks for pointing out the border thing Benjy.
And Jv, he can’t help it. He comes by it naturally.
Chrissy, my “rant” wasn’t “miss timed”, I said the bombing should have happened 20 minutes after the first attack. And it’s spelled “mistimed”, but hey, what do I know. I’m always wrong about doddering Uncle Joe and I can’t keep up on current events.
Ignorance loves company, I guess. Good you two found each other. Hugs and kisses all around. lol
Note that Alan can’t align his point of view with facts. For example, he can’t point to anything that align democrat’s policies to the actual definition of socialism. But Alan loves spooky words even if he doesn’t understand what they mean.
Not surprised that Alan is a shot first think later kinda guy. You know, like the guy that shot the kid in the head for ringing the wrong doorbell last year. As an ex-solider, I would think you appreciate the time and planning it takes to keep the men and women of our military safe before running off guns blazing. I prefer Biden have testicles’ and brains. But you be you Mr Testicles.
Nobody’s interested in debating semantics with you, Chrissy. The Left is the Left, from soft Left to hard Left. The monikers they adopt are irrelevant. In a US context it would stretch from Joe Manchin (Democrat, West Virginia) to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat, New York) who is a self-proclaimed and proud socialist.
There are many more socialists in the Democrat Party, most of them undeclared.
You sure do comment a lot for guy that isn’t interested in debating.
If you believe there are so many secret socialists hiding in congress, point to their polices where they want to take over private business, remove ability to become wealthily in the US, etc…
Bet you can’t. Just because you think it doesn’t make it true. You know….like Hate being both a verb and a noun. lol
God Almighty, that’s rich coming from you, you blowhard tosser.
Get a life,you loser.
And hate is not capitalised, because it’s not a proper noun. If you’re going to be condescending you had better make sure that you’re right – otherwise YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT.
Got that, Einstein?
I love debating semantics or anything really so yup, I comment a lot. You were the one saying no one wanted to debate semantics and then debated semantics. LOL
No, I did not debate the meaning of “socialist”. I pointed out that many in the Democratic Party openly assert that they are socialists. That’s not a semantics argument.
Do you understand this, or is it beyond your comprehension?
Addressed that topic in the letter itself. Try to keep up please.
Your arrogance and condescension are very unattractive.
Especially since you can’t carry it off.
You just look stupid.
Just pointing out the obvious to the person who slings mud like a three-year-old on the playground.
Chris if Trump were in office now, none of the Iran, Yemen crap would be happening
Why because they would be busy laughing at his incompetent leadership as he worships autocratic leaders like Putin? What a joke.
With a senile demented octogenarian in the White House, I wouldn’t be talking about incompetent leadership if I were you.
Biden is so weak that he turned tail in Afghanistan, emboldened Putin to make his move on Ukraine, let the balloon go up in the Middle East …. and (prediction)… China will attack Taiwan before the November election.
Rebel is right that this would not be happening under Trump. They’re scared of him.
Nobody’s scared of the feeble old fool.
Keep in mind that both are awful choices for president. Only one is far worse and is orange and wears a diaper and poops himself during diplomatic meetings.
That was when Biden met the Pope. He’s incontinent, in every sense.
Chris, I think you meant yella and everyone knows dopey Joe wears a diaper and craps himself.
I grew up in Austria. COMPLACENCY is an American behavior “Oh, someone else will take care of it”. I am also a military brat with a upbringing from a the highest security clearance dad. Please know, I am not judging just observing. I have seen WAR TORN EUROPE, and some areas have only recently ‘been gotten to rebuilding’ from WWII ! It is a sobering experience whenever you see it up close and personal. The American public in my opinion has NO IDEA of it. So many I meet and know do not stay abreast of foreign news, nor care. The big picture of where “THIS AMERICA” is seen from the rest of the world isn’t a concern to most of the public either. It is a crying shame and all who have pioneered, served and have protected our country who are gone are turning over in their graves. It is a horrible state of being a free people. Yes, we may help our communities yet, the big picture once again is not helping the country. Such a large number in the careers of police, fire, teachers, military, have “OPTED OUT” of the choice to serve in the present in order to “GET BY”. It will not be that simple with any war erupting in our USA.
Quite frankly I am beyond being concerned. We are in GREAT NEED to appreciate our freedoms.
Well said, Lynne. Have you noticed that those most worried about America’s trajectory are often people from tyrannies, like the old Eastern Bloc. They know what’s happening because they’ve seen this movie before.
Americans have never lived in tyranny, which is why they are so complacent. Each new law or regulation here sets off alarm bells for me. Just this week this Left wing administration declared a new proposal to eliminate Independent Contractor status – because they want to eliminate people who are independent! We can’t be easily controlled.
The Left is moving this country towards authoritarian socialism as fast as it can. Or as Obama put it so nebulously, to “fundamentally transform America”. He’s succeeding.
Austin still thinks Independent Contractor status means self-employed but name one job that is an independent contractor today that will be hurt by the rule change. I gave example of Urber drivers benefiting from the change. Name one that would be hurt. I will wait.
Uber drivers absolutely will NOT benefit. They’re already threatening to leave Uber work in droves if they’re forced to become employees and lose their flexibility and freedom.
You have a very weak grip on reality.
Lol, then why did the Uber drivers file and win a $100 million lawsuit again uber on that very subject? You are just making stuff up again and again and again. It took me 10 seconds to look up the news stories on Uber drivers and employee status.
That piece, written by attorneys who benefit from litigation, proves nothing except that attorneys are keen to see more litigation on this issue – which is obvious.
Try again, Genius Boy.
Well said Lynne…well said
Here Here Lynne. Well said
I am as free today as I was in the 80s. The only real change is technology and how it has eroded privacy. But most of that erosion is from big tech selling our data to highest bidders. I still drive what I want to drive, live where I want to live, socialize with whoever I like, worship in whatever way I like, marry who ever I like (although republicans what to control this), read whatever I want to read (although republicans want to control this), and go where ever I want to go to do what I ever I enjoy doing for recreation, and most importantly share my opinions openly on any topic I choose.
So again, I ask the drama queens…what is the specific freedom I am losing because of our current government?