Oh great, another forced birth nutter. So my brother and his wife still have several stored fertilized eggs (I refuse to refer to them as embryos) …if you consider them human’s then the federal government owes them back tax deductions for their ‘children’ not counted.
From OXFORD’S perspective;
“ A human embryo is a discrete entity that has arisen from either:
the first mitotic division when fertilization of a human oocyte by a human sperm is complete or
any other process that initiates organized development of a biological entity with a human nuclear genome or altered human nuclear genome that has the potential to develop up to, or beyond, the stage at which the primitive streak appears,
and has not yet reached 8 weeks of development since the first mitotic division”
A frozen embryo is not a human being. A person is not a human being until it is born and takes its first breath of life according to the Bible and God. (God breathed into Adam and Eve their first breath of life, God imparts physical and soul life into the biological body when the fetus takes its first breath.)
No part of the process in the womb is human life. That’s why in the Bible there was no punishment for the loss of a pregnancy in the Mosaic Law, even though there was capital punishment for the loss of life for murder of a person. An embryo, zygote, egg, or fetus is not human life.
The verse that religious people use of Mary’s fetus “jumping in her womb” explains her excitement on hearing of Mary’s news about her pregnancy with Jesus Christ, causing her to be extremely excited resulting in the spontaneous reaction of the fetus to her physical emotions, it’s not the baby hearing anything and jumping for joy.
Religious people thinking that the passage that talks about God “knowing you before you were born” means that He has a relationship with the baby in the woman’s womb isn’t a correct interpretation, as it means that God is all-knowing for all time therefore He is aware of every human who will ever be born and everything that will happen to them and every thought they will have in eternity past, so chew on that.
A woman can’t have two souls in her body at one time, so there can’t be another human being inside her with its own free will and own soul.
God decides who is born as a human being and who isn’t, not people. It’s arrogant to think that people have the power to decide. If God wants a human to be born then people won’t be able to stop that from happening, if He doesn’t it’s arrogant to think a human could do something to make the child be born. God is in charge, not people (sorry, Chris.)
This is what God says in the Bible if you understand the original languages in which it is written.
No sir, I disagree with you! In my opinion, Life begins at conception. An embryo is not concepted? Based on my beliefs and 2 + 2 = 4 tells me abortion is nothing short of murder! And yes there are legitimate reasons for abortions, but 99% are not done for a legitimate reasons.
Since embryos are now children, all forms of birth control, other than physical barrier controls (condoms, diaphragms, etc.) should be considered 1st degree murder. That’s right, taking a pill should be premeditated murder, because it allows the egg to be fertilized but doesn’t allow it to attach to the womb. Also, if you didn’t know, having a dead fetus removed from your body before full term is medically termed as an abortion. So, we need to convict all these horrible women for murder. Plus, we need all these unwanted children, to grow up to be unwanted, poor adults and to work in our factories after we stop trade with China, because without a massive, low-wage labor force, we won’t be able to keep the price of goods down to the level we want, so that we can live as extravagantly as we do.
The “extreme right” wishes only to prohibit infanticide.
If it were up to me, I’d allow abortion in the first trimester only. As indecisive as women are, it seems reasonable that they can make a decision in three months.
After 8 months, it’s just murder of babies.
Oh great, another forced birth nutter. So my brother and his wife still have several stored fertilized eggs (I refuse to refer to them as embryos) …if you consider them human’s then the federal government owes them back tax deductions for their ‘children’ not counted.
From OXFORD’S perspective;
“ A human embryo is a discrete entity that has arisen from either:
the first mitotic division when fertilization of a human oocyte by a human sperm is complete or
any other process that initiates organized development of a biological entity with a human nuclear genome or altered human nuclear genome that has the potential to develop up to, or beyond, the stage at which the primitive streak appears,
and has not yet reached 8 weeks of development since the first mitotic division”
Pretty well support’s you Mr. Mann
Chuck, it’s not a “person” until said froyo embryo is thawed, fertilized and placed in a womb. (Insert eyeroll here)
An embryo is already fertilized, by definition.
And are you accepting that an embryo in a womb is a person?
A frozen embryo is not a human being. A person is not a human being until it is born and takes its first breath of life according to the Bible and God. (God breathed into Adam and Eve their first breath of life, God imparts physical and soul life into the biological body when the fetus takes its first breath.)
No part of the process in the womb is human life. That’s why in the Bible there was no punishment for the loss of a pregnancy in the Mosaic Law, even though there was capital punishment for the loss of life for murder of a person. An embryo, zygote, egg, or fetus is not human life.
The verse that religious people use of Mary’s fetus “jumping in her womb” explains her excitement on hearing of Mary’s news about her pregnancy with Jesus Christ, causing her to be extremely excited resulting in the spontaneous reaction of the fetus to her physical emotions, it’s not the baby hearing anything and jumping for joy.
Religious people thinking that the passage that talks about God “knowing you before you were born” means that He has a relationship with the baby in the woman’s womb isn’t a correct interpretation, as it means that God is all-knowing for all time therefore He is aware of every human who will ever be born and everything that will happen to them and every thought they will have in eternity past, so chew on that.
A woman can’t have two souls in her body at one time, so there can’t be another human being inside her with its own free will and own soul.
God decides who is born as a human being and who isn’t, not people. It’s arrogant to think that people have the power to decide. If God wants a human to be born then people won’t be able to stop that from happening, if He doesn’t it’s arrogant to think a human could do something to make the child be born. God is in charge, not people (sorry, Chris.)
This is what God says in the Bible if you understand the original languages in which it is written.
No sir, I disagree with you! In my opinion, Life begins at conception. An embryo is not concepted? Based on my beliefs and 2 + 2 = 4 tells me abortion is nothing short of murder! And yes there are legitimate reasons for abortions, but 99% are not done for a legitimate reasons.
Jim Donaldson
I find I must agree with you Jim
Since embryos are now children, all forms of birth control, other than physical barrier controls (condoms, diaphragms, etc.) should be considered 1st degree murder. That’s right, taking a pill should be premeditated murder, because it allows the egg to be fertilized but doesn’t allow it to attach to the womb. Also, if you didn’t know, having a dead fetus removed from your body before full term is medically termed as an abortion. So, we need to convict all these horrible women for murder. Plus, we need all these unwanted children, to grow up to be unwanted, poor adults and to work in our factories after we stop trade with China, because without a massive, low-wage labor force, we won’t be able to keep the price of goods down to the level we want, so that we can live as extravagantly as we do.
Bingo…. that clearly seems the extreme rights plan.
The “extreme right” wishes only to prohibit infanticide.
If it were up to me, I’d allow abortion in the first trimester only. As indecisive as women are, it seems reasonable that they can make a decision in three months.
After 8 months, it’s just murder of babies.