Camel’s Nose Under The Tent
Dear Editor,
Greensboro has gotten involved in a new program called “Save-A-Casing.” The way it works is you give over two expended casings to the Police Department and “the casings will be entered into the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN).”
Let me repeat that, you turn over two expended shells to the Police Department who will enter them, along with your weapon information, into the National Integrated Ballistic Network. Correct me if I’m wrong but that sounds an awful lot like a firearms registration system under a different name.
The system is currently voluntary, and the concept sounds like a great thing. But as my grandfather always said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
As with any government program, voluntary or not, it will eventually become mandatory. (Go ahead, Chrissy, start calling me paranoid.) I agree that it is something that would help law enforcement officers (LEO) get stolen and lost weapons back to their owners, but it will also give them a list of who owns firearms. And since we are talking about the government, at all levels, one has to wonder how long it would be before they start abusing it. After all, when the Social Security number system was first established, the card read ‘not for identification purposes’ yet that has morphed into your ID number.
As I said earlier, people will call this paranoid, but remember who we are talking about. How many local governments are trying to pass gun registration or even ban private ownership altogether? How many local governments pass laws making it next to impossible to have a firearm on your person while walking the streets? “Oh, we have LEO to protect us.” Yes, they do their best to protect us but through no fault of their own they are too many minutes away when seconds count.
LEO brings them in, but the politically motivated District Attorneys appear to have little or no desire to punish those that break the law.
Robert Heinlein said, “An armed society is a polite society.” And with all the illegal aliens invading our country and the growing number of attacks and thefts taking place in broad daylight, the question to ask is “where is the protection I pay for?” Note: It’s not LEOs’ fault. They try.
I love my country but fear and mistrust my government
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
A simple compromise would be to allow the legitimate owners to present spent casings only if the weapon is stolen. Store firearms safely and this would not be required so much, and while I’m at it, stiffen the penalties for improperly stored firearms.
Sounds very reasonable American
Here’s an idea – next time you’re at the range, save two spent casings from each firearm that you shoot. Put them in “snack” size ziplock plastic bags with a note card with the type of firearm and serial number. Save those bags in a safe place. IF the firearm is stolen, THEN give it to the police when you report the theft so that they’ll know if it turns up somewhere, and can put it into the database. They’ll already have a record of the SN etc when you report the theft.
Yup. Fear is the main message of the conservative party. Not shocked Alan sits at home clutching his guns afraid of what comes in the dark. If Alan really bought into the message of the swarm of illegals and the dangers that bring, why didn’t he write a letter pusing Republicans to pass the border protection bill? Oh right, it’s not a big enough problem to give Biden a win during an election year.
Conservatives have claimed ‘they’ are coming for your guns for decades. Still own my guns. Nobody ever tried to take them from me either. Why? Because SCOTUS gave strong precedence to the 2nd amendment. So nope….not scared.
Modern Conservatives are a joke.
Cap guns don’t count
Chris if you are an honest person you know the fake Border Bill did nothing. They agreed to allow 5,000 people a day in and Biden could overrule anything in the bill.
A female nursing student was just murdered and probably rapes on the University of Georgia intramural running track. By an illegal immigrant recently released by our border patrol into the country. They are coming here for their $10,000 debit card (see NYC) and committing crimes. Trump was right. They are not sending their best.
Sending? Who is sending? These are people escaping poverty. No one is sending anyone. That statement alone shows you don’t care about the truth of what is happening south of our border.
We have people here trying to escape poverty. How about them? Biden ended several border protections the day he arrived in office. Tell me where the best and brightest are-oh that’s right, the doctors that want to come here and work get caught up in red tape. Let them stay in your house B.
Go watch the black AMERICANS in Chicago going after their council persons? They are the ones who need to speak because they will be pushed out their are due to taxes, their schools will turn crappy than they already are. ect.
Oh, and BTW Chrissy, the Republicans rejected the border bill because part of it allowed 5,000 illegal aliens A DAY to cross the border. I noticed you left that part out.
As usual, you are just repeating right wing talking points like a good little sheep. And as usual, the right wing talking points are a lie. The bill closes the border if their are 5000 Encounters. Those 5000 would NOT be just released into the US. They would have their asylum request handled and determined within 15 days and sent back if denied.
Maybe you should find real sources of information versus the right wing circle jerk news you seem to love for feeding your childish fears.
As usual, you fail to comprehend. It’s almost amusing.
Are you even serious? All they do is release them? Ask Laken Riley about her murderer and his Monopoly go pass to New York, where he was charged with endangering the welfare of a child. His “wife” also admitted they only got married so their “asylum” claim would go through easier. Then he goes to Georgia with his illegal brother who produced a fake green card to try and work at UGA. That is not a conservative talking point. Go talk to her parents.
That’s not a correct description of the program. You are supposed to save your two expended casings in a safe place, separate from where you store your gun. Then, if your gun gets stolen, and only if it gets stolen, you turn your shell casings in to GPD so they can see if your stolen gun is getting used in a crime. If your gun never gets stolen, you never turn your casings in, and your gun remains “unregistered”. Conspiracy averted dude.
“The casings will be entered into a network. It will compare the information against other casings that might be evidence.”
Read the article
They will be…when you turn them in….if your gun is stolen. Don’t believe everything you read.
Here’s the actual quote from the GPD webpage. Note the part where it says for you to keep your casings and only turn them in if your gun gets stolen:
“All firearm owners are encouraged to keep two shell casings in the provided envelope with firearm
information in your home, separate from where you store your respective firearm. In the event your
firearm is stolen, report and provide labeled envelope with the shell casings to the Greensboro Police
Department. These casings are then submitted into National Integrated Ballistic Information Network
(NIBIN) where casings will be compared against the existing database to assist with investigation &
Thank you for the clarification.
Spot on!
‘Ballistic finger printing’ by another name.
Canada spent over 1 billion $ on a similar project. The number of crimes
solved, …….ZERO.
Does the former Hebrew Academy that is now used to house immigrants pay property tax?
I’m with you on this. Our safety is not the concern of police said the Supreme Court.
It’s another element in the globalists’ movement to control us in a cashless society, with our identities, healthcare, government services, and education all serving to trap us in a digital prison.
Once they accomplish this, all resistance will be impossible – unless you own a ranch and dairy in Alaska.
At the recent World Government Summit in the middle east, the odious Tony Blair commended Albania (Albania!) for its progress in subjugating their citizens like cattle into digital serfdom.
And then they’ll come for Western countries.
Allen, in the previous comment is correct,
I would like to add that “National Integrated Ballistic Information Network” is “Junk Science”.
The “fingerprint” on the casing can change due to many things, If there is a contaminant in the chamber, wear of the firing pin, different hardness in ammunition components, replacement of the extractor or pin and even just one pass of a file will change the markings.
Just think about it,the local authorities will take a bullet casing and will compare the marks on it to the NIBIN database. As soon as the algorithm matches the bullet casing the police recovered with an image in the database, the police will go after the owner of that gun — never once questioning the assumption that no other gun would leave the same mark.
In 2013 a Mississippi man’s life was spared hours before his scheduled execution after the FBI said experts had overstated the science. In a note sent to the district attorney in that case, the bureau clarified that “the science regarding firearms examinations does not permit examiner testimony that a specific gun fired a specific bullet to the exclusion of all other guns in the world.”
My background is 40 years in some form of the gun industry, and also 7 years selling and teaching the use of “Forensic investigation tools”.
Almost all of the cool things you have seen on CSI and NCIS, are fantasy crap. But most are used in courts to put someone in jail.
Even fingerprints are now being found to be not as Unique as once thought, ask American lawyer Brandon Mayfield, who, although he never left the country of the USA, was charged in the Madrid Train Bombing, three FBI examiners and a court-appointed expert all said the prints found on the bomb casing were his ( they were not)
I could give you tons of examples of misuse, and flat out fraud in the forensic field, but, as I have been told “who reads anymore”
It will be used as a way to add guns to the database that have “fallen off the grid”, as guns tend to do,
Remember, A gun made 150 or even 300 years ago, will still do what it was built for, if kept in good condition,
the only two enemies to firearms are rust and politicians
You are correct in that no case should rely on one piece of evidence as an absolute indicator of guilt. Any case that does should not be prosecuted. And any jury that hears a case relying on a single piece of evidence should do their duty and decline to convict. Any single piece of evidence, from DNA to video images can be faked or altered.
You should be thinking more in terms of a NIBIN hit as one piece of a puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle should be weighted as to how reliable it is regardless of how important it is to the case. Only when taken as the entire puzzle together should a case be prosecuted as long as all of the evidence points to one conclusion. I know sometimes police and prosecutors hang their hats on one thing. Not only is that wrong, but this should definitely not be that one thing. However, it is a useful tool when used correctly.
Any information freely given up by you, no matter how innocent at the time, can and in certain situations be used against you. Much of our personal info such as facial recognition, blood DNA, mobile device tracking etc. cannot be withheld. But personal property should be held close to our heart for our own protection.
Well said.