The US Is Being Invaded
Dear Editor,
Invasion: an occasion when a large number of people or things come to a place in an annoying and unwanted way.
This country is being invaded, and anyone who tries to say otherwise is not and/or will not face reality. For all intents and purposes we no longer have a viable southern border and the northern border isn’t far behind.
The single biggest reason for this, and I really want to hear any logical disagreement, is the figurehead sitting in the White House calling himself President. It seems like every time we turn around we are hearing about how a new record is being set for the number of illegals being allowed to cross into our country, being processed, being given money, OUR tax money, phones (who pays the bill on those?), material support, and worst of all, free transportation to anywhere in the country they want to go. Again, it’s not really free…WE are paying for it! Oh, and let’s not forget these illegals are being told ‘see you in a few years for a hearing.’
Not only is the Border Patrol overwhelmed and are not patrolling the border, they have pulled air marshals, folks who are supposed to be monitoring flights, to help process these invaders.
Many will say I’m being cruel, but let’s face facts, we have Americans who are in desperate need of help but don’t have the time of day. What are we going to do with the millions, yes millions, of illegals currently in this country and more coming every day.
As I’ve said, this is, by definition, an invasion. How do you counter an invasion? You deploy military forces, with appropriate rules of engagement, to stop it. Not slow it down, but stop it. The other thing is those that are already here are rounded up and detained until they can be deported.
American taxpayers are tired of being expected to support people who flagrantly break our laws. I have family who came to this country using the legal system. If they can, so can anyone. Stop the flood.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Alan, you are not wrong. We have a major political hot potato that needs to be addressed. The Fourteenth Amendment needs to be repealed or changed. Illegals are exploiting the born in America, automatic U.S. Citizen. That has got to be ended. I do not mind if a child born here is a citizen if at least one parent is a U.S. Citizen. Also, we must build a wall. Lastly, we must stop hamstringing the military and law enforcement such as the Border Patrol. Does anyone else have suggestions for this issue?
I’m with you sir!
Thank you Alan!
Check out the UN “repopulation “ initiative document.
Eye opening
1. Build wall
2. Deport all illegals.
3. Shoot on sight.
4. Forbid entry.
5. No freebies, food, medicine,
6. Have and follow strict rules/policies.
totally spot-on
You must have seen videos of Poles & Romanians repelling invading illegals with barbed wire and bayonets.
So…..shoot women and children? That doesn’t sound very American patriot to me.
We would only need to shoot 2-3 the rest would understand and not try to come ILLEGALLY
Again Alan shows how little he actually understands what happening at the border. The Department of Defense is already providing additional military personnel – on top of the 2,500 steady state National Guard personnel – to support the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Blaming this on Biden is still tired BS. Congress fails again and again to reform immigration as both sides refuse to give an inch and actually hammer out a compromise solution.
Here you go again sweetie boy. Biden sucks and you know it. Joe and the ho ,no mo.
Congress is what really stinks. Biden while awful was the better choice compared to Trump.
Someone here certainly doesn’t understand what’s happening at the border…
Alan is totally right. I have friends that are in the military and have been called up to go to the Border, not to keep anyone out, but to help process the 1000’s coming in as Alan mentioned. Chris, you are right, blame our great Border Czar VP Harris who is under Biden. So the entire Biden Administration is to blame. What would you do if 1000 illegals just happened to show up in your community, sleeping on the sidewalks of the stores you go to, using the bathroom wherever they can, leaving trash everywhere, etc… ?
Congress writes immigration laws. Not the President. Republicans have failed again and again to reform immigration law. Even when they controlled both the house and the senate.
You are right. Congress writes legislation. Our President is sworn to enforce the laws of the Republic, whether he likes them or not.
If people don’t like the consequence, they have Congress repeal these laws.
The military personnel provided by DoD are administrative only. They replaced Border Patrol personnel who were moved from doing administrative duty for BP to doing administrative duty processing the illegals streaming across the border. IOW, the same thing only for different reasons.
The 2.500 NG troops are pretty much doing the same thing. What they are NOT doing is intrcepting and stopping illegals from crossing the border, AND they are only allowed to operate within the State boundries. They have not (to my knowledge) been federalized so are under command of the State Governer, not the Feds
Immigration reform is totally seperate from the current crisis of illegal aliens invading our country. This is a typical liberal/Democrat/leftist attempt to cloud the issue.
Nice try liberal lefty.
So you want military to shoot border crossers?
Got it wrong Chris………Biden could end this today with a signed Executive Order stating that entry for asylum purposes ends NOW until we can sort out the current mess due to the Biden administrations flagrant abuse of the American people and our nation. He should be impeached on those grounds alone…….certainly, should this knucklehead receive the party’s nomination the American people will soundly reject his incompetency on this issue alone…..there ARE others. So, blaming this on Biden is NOT BS…….Congress is divided, like the people of the nation……it’s up to the President to be a Big Boy and at least temporarily halt the problem……..but, alas, he’s NOT a Big Boy.
LOL, he can’t change law by executive order. He even tried a few of the executive orders Trump tried (like the rule about having to declare at first border crossing) but courts shut those down on Biden just like they did on Trump.
But i fully understand that modern conservatives don’t care about laws as long as they get what they want…
This is one element in the Left’s determination to destroy America, make it unrecognisable, or “fundamentally transform” it, as Obama put it.
The Left has always despised America and resented its success, because it proved the success of capitalism.
From the destruction of the dollar to the crippling of our energy industry, to uncontrolled mass immigration, the Left is quickly achieving its goal.
The hard left Democrat Party is wrecking this country – and it’s deliberate.
The left loves America. I love America. Tonsay i dont is a lie and shows your ignorance. Most language of hate i hear is from MAGA hat people. You know, like when Trump refers to immigrants as coming from prisons and insane asylums when in reality they are people coming from awful circumstances desperate for a better life that they travel 100s of miles (often on foot) for that chance. Should anyone be able to just walk over the order and live here….no. that isn’t practical. But we certainly shouldn’t be dehumanizing them and talking about shooting them on site like other commenta here.
Yes we need immigration reform to better control the borders. That is the job of congress….so Republicans control the house…why haven’t they done anything about it. Maybe because the border being a mess helps them politically to beat democrats. Or maybe, they are awful leaders who only know how to inflame the situation with ignorant hate.
Buts that’s just my opinion.
I don’t dehumanize immigrants. I am one.
I don’t hate immigrants. I am one.
I am not ignorant. I’m unusually well educated.
“Hate” is a verb, not a noun.
Auston shows his ignorance yet again. Many words are both a noun and a verb. Hate is good example. The key is context. Try to use a dictionary next time.
Oh, how rich! Your comments barely ascend above Pidgin English.
And only gerunds function as a noun and a verb. “Hate” is not a gerund.
You are as thick as a brick, buddy, notwithstanding your risible condescension.
As usual, I use a source….Bet you didn’t.
I have a brain.
That’s my source.
You are the perfect example of someone who promotes misinformation. Even when presented with a definitive source that proves they are mistaken, they still believe their own ignorance over authorities of a subject. You know, like a dictionary. LOL
Asking an American dictionary to opine on a matter of English language is like asking Mickey Mouse to opine on Michelangelo.
“Hate” is properly a verb. “Hatred” is the noun.
Incorrect usage by Americans does not make solecisms correct.
Hahahahah….Austin knows better than the dictionary. (all of them by the way have Hate as both a verb and a noun.)
you really are an arrogant individual.
hahahahaha what a joke.
The hate in the air is heavy and stinks to high heaven. Just an example of using hate as a noun.
Crippling our energy industry? You mean the industry that made record profits the last two years? Get real.
I mean the industry that has been prevented from drilling for oil in almost every case by a President whose Executive Orders included cancelling the much needed Keystone XL Pipeline ON DAY ONE.
New drilling has actually increased under Biden. Again, please try to actually look up facts before you make stuff up. News on the subject actually uses terms such as US oil production is surging during the last two years…
And the weather’s been pretty good too. We must thank Biden.
You have too much time on your hands and a severe lack of critical thinking skills.
The Left distorts language in order to manipulate how you think. So these millions of illegal immigrants are misleadingly labelled “asylum seekers” by the entire political left.
An asylum seeker must be fleeing personal persecution because of his race, religion, or political beliefs. Their plight is a personal emergency, and under international law they are required to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach.
The hordes of cynical chancers who break into our country do not qualify as asylum seekers by any of those criteria.
They travel through a dozen safe countries, they have no legitimate claim to personal persecution, and they are not fleeing for their lives.
They’re just opportunists who have been given a green light to abuse our border and get into America, by an equally cynical President and political party, who see partisan political advantage in irreversibly altering the fabric of our society, and making America unrecognisable for us and our children.
It’s despicable and heinous, as is the Left.
Biden doesn’t understand why he is unpopular. Unpopular is a kind way to say we don’t like you, Joe. Can you mentally understand that?
In December 2023, The Immigration Reform Law Institute obtained an internal audit report from the Department of Homeland Security regarding the most effective measures for curbing illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border. It determined that a physical barrier was the best option for disrupting irregular migration.
Gaining control of the border is not optional. It must be done, but Biden continues to violate the rule of law, the Constitution, and his oath of office.
Texas recently passed a law that makes illegal entry into the state from a foreign country a criminal offense. Repeated attempts to enter Texas carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.
God Bless Texas.
The only thing I would add to your comment salt life is there needs to be a physical human presence to back up the effectiveness of the wall.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which removed the military from regular civil law enforcement, was enacted in response to the abuses resulting from the extensive use of the army in civil law enforcement during the Civil War and the Reconstruction. The Act allows legislated exceptions. Key phrase there is “The Act allows legislated exceptions.”