The last time a countywide revaluation of houses, business property and other real property was conducted and implemented in Guilford County, most property owners saw their tax bills shoot up somewhere between 25 to 30 percent.
Since 2022 – the last countywide reappraisal – almost every home and property owner in the county has been paying much more each year in property taxes, and they’re still reeling from that event three years ago.
Guilford County is currently on a five-year reevaluation cycle; however, since the assessed property values in the last reval in 2022 came in at less than 85 percent of actual sales prices conducted after the reappraisal, the county is required by state law to hold a new revaluation sooner than planned which means that 2026 could be a very ugly year for taxpayers in Guilford County.
At an annual retreat of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners on Thursday, Jan. 22 held at NC A &T State University, Tax Director Ben Chavis dropped something of a bombshell on the commissioners: If a reappraisal conducted today, a 32 percent increase would not be out of the norm.
According to Chavis, on average, housing and other property values in Guilford County are currently assessed at roughly just 68 percent of their actual value.
Chavis said that after housing and other property values were assessed in 2022 – despite a big increase heading into that year – housing values ballooned even further, which is why, if a revaluation were held today, the value of the average house would be 32 percent more than it’s currently valued at on the tax books down at the Guilford County Tax Department.
If the Guilford County Board of Commissioners keeps the current tax rate at 73.05 cents of every $100 of assessed property value, and there’s no dramatic change in area housing values before the end of 2025, then county residents would, on average, see a whopping 32 percent increase in taxes.
(Those who live in cities and towns that have property taxes would see those city and town taxes go up dramatically as well unless the municipalities they reside in take action to lower the tax rate.)
Chavis told the commissioners at the annual retreat held earlier this month that in recent months housing prices did seem to be “leveling off” so there’s a good chance that the number might not go higher than 32 percent – but time will tell.
If the county tax rate is left the same it would mean another huge windfall in taxpayer money that the county commissioners could spend on whatever their hearts desire.
In a sense, it would bail the commissioners out because – thanks to approving across-the-board pay raises, funding $2 billion in school bonds and doing things like dramatically increasing the size of the county’s MWBE department in recent years – the commissioners are running dry of money after a three-year spending spree unlike anything the county has ever seen – at least since the Rhino Times began covering Guilford County government in the early 1990s.
The lack of current county funds became clear at the annual retreat when Guilford County Manager Mike Halford warned the commissioners over and over again that they had to stop reaching into the county’s savings account, as the board has done three years in a row – because using savings dollars to pay for recurring expenses leads to extremely unpleasant financial outcomes for local governments.
The Board of Commissioners with seven Democrats and two Republican commissioners could lower the tax rate to a “revenue-neutral” after the 2026 appraisal, thus holding property owners harmless and keeping tax bills essentially where they are now.
However, the current board, ruled by Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Skip Alston, didn’t do that during the last revaluation, is currently desperate for money due to the board’s amazing spending practices, and has shown zero inclination to do anything other than to take in as much money as possible and spend it as quickly as they can along with millions from the county’s savings account thrown in.
You can thank the incentives packages for Boom and other major projects if this comes to pass. You can also thank those so-called leaders for looking out for their own interests which do not parallel those of the citizens.
Tax incentive packages should be outlawed Nationwide! It’s fraud, unconstitutional, and nothing but representation without taxation! The companies that have moved to Guilford County (or have stayed in Guilford County) to receive these tax-exempt incentives have played Skip Alston and our Guilford County Board of Commissioners like a banjo! Term limits are a good idea, but perhaps minimum IQ limits might also serve us well?
Yes! Absolutely.
It contravenes almost all of Adam Smith’s Canons of Taxation. It is clearly an outrageous violation of all that makes taxation legitimate.
Hey, remember the first time Trump was in office? They did everything to sabotage Trump and anyone around him. Now, yesterday, people were talking about their power bills increasing up to $100. Guilford County is talking about increasing property taxes by a record amount, while people are going hungry. People won’t even be able to afford their house payments. The only people I see buying those big steaks are rich people and those on welfare. People like me have to find the poor choice of steak on sale. What’s it going to take, folks? I think God everyday, I voted for Trump.
Voters in Greensboro and Guilford County must realize that Democrat “leadership” is not looking out for the little guy. They are lining their own pockets and those of their “friends” who are on the take. The recent data shows that the highest hikes in salaries in this county were those in local government positions. I believe it was averaging around 11% or so while the average guy on the street is barely keeping up (falling behind) with these hefty property tax increases, heating/cooling bill increases, home/auto insurance increases, grocery price increases, and so on…renters are getting sacked as well. Democrat “leadership” has abandonment the tax payer with huge increases in local government costs being driven up. No matter your skin color, gender, creed, ethnicity folks, this “leadership” team is sinking the boat.
Trump can’t help you, you belong to Skip Alston now
For now…eventually the job creators refuse to fund the ponzi scheme and begin to move out, leaving the city government with no new pockets to pick. Areas of urban blight become more numerous, police refuse to work here, crime escalates as the unsocialized young males find even fewer opportunities to advance. Streets and infrastructure crumble. People with the means move out leaving behind rental properties to house the growing minority population. Soon the black political class realizes there is no federal calvary coming to save them from their greed and sweet patronage deals. No one will buy the bonds that have held up the city for so many years. Greensboro defaults on its debt and becomes the Newark NJ of the South. We’ve all seen the movie play out in other communities across the land. It’s just a matter of time…enjoy your little power play while you can.
The White population has fallen to sub 40% yet we are growing and have one of the hottest real estate markets in the country. We are luring companies from around the world. And becoming a premium location in the Southeast even other municipalities are experiencing growth because of us noticeably Danville and Randolph County that story you guys keep rolling out had been uttered for twenty years and it still hasn’t t come to fruition. This is North Carolina not Maryland or Michigan. The White communities around us are rural and poor they don’t have the economic means to stifle our growth. This is a diverse economy with a diverse population that doesn’t subscribe to your ideology hence they are still moving here and raising families. We are just now hitting our stride, just sit back and watch
“Slow clap”…..well said. Well said.
As I’ve said for a long time, just like cockroaches move in destroy and move on when the food dries. I’ve watched it happen since the 70’s in Greensboro. The march west started at Lincoln Grove shopping center on Julian St. all thru Asheboro St. Continuing today, it will end when the money dries up
That’s right BigCity, we are prisoners of a corrupt, racist and hostile black political class intent on ensuring that white property owners pay through the nose for the sins of their fathers. Our hope lies in a future where African American homeowners grow weary of paying the high cost of the blame game and vote to throw the rascals out.
LOl, you believe people on welfare are living the good life? LOL
Republicans have been telling that lie since Reagan while the wealthy pay less taxes and keep more of the wealth for themselves at the expense of labor, while you think it is the poor people robbing you. You have been conned.
He didn’t say that people on welfare “are living the good life”. He said that he sees them buying big steaks. Do try to focus, Chrissy. And JCool is right. I notice the EBT cards being used at stores all the time to buy big juicy steaks and jumbo shrimp.
I wish Chrissy would stop twisting what people say, as he misrepresents their position and then attacks that fake position. It’s called making a Straw Man Argument. It’s sly sophistry, but that’s what Chrissy does.
If you on the specific words are what is being communicated, then you clearly lack reading comprehension skills. You see, reading comprehension means understanding the literal meaning as well as the inferences the writer are making with their words. Toss in some critical thinking skills and you can begin to really understand the writer’s purpose as well as recognize their biases or assumptions.
In this case, saying people on welfare by Big Steaks is to imply they are living the good life. His bias is also brought out by his pointing out that the rich also are the only ones able to buy the big steaks.
Happy to help with your reading comprehension skills any time Austin.
But you be you.
At least I know the difference between inferences and implications. My God you’re a moron, and you prove it in every comment you make.
Smug too.
Correct me please Chris if I’m wrong but didn’t you move out of Greensboro to reduce your tax liability and for a better lifestyle?
The tax rate spike in Guilford County was a lucky perk to having moved to a more rural area. The reason for the move was my love of a rural lifestyle where I can hunt and fish out my back door. Plus, I built my home next to my parents who I can help look after in their later years of life.
All worthwhile objectives. But I hope you can understand that while that course of action is available to some, not all folks who are feeling the squeeze from an upcoming 75 to 100 a week property tax liability have the ability to move. Makes for some difficult choices in the budget.
I work in groceries. When a customer pulls out their EBT card after coming through the checkout buying lobster tails, ribeyes, and fresh salmon, it makes my blood boil. I have to bite my tongue.
Wow! I’m struggling after the last rape from county and city. I’ve not seen or felt any positives in Greensboro, only higher taxes, increased crime, reduced services, more invited homeless, and more freebies issued from the racist progressives that run this city and county. The current spending of tax dollars on frivolous pet projects to gain votes and power has pretty much destroyed any hope of retirement. At least a large portion of voters saw the light in the most recent national election. We all know this county and Greensboro are still sitting at the lunch counter and still asking for more wasted tax dollars and worthless progressive programs. If you’re one of the many living off the govt dole provided by this city and county, I guess life is good. Moving has sadly become necessary and taxes saved will go to fuel cost so I can still work.
Thank you Mr. Yost for this story. Thank you for fulfilling a necessary role in our society. A free press is beneficial to all of us. I do not see anything about “fake news” that I like or believe. The people should rise up and demand that their taxes do not go up more than inflation. For me, that is the beginning, middle and end of this story. Keep up your great work. We owe you for this information.
I say to the county commissioners, where are the people on fixed income going to get extra money to pay for these taxes? Electric bill, gas bill, food prices, water rates, personal property taxes up, where are we going to get get extra money to pay for this? What’s going to happen people will start moving to smaller and less expensive counties. Our wage increases can’t keep up. Have a little mercy on older retired people.
It’s a vicious cycle. People leave the county and taxes are now paid with fewer residents causing their taxes to increase more to keep up. Like the big cities ,bankruptcy is iminent. We have to vote them all out of office. We don’t evenue problem, we have a spending problem! We need DOGE in Guilford County. I am willing to take that job.
We need major changes to our Local government, mayor, City Council and County Commissioners. The same people over and over abuse their positions of power and make drastic, negative and detrimental changes that hurt the citizens. We need a total clean out of all local government. We need TERM LIMITS. We need an AUDIT of where our Tax money is being spent. If this continues many Seniors will not be able to afford their homes.
There is no one coming to save you, pay or move!
So let me play devils advocate for a minute big city, after everyone who can pay leaves the county who’s going to pay the bills. You are one ignorant a$$
Big City must work for the county. I loved your reply.
Thanks Vicente. We won’t hear from big city for awhile. He hides when a dirty diaper gets hung on his nose
There is no limit to the febrile greed of The Parasitic Sector.
And Leftists claim that capitalism is greed! No private business has the ability to forcibly rob me – only government and the Mafia do that. So let’s tell the truth; there’s no difference between government and The Mob. Except The Mob don’t pretend to be “public servants”. They’re honest crooks.
It seems I’ve heard this song before…let’s see…oh yeah…
Does anybody remember what happen? (Of course not, because they don’t teach REAL American history in the public schools.) We had a king, a dictator, do this to us once before and it was not pretty.
I’ve seen where someone wanted to know the number of property owners (that’s the people that have to pay these confiscatory level of taxes) that live in incorporated Greensboro vs. those that live in the unincorporated areas. If Greensboro wants to tax their people at 100%…”If a reappraisal conducted today, a 32 percent increase would not be out of the norm. According to Chavis, on average, housing and other property values in Guilford County are currently assessed at roughly just 68 percent of their actual value.”
Even if you use New Math, the last time I checked 32% + 68% = 100%. Let me repeat THEIR line of thought in THEIR OWN WORDS “… If a reappraisal conducted today, a 32 percent increase would not be out of the norm. According to Chavis, on average, housing and other property values in Guilford County are currently assessed at roughly just 68 percent of their actual value.”
The peons of Greensboro get to dictate to those of us that live outside the city how much of OUR money THEY get to help pay for services we don’t share in (with the exception of what they joking call Education) and if you do manage to get services like water and sewer we have to pay at least 50% more for it. And when they manage to annex an area it’s YEARS before services are provided yet you start paying their confiscatory tax rate IMMEDIATELY.
If the voters in Guilford County, and Greensboro specifically, don’t want their taxes to go up. . . .vote out the liberal democrats.
Democrats on the board of commissioners, and city council members, are all in favor tax increases, and if not, then they approve periodic re-valuations of property so they can say they did not vote to increase higher taxes. See how this works?
I’d move to Stokes or Surry counties if my wife would agree. . . .but she won’t.
I dodged a bullet. We closed on the sale of our house in Greensboro this month. We have escaped to the Land of Randolph, TUVM. Had a 31% increase in our property tax last time, another 30% over that, is compounded. Our govt is confiscating property thru taxation, regulation, inflation, etc.
We worked hard and actually had a decent savings for retirement (5+ years ago). All these gotchas have forced us to move to the boonies, but yet having to escaped.
Communism includes the confiscation of property & wealth of everyone except those who are well-placed (can you say a cushy govt position?). No wonder our govt keeps adding on to their roster of the faithful. You see see how hard it is to rid yourself of these parasites.
Just make me King of Guilford County.
Remember, VP Harris got 70+ million votes. If the Trump administration fails (an economic collapse will do it), well get another Socialist govt in Washington. We have a Communist govt downtown – which were installed with some 16,000 votes, of well over 200,000 eligible voters-so whose fault is that?
Energy, Utilities, Interest, Housing Costs, Rent, Food, Water, Sales Tax, Property Insurance and now our Property Taxes have all escalated considerably. Meanwhile, our foolish Guilford County Board of Commissioners continues to suffer from their chronic ignorance of spending more than our taxes will cover. If you think Guilford County has a Homeless problem now, just wait! Friends don’t recommend friends move to Guilford County.
Amazing how wasteful people can be when spending other people’s money.
Further, the touted 25-30% “ average” property tax increase from the last revaluation is a distortion of the truth that homeowners in some neighborhoods paid the Lions’ share of the increase. In my neighborhood, taxes rose by 45-60%. My personal home had an increase of 62%. Nothing can explain this huge discrepancy other than a covert manipulation of tax values by neighborhood for the purpose of income re-distribution. Chavis and the Commissioners concealed this fact by publishing an AVERAGE CITYWIDE increase in valuation. He should be required to disclose the MEDIAN increase in valuation by CENSUS TRACT. I can assure you the results would yield a shocking display of progressive politics’ assault on the middle class.
Skippy says it’s your own fault for voting down the sales tax increase. Might be a good opportunity to sell out and move on.
Great article! Emperor Skippy never met a tax increase that he didn’t like. I remember the days when we had Republicans in charge, and when property taxes increased, they would reduce the tax rate to keep the county revenue neutral. Sadly, those days are long gone.
Voters get excited every four years when we elect a president, and that’s good. However, it is the election of state and local politicians that affect our lives more directly. Property taxes, schools, sales taxes, and the ways in which our taxes are spent are state and local issues. The passage of term limits for state and local politicians must come from Raleigh. That’s where the fight begins and ends. Skip Alston has his own hidden agenda and it involves spending your money, not his but yours. And the money is spent on failing schools, helping his friends and cronies such as Deena Hayes-Greene serving on the school board, supporting unlawful DEI and MWBE programs. Every commissioner who serves with Skippy are weak-willed, easily swayed, and do not have the power of convictions. How is this known? They vote in lockstep with Skippy. There are no quick solutions to the problem. As far as schools are concerned, don’t look for help from Raleigh. The new NC school superintendent is a former Guilford County school superintendent and a crony of Deena Hayes-Greene and Skip Alston, Mo Green. Skippy has many tentacles.
I’d have to move from my beloved hometown. But I can’t afford a new house or to move. Many many of our residents are living month to month, week to week and our homeless population is crazy high. Another huge tax increase will simply increase our homelessness. A new type of homelessness….former middle class people suddenly on the streets. I hope our Commissioners, who all seem to have plenty of money, will look at the many people that are struggling. Once we were middle class. Now we struggle to pay our taxes and to buy groceries.
Your pained candor says it all. You are right, Carter. The Left doesn’t care about people, they care about government and the armies of government that make up the Public Sector. More money! More money!!
The worry and stress they’re causing you and thousands like you, concerns them not at all.
They portray themselves as the champions of compassion, but they’re lying. They don’t give a toss about you or me.
Their cult worships the state, and serves it.
We the people. It has always been important, but never more so than right now that “We the people” carefully consider whom we’re hiring to run the departments of government that are necessary for an orderly and safe society. Too often we vote for the familiar name or the one a friend or neighbor suggests thinking, “well, they seem to be doing an okay job”, but we really don’t know, and the accountability factor is sorely lacking. Bad government is on us, “We the people”. Government is a “non-profit” enterprise in which we trust our elected officials to ALWAYS work in good faith for the benefit of “We the people”. However, as with any hired position, self-interest creeps in and we, the people, become resources and no longer employers. We can fix this either with Term Limits, or by simply “firing” an individual politician after a certain number of years. The county budget should be the benchmark for the revenue needs of the Board of Commissioners, and property evaluation only a means of apportioning the tax burden for each household. Setting an arbitrary mil rate based solely on the value of the property without regard for a revenue neutral system robs the people and funds pet projects that are outside the interest or the benefit of the people as a whole. If we ignore accountability, we contribute to overspending and the abuse of public funds.
Unless Greensboro votes out these free spending liberals, NOTHING will change! They have no idea what it means to stick to a budget and they think it’s okay to stick it to property owners. WAKE UP people, and VOTE for conservatives to run our city government!
Greensboro already has ridiculously high property taxes, and we squeak by to barely afford those…….
All greensboro council positions are up for election this fall. I hope each person running publicly states their position on the reevaluation and whether they would support a revenue neutral tax rate or are they just going to take the money and run. Most will spout off about the low hanging fruit such as crime, homelessness and public safety. I wonder what they say about something that hits everyone’s wallet?
Our friends over at Nextdoor seem to be taking exception to this article, calling it fake news. They’re making excuses and saying such a huge tax increase may not necessarily happen. They seem to have exceptionally short memories.
Nextdoor is controlled by self-satisfied smug middle class women who will cripple any debate by silencing – and ultimately banning – any outspoken conservative.
Trust me, I know.
they are trying to put the kibosh on our materialism . . . . more for them !
Anyone know the procedure for getting a certified audit of Guilford County budget and spending?