Tony Collins was thrown off the Zoning Commission by a unanimous vote of the City Council at the meeting on Tuesday, April 20.
Collins was removed from the Zoning Commission – which is an unpaid volunteer job – for, according to the words of Councilmember Sharon Hightower, exhibiting “white privilege and entitlement.”
Hightower said, “To dress down an African-American female is unacceptable.”
The City Council watched a short clip of the Zoning Commission meeting on Monday, April 19, provided by Hightower.
Afterwards, Councilmember Goldie Wells said, “We really don’t know if it was just because she was black. Men have this superior role and they think they are in charge.”
Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann, who appointed Collins, asked that she be allowed to have a conversation with Collins before the council voted, but the decision was made that removing Collins couldn’t wait to hear his side of the story.
Collins’ offense was calling Carrie Rosario, who is a doctor of public health in health education, “Mrs. Rosario.” (According to the Associated Press Stylebook, only an individual “who holds a doctor of dental surgery, doctor of medicine, doctor of optometry, doctor of osteopathic medicine, doctor podiatric medicine or doctor of veterinary medicine” should be referred to as Dr. on the first reference in a news publication.)
Earlier in the meeting, Chairman of the Zoning Commission Hugh Holston had said, “Ms. Rosario, are you speaking in opposition?”
Rosario replied, “Yes.” But did not correct him.
Then Holston, who is an African-American male, said, “Ms. Rosario, please provide your name and address.”
Rosario said, “Dr. Carrie Rosario.”
After Rosario spoke about her concerns about the development at the corner of Trosper Road and Lake Brandt Road, Zoning Commissioner Zac Engle, who is a white male, said, “You know, Miss Rosario, the zoning is done.” He continued on in an attempt to explain what the Zoning Commission was doing, which was not rezoning land.
After Engle was finished speaking, Rosario said, “It’s Dr. Rosario, by the way.”
And Engle apologized.
Collins was the only person who Rosario interrupted and insisted that he use “Dr. Rosario,” and she interrupted Collins, who had the floor, repeatedly.
It was not a pleasant exchange. Collins, who was called on by Holston, started out by saying, “I think that we’ve kind of lost our way on what we are talking about here. We’re here to approve the standards that have been approved, and if Mrs. Rosario has something …”
Rosario interrupted and said, “It’s Dr. Rosario, thank you.”
Collins continued, “If Mrs. Rosario has …”
And Rosario interrupted again saying, “Dr. Rosario.”
Collins said, “Well, you know, I’m sorry, your name says on here ‘Carrie Rosario.’ Hey, Carrie.” Collins attempted to continue speaking.
And Rosario interrupted Collins once again saying, “It’s Dr. Rosario.”
Collins tried to speak again and Rosario interrupted him again saying, “I wouldn’t call you Tony, so please, sir, call me as I would like to be called. That’s how I identify myself.”
Collins said, “It doesn’t really matter, we’re here …”
Rosario interrupts again saying, “It matters to me and out of respect I would like you to call me by the name that I’m asking you to call me by, thank you.”
Collins said, “The screen says Carrie Rosario.”
Rosario interrupts again saying, “I’m verbalizing my name as Dr. Carrie Rosario and it really speaks very negatively of you as a commissioner to be disrespectful.
Collins said, “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but you’re negotiating something that happened four years ago. We’ve taken on this function and this is not a zoning function. This is a planning function and, Mr. Chairman, I think that if there is something that she has, something specific in these standards, let’s hear what it is. Everything we’ve heard is general. If there is one of these standards that’s been presented, let’s hear what it is.”
It is worth noting that Collins was called on by the chairman and was repeatedly interrupted by Rosario, who should not have been speaking unless she was recognized by the chairman.
Collins was clearly irritated when he started speaking and did not respond well to being interrupted. But little if anything Rosario had been saying was relevant to the case before the Zoning Commission, which was not a rezoning. The property in question had been rezoned to Planned Unit Development (PUD) in 2017. All the Zoning Commission had to do was sign off on the Unified Development Plan (UDP) for the property to make certain that the UDP was in compliance with the PUD zoning.
The zoning and all the issues that Rosario was expressing concern about had already been determined and the Zoning Commission has no power to overrule the City Council and change them.
Collins could have avoided the whole mess by saying “Dr. Rosario,” but by the same token Rosario could have waited for Collins to finish, waited to be recognized by the chair and then informed Collins that she preferred to be called “Dr. Rosario,” like she did with Engle, or could have ignored it like she did with Holston.
The comments of city councilmembers made it clear that the what the City Council found so offensive in the exchange was that a white man had not shown proper respect to a black woman.
There are currently three black women on the City Council and no white men.
“There are currently three black women on the City Council and no white men.”
What is wrong with these woman, Dr Rosario all right what does that really matter in a zoning board meeting? It doesn’t have anything to do with her profession so what is wrong being called by your first and last name?
I don’t understand why everything now is about race, and “white privilege” there’s no such thing as white privilege everyone in this country has opportunities to go out into the world and reach there goals!
We have to stop race baiting, divisiveness and always using that an excuse! The democrats are really great at spreading division in our country! When is going to stop MLKJ is rolling over in his grave about the way we treat each other!
Blah blah blah. Unless you’re black, you don’t understand that our job applications are thrown out 3x quicker than any other race. It’s easy to say what we need to do but white supremacy exist and it affects us every day. Get off your high horse, read a few history novels and stop asserting your privilege by spewing nonsense.
Oh and by the way, MLK was adopting Malcolm X’s philosophies towards the end of his life. As usual, the lack of knowledge creates an ignorant mind. She has her PhD. She asked nicely to be referred to as Doctor and he should’ve complied. Simple. Respect is respect.
Well Yeah, according to this article I just read, it’s no wonder why black people are disregarded as unacceptable(s). Your self righteousness blinds you from the reality we all live in. The only privilege people that exist are the rich.
Plus, if anyone hates black people, that is their god given right too. Doesn’t mean that there racist, it just means they prefer not to associate themselves with black people for any given reason. Like for me, I’m short white male, which most black male make me feel small, so I associate myself with people of my statue.
Base on your comments, I think its safe to assume your black? If not, sorry, However, lets flip the table for a second. Black people, do you have more friends that black or white. If you say black, then who is the real bigot? After all, racism goes both ways.
“If anyone hates black ppl..” yes you can have that. But to act on it has consequences. So tread carefully. You prefer not to hang around vs. will never hang around are two different statements. So if I’m a doctor and you’re having a heart attack and you say oh he’s black, don’t let him touch me. I never want a black person to be around me. Then you’ll die. And if that’s the outcome you want, then good riddance. No one is out to get you. Just be kind and respectful.
We’re here to be civilized and help one another as best as we can.
You’re ignorant. It’s about RESPECT.
Um… when he very pointedly REFUSES to respect how she’d like to be addressed, THAT is the problem!!
I’m annoyed he’s being painted as a racist. He IS a racist, but he is also SEXIST!!!
Apparently the author of this article
either wasn’t there, didn’t watch the video, or is intentionally misrepresenting what happened. No member of the public should be treated this way by their representative, regardless of color, gender, or educational attainment.
I mean, if its about respect, she ought to have respected the fact he had the floor and shouldn’t have been interrupted? Its clearly not about respect, as there was none…on both sides of the fence.
Found the racist.
“Race baiting” said by someone is a racist or ignorant of racism. Which one are you? When I earned my “dolphins” in the Navy, I wanted to be called a Submariner. When I became a firefighter, I wanted to be called, Firefighter… When I became a medic, that is the title I wanted to be called because I earned it. I bet if I carjacked your ass and beat your kids, you’d have no problem with calling me a hoodlum.
What a twollop you are. You do know there is more than one type of Doctor dont you. Your talking about a medical Doctor. Dr Rosario is a Doctor of Public Health, a Professor, has a Doctorate and is entitled to be addressed as Doctor – that is her title if she chooses to use it – which she does.
If you do not understand or refuse to acknowledge the situation that a person who achieved their deserved title, i.e. Mr., Mrs., President (POTUS), Dr., Sir (Knighted), Majesty, Royal Highness, etc., should be called by their respective title out of respect and protocol, at the very least.
If you didn’t know this, consider it a learning moment for you and stop your hypocrisy and rationalized narrative.
She wanted to be called what she earned to be called. The problem is that if it was a White man he was talking to he wouldve identified him in that regard and he couldve corrected it & it wouldve been done but he did not. She didn’t have to wait to be called wait she wanted to, she wanted to nip it in the bud before the conversation went on. If she decided to address it with only him and no one else that’s her prerogative. He was very rude & didn’t give a damn about what she earned, but the tone he set & his body language was of white privilege & male dominance.
If she wants to be referred to as a doctor where does she practice and where is her office? If she just has a degree my God every book small dumbass would be a doctor. Show the facts just because you had your way paid through college for 10 years and you my own a degree in vegetation death doesn’t make you a doctor unless you go the course and have your own practice. Yes I’m a white male and I have work most of my life a real job for 40 years .
You really are a prize idiot… regardless of WHAT degrees she has, she has the right to be addressed as she requested , otherwise it’s disrespectful
And your point is???
It is still Dr Rosario
Is everything race related? The inverse happened in Connecticut, but this time the white woman who requested to be called “Dr” was called racist & forced to apologize; Now I don’t feel sorry for these folks; they vote Dem so they deserve what they get. As a black woman, I am thoroughly enjoying laughing at white people humilating themselves frankly. Who votes for their own humilation? lol!
Here we go. Just replace everyone with what is politically correct and be done with it.
Black privilege at its finest again. White people should be burning and looting in a peaceful protest
You white ppl play victim so much shut up you haven’t been through slavery you don’t know what it’s like to be black
Tell me what it’s like to have gone through slavery – wow, you must be what, at least 160 years old!!
No one alive today has been through slavery, and no one alive today has owned slaves. Get rid of that big chip on your shoulder.
Do you say same the same to the people who went thru the Holocaust ??? I thought not
Tre, respectfully, YOU haven’t been through slavery either. I’m not AT ALL minimizing the very obvious biases going on in the world against black people. But don’t invoke slavery. You did not endure that.
nor’ do you, the jews know more about it then you will ever know , you don’t see them killing Germans or burning cities over what happened 50 years ago so get over the past no one is alive from back then everyone has a chance to make it,look at oprah winfrey or the Obama’s if you keep straight when you’re young and don’t gang-bang you might have a chance
you don’t see them killing Germans…
No, just Palestinians
Have you been through slavery? And you have no idea my race.
Tre, you haven’t been through slavery either. Nobody you know has! Tell us, what personal experience do you have being discriminated against. I’m a divorced father. Are you? Have you ever stepped foot into a family law courthouse? I bet money that I, being a white male, have faced more discrimination in the past 5 years than you have in a lifetime.
So you actually think whites weren’t slaves and were never discriminated against? FYI every race has been slaves and discriminated against. Every new group of people that came to the US was discriminated against just ask the Irish. They weren’t the 1st and weren’t the last but it was really bad for them. Most people enslaved their own people because logistically that’s all they could do. Blacks were just the 1st to sell their slaves. Only 2% of the world slaves reached the US. Now 98% of the world ancestors of slaves know slavery has been long over and have integrated without issue. They tried to completely exterminate Jews (that didn’t happen to blacks) and you can tell a jew by looking at them, but they are smart enough to move on. But unfortunately ancestors of black slaves in the US have some kind of entitled mmentality. It’s been over long ago, time to move on.
Keep snowflaking little man. Such a little man.
white people arent trash so we are not going to do that. We also don’t defend white criminals when they resist arrest, or shoot someone , or knife someone, or pass counterfeit money, or swallow drugs and die and blame it on the officer who detained him. We also will not loot and steal from stores, only a certain ethnic group does that
And keep it going.. what happened at the capitol? Dumbass… yall just mad yall the new minorities.
You have no problem with him just refusing her simple, respectful request??
You can’t think a little deeper and wonder why he had such a problem calling her Dr.?
Yup white privilege is dying a slow long death hahahahahahahahahah #cancleculture This isn’t the 1900’s where you can get away with saying anything!!! Nope we are wiping out and abolishing the hate! Get with it or get left behind! Hahahah GOOD RIDDENS
I’m to polite to call her what I think she is. I’m white just in case you’re wondering
Of course you are,no doubt about that!
Is your name Lauren or is it really Karen
You can sense the racism and prejudice seeping out of whoever typed of this article
And there you have it. Why politicians are held in such low esteem, and deservedly so. Greensboro is in trouble and just the microcosm of why this country is going down the tubes. Fast.
It’s a sad day in Greensboro. It’s an even sadder day in America. God help us
Not wondering your comment screams “I’m white”
OK, Wilbur, we shouldn’t be obligated to appropriately favor after being corrected.
I’m sure Little Miss Bill Williace thinks it’s fine to call anyone such as Her whatever we want, even after being corrected.
Even after Slick Willy corrects me, if I keep addressing the darling like this, I’m sure it’s not offensive.
I’m white too, but I would never refuse to not call a college professor with a doctorate by “Doctor”
I think it is stupid to address someone as doctor when they aren’t a doctor. I’ll would consider a compromise and maybe say So and So doctorate of whatever magigy. But I’m not going to confuse people with doctor because of someones over inflated ego. ;(“Is there a doctor on the plane?”) (“I’m a doctor!”) (How do we stop the bleeding?”) (Oh I’m a Dr of philosophy, i can’t help this man, i just earned a degree and deserve to be called Dr and wanted everone to know on the plane”) (“go back to your seat jerk”)
Wonder if you’ll have any cities left not burned up or looted…
Race relations at its finest…
Talk about bias geez.Is the author of this article related to Tony lol???He was disrespectful.Watch the video don’t go by this biased article.
Yes the bias is very strong in this article. Someone who has a doctorate or MD or DO is referred to as a doctor. Clearly the author is not familiar with higher education. Addressing someone by their proper title is standard practice in the professional world.
The headline is incredibly biased. Just insane.
He’s being removed for abusively asserting white privileged to dominate a black person of higher education than himself. That is not being “removed for white privilege”. Talk about cherry picking lines from the meeting.
Another “victim” gets to put another notch on her pistol. Are we sure her name isn’t Karen? Excuse me, I meant DOCTOR Karen.
Why did the City Council not indicate that Dr., Ms. Mrs. or whatever Rosario wanted to be called, she was the one who kept interrupting and be disrespectful? The main issue here is not this ridiculous over the top concern about the name, but rather the fact that the points she was trying to make were out of the oversight of the commission. Therefore, she was doing nothing except wasting everyone’s time and making an absolute a_ _ of herself. For the council to claim that Collins was exhibiting “white privilege” is just a farce. What does it take to recall these idiots from the Council? I cannot wait to vote them out of office. Wake up Greensboro voters. You put them in, now its time to get rid of them by stripping them of their office.
If anyone is a white male,they are to remain silent.
is that dismissal on those grounds legal?
Where is the ACLU when you need them?
That’s correct. Now please stop talking
According to the Associated Press Stylebook, only an individual “who holds a doctor of dental surgery, doctor of medicine, doctor of optometry, doctor of osteopathic medicine, doctor podiatric medicine or doctor of veterinary medicine” should be referred to as Dr. on the first reference in a news publication.
Mrs. Rosario represents the worst in human behavior. Raising the ire of others about a moot point, simply to hear her own name. Then BIGOTED Hightower interjected the latest affront “white privilege and entitlement “, words used to inflict pain and shame.
A fine example of Greensboro politics at its best.
And your ignorant mind could not comprehend that this was not a “news publication” AND she corrected him multiple times !
The village idiot strikes again!
Mandate Mayor allows it. City Attorney is MIA. Elections cannot get here soon enough. Sky high murders and a city in decline and this is what our representatives are wasting their time with.
And Maxine Waters said what??? Is she fired???
Sounds like a very familiar road we are traveling down, and not one many people remember.
I think it is a travesty that Hightower made the comments she did about a Business Owner, that has been well respected in the community for many years, and one who has volunteered, read that VOLUNTEERED, his time to assist the City with zoning matters. It was indeed a racist move by Hightower, and a demeaning move by her. I have several relatives and friends who have Doctors Degrees, but are not in medical practice, and they do not insist on being called “Doctor”. I think only a narsicistic person would make an issue out of this, and would disrupt a commissioner with such a menial request. Mr Collins is a respected member of the Commission, and due to the politically correct, racist actions of a couple of the Council members the City has lost a valued member of a very important Commission. For shame.
Lol “unanimous vote”
I totally agree! Just a move to get Mr Collins removed. Was it really that important for her to continually interrupt just to have her PHD recognized?
This is a great example of why Greensboro is a dying city. We are more concerned about political correctness and “feelings” than real systemic issues like job growth, education and infrastructure. We have the worst city leaders!!
“A dying city?” No, it was dying when the old boys, Jim Melvin & Co., sold out and Wrangler sent all of the jobs overseas and left everyone who hadn’t already made their fortune (or inherited it or got it from a “foundation”) to die. Twenty to 25 years ago the entire downtown was a boarded-up dump. It’s a lot more vibrant now, although it may not be as white as some would like it to be. That seems to be the real issue.
For those who believe it’s “a dying city,” I suggest you heed the advice of all those who don’t like it when someone disagrees with them: If you don’t love it, leave it.
You will not be missed.
This is going to be VERY politically incorrect, so reader beware – when the voters will quit voting emotionally insecure women and voting for people who aren’t qualified to make decisions for the greater good, Greensboro can start moving back towards being a stable, productive, and safe city.
It is well established that women politicians make decisions based on emotions and feelings. Take those two things out of the equation, and decisions are then made based on facts.
So, as long as the voters keep making diversity hires, when they cast their ballots, Greensboro is only going to get worse than it already is.
For the record, I’m not racist, I’m not sexist – I am a realist. I have no trouble being blunt with the truth, and don’t lose sleep at night if the truth happens to hurt someone’s feelings. The condition that Greensboro, and the whole damn country is in right now, is the result of decades of “everyone gets a trophy”. Nobody knows how to take “no” for an answer, and they get all bent out of shape everytime they don’t get their way.
Sounds like she was she was eager to invoke her doctor privilege.
Her black doctor privilege
Hang on, we are in for a ride.
Seems to me that Rosario got upset over nothing & she reacted to something that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Business at hand & I don’t believe that was the proper place to change her name to Doctor & that’s just what I got out of that Stupid Conversation……
The city of Greensboro needs to clean house! This is absolutely ridiculous!
Greensboro has gone to the wolves. Everyone is racist against everyone else. Everyone demands. And City Council caters only the ones that make a scene, protest and damage private property, intimidate. So if you are rude or destructive go to Council and you’ll get anything you want. No matter your race. We need a whole new council. Three quarters of our residents are shaking in their shoes and afraid to go out at night. Don’t count on City Council to protect you. Don’t count on GOD to protect you. They are controlled completely by the mayor, who’s time should be over and her girlfriends on Council.
Carrie Rosario needs to get that black chip off her shoulder and join the human race.
The human race doesn’t except black people. Get your head out of the clouds because this love and light crap doesn’t apply to us. She’s a black woman and proud of it. White people don’t have the right to enslave millions of people and tell them to get over their trauma. All actions have consequences. Get over yourself.
You get over yourself – what trauma have you suffered from your time as a slave?
So, it’s OK to be proud of your skin color if you’re black, but not if someone is white?
I’ve got news for you – no one has any control over what color their skin is. Remove the skin, and we’re all the same muscles, skeleton, nerves, blood, organs, etc. It doesn’t make sense to be proud of something you have no control over.
Do you take care of your family? Be proud of that! Are you a father who is in the home for your children? Be proud of that! Do you work an honest job, and bring home honest money? Be proud of that! Do you teach your children the difference between right and wrong? Be proud of that!
Or do you teach your children that they don’t have to try? That all they have to do is scream “I’m black” and they’re entitled to whatever they want? If that’s the case, then you, and people like you, are definitely the problem.
Slavery is wrong period. But the African chiefs captured and sold other clans for profit. This was wrong too. Slavery still occurs today and it is not Blacks. It’s children of all races.
This article is very shady. You need to be fired next!
Tom Collins needs to remove that white arrogance off his shoulders and develop respect for others.
Correction: TONY Collins
Respect is earned, not freely given because of ones title, and should mean something. I can think of plenty of worse things he could have uttered besides Mrs. Rosario. Same ol’ mess, from the same old folks.
Great point. Cancel veteran’s day. A day in which we celebrate people because of their job title.
Clearly a forum of man children here. She made it clear to other officials throughout the meeting several times. Her attempts to be properly identified were growing in frequency before she had to adjust her tactics. And if y’all think how someone identifies “doesn’t matter” so from now on when I met a gritty man child like the lot of you, I will take extra care to identify you as “bitch baby”. It’s just words. You wont care if I’m not being “pc right”? Well bitch babies, I hope you learn empathy some day, until that day I pray you always stub your toe in the dark. I pray you never find a parking space within 3 blocks of your destination. Above all I pray you learn to identify the manipulation tactics that your news media uses against you to take advantage of you and perpetuate violence.
Earned? Her respect is more than earned, are you kidding me? She literally went through tens of thousands of dollars of U.S tuition and many years of medical school to most definitely earn the respect to be called a Doctor. It’s really not that hard and Collins is blatantly either racist, disrespectful towards women (or clearly both). Please, think before you say ridiculously stupid things like that.
My question is kicking him off the board legal? What are the rules that they must go by. Do the rules say how you must address people? She did not react the same to the others who addressed her differently. I think he has a great law suit against this committee and all those on the board. I have never heard of such a thing. If she had a point I would have thought she would have been intent on presenting it I am horrified at all involved. By the way I am a white woman with only a high school education and I do not apologize for that…college was beyond anything I could financially afford and in my day there were few scholarships and certainly no government help. this is the perfect example of “taking the path of least resistance” ever.
What is wrong with the residents of Greensboro who tolerate this council and in particular the worst mayor in the United States IMO
They voted for them.
This is a horribly written article — where is the objectivity in presenting facts with out sounding like you’re supporting a specific side. Rhino Times needs to do better.
Brah, it’s the Rhino. It’s not objective journalism. In most cases it isn’t even journalism.
Do you think they might want to worry about the 15 homicides, 4 in a week? Or do we need all of the virtue signaling? Guess what, east side doesn’t care about the zoning commission. If this lack of addressing the REAL issues continues expect to hit 70 by December.
Homicide or homicides are painful. All races are forgetting the majority of homicides today are young black men on young black men. Just look at the statistics in any major inner city. The numbers are worse since the pandemic. How can we stop this in these communities? Yes, everyone wants better policing. But, cops are not killing these young people!
There is a time and place to use your Dr.PH in Health Education. Dr. Rosario please use your knowledge in developing a plan in saving lives.
So glad I got away from North Carolina. Still the place I remember. Glad he’s gone!
…and we’re glad you’re gone, too, Nancy!
funny how none of them thought this was bad.
I did not realize how racist this city is!!! And based on the comments in this thread y’all are racist and proud!!
Hysterical. The Trump Trash ignorance and bigotry is still alive and well represented at the dead Rhino Times. Go back to DC and try to overthrow our government again. Ids.
Now we know the true face color of racism. Blacks don’t want equal opportunity, they want to destroy the white race. I DEMAND that she be thrown off the Council immediately. Be sure to boycott ALL black businesses and never speak to any people who looks like they don’t think that white people matter. Its time that REAL change come to Greensboro. This City is being destroyed and thing will get worse. She is not fit to be on the Council.
Terribly biased article with a clear agenda. How do people how write these kinds of articles even get hired the first place.
White privilege. Must be nice to get jobs and opportunities for nothing! Oh to be a mediocre white male writing about the shameful actions of other mediocre white males
This writer certainly has one way of presenting facts and not demonstrating biases. . .
He looked exactly like tou think too.
Between this article and all these comments, I’ve had a great laugh for today. With all the turmoil going on in this country at the moment, this was a wonderful humorous distraction. I will always love my hometown.
What kind of bias, joke of an article is this?
Dr. Rosario had every right to interrupt the man who not only refused to call her by her correct title but insisted on continuing to call her Mrs. or completely disregard the title altogether after she explained that she is indeed a Doctor. This is incredibly blatant disrespect and a complete disregard for her education, accomplishments, and title within this society. The reason why it is an issue that she is a black woman is because not only are black woman by far the most marginalized people in society who (as this shows as proof) people disrespect regardless of how significant their accomplishments may be (she’s literally a doctor). This also would have never, ever happened of she were a man. Especially a white male and that’s the reality. Why does he feel he has the authority to speak to her that way in the first place? That’s the question that needs to be asked. If he were professional he would correct himself and move on, showing her the respect as a doctor she is entitled to.
It’s incredible to think that she should have “patiently waited” for him to finish as this article suggests – absolutely not. Because if the roles were reversed the same patience would have not been granted. And there is no reason why she should have to turn a cheek and continue to take this level of disrespect from this man at any point in time.
Wake up people – you may have your opinions but the matter of fact is that women (especially Black women) are treated horribly in this society. This video even illustrates that you can be a doctor and a white man still won’t care and still believe he is more important, and has authority over you. If this was not the case, he would have simply corrected himself and moved on. Having 3 black people and no white males in this group is not a point to prove… It’s an attempt at a reversal of the massive inequalities done to those who are not white male (who, need I remind you, sit upon councils, as board members, and in government in huge populations still to this day…). It’s not even an argument.
Collins deserved everything he got and hopefully learns from this. Good riddance.
At the end of the day, seeing the comments here full of racists, mysogynists and blatant idiots doesn’t matter. He was fired. The world is changing. And unless your thinking does to you will be left behind (much like the white man who evidently wrote this article trying to delegitimize Dr. Rosario’s experience). Goodbye.
This article REEKS of the author’s shockingly biased, under-informed, white supremacist ideals. It sounds like a mediocre white male who wants a trophy for existing writing a fake sob story for another mediocre white male who also wants a trophy for existing. Cry me a river- the video shows that the white guy was extremely disrespectful and Dr. Rosario politely corrected him. The problem in this country is people like him thinking they deserve something for nothing because he grew up with that being the reality for white males (still is). Lazy, disrespectful, spiteful people. And now here you are dragging Black people into the conversation and trying to sensationalize it when it’s simply white aggression rearing its ugly head in public. Go do something impressive or useful with your life, like that doctor of public health is doing.
Rule #1 — “Never start up with a citizen”…..
Things I learned today: the Rhino Times is a POS publication. Got it.
Hi Carrie! No doubt all of us Rhino supporters are flattered by your Twitter shout out. It’s incredibly sad the reason you became a “Doctor” was to influence random comments on the internet.
Hi Pope! No doubt all of us Equality supporters are flattered by your audacity. It’s incredibly sad the reason you turn to the internet is to spread your “racist” influence to random people on the internet…. clowns…
This is hilarious. Its always the PHD doctor of philosophy, chiropractors, professors etc. that want to be called Doctor. I love calling these people Doctors because I love seeing the big smile on their face. Real MDs like my wife don’t want to be called Doctor because they don’t want people to start asking for medical advice. When I call her doctor in public she tells me to be quiet.
The writer of this post is a racist. Ive been following this story and even the way that this was written, clearly shows what the writer’s beliefs and intentions are. Cant wait till y’all are replaced.
The Rhino Times makes it sound like poor Tony Collins was being interrupted. I saw the video. He was being disrespectful on purpose plain and simple.
Is everything race related? The inverse happened in Connecticut, but this time the white woman who requested to be called “Dr” was called racist & forced to apologize; Now I don’t feel sorry for these folks; they vote Dem so they deserve what they get. I am thoroughly enjoying laughing at white people humilating themselves frankly. Who votes for their own humilation? lol!
At this stage we are at the point where everything must be about race. Personally I think it would be disingenuous to talk of disrespect and ignore the position one would take had he not done this but instead-subject to a truth to the wider context-been the one interrupting her.
And having been informed how she would like to be addressed, would it have been a task too much to simply say “Sorry, Dr Rosario”
However it is possible he was annoyed at an interruption or in general is rude, or simply doesn’t care about titles.
I meet plenty Dr’s in my job, and to be honest I usually use their title if I do not know them personally or very well. It may be a conditioned response, it is not about respect or lack of, it is simply something I do.
It is debatable as to his intent, only he truly knows, everyone on both sides have answers but even if you are black, that doesn’t mean that because you feel it was all racially related that it was. Conversely, because someone feels that way doesn’t nullify their feeling that way.
Even if it was general irritation, rudeness unrelated to race, misogyny it would be easier to recognise that in this period of time, race and gender and sexuality are high on societal agendas and having truly taken a long time to gain recognition as qualified equals or superiors, that some people will care much more about use or omission of a title, it is hardly a strenuous task to say “Sorry, Dr Rosario…….” and whilst no doubt the expected result was not loss of his position, it couldn’t be expected that nothing would be assumed or taken away from the exchange, a little thought is all it takes, and to remove personal pride, and if any do exist, bigotry, it is so much easier to just show a little respect and address a person how they would like, especially when and if they earned and deserve the title.
How petty, and what a waste of time. All this over a form of address and perceived attachments of racial/sexual dispositions associated with agreeing with a form of address? Good Lord, how old are these adult children?
Imagine being a journalist and being this racist in 2021z pathetic