Great job with the facelift on your website. It took me a moment to figure out how to maneuver, but it is a cinch. It’s almost like flipping the pages. And since I don’t get hard copies anymore, in that I live in Monroe, it’s just like old times.
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Yes, I’d like to talk about that Dallas shooting stuff. I believe it was more than one person that shot those cops. I don’t see how one brother could kill five white boys sitting around. To me, it seems like it must have been more than one person who shot those police officers. And, then, cops getting killed nowadays really don’t surprise me. What goes around, comes around. So, if you do something wrong to somebody, it comes back on you. And, yet, these cops have been killing black people, and white people, and anybody else for that matter. It’s just the old saying, what goes around, comes around. In a way the cops brought this on themselves. So, really they created this problem. To a certain extent I don’t feel sorry for those cops getting killed in Dallas. Any copy that gets killed nowadays, they deserve it. In a way, it makes me happy when they get killed. But, basically, the thing about it, the biggest criminals on the planet are the police.
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Yes, what’s the deal with Donald Trump? Is Donald Trump anti-Christ? It seem like he is. Seems like his supporters, they worship him like he’s some kind of god. They must be under some kind of trance or hypnotized. It’s like in a way they remind me of a kid at the cereal commercial that came on years ago that Mikey, you know, Mikey, he eats anything. It seems like Donald Trump supporters aren’t nothing but Mikey. They do anything Donald Trump tells them. They probably eat whatever he puts – he’ll probably eat anything or drink anything he puts in that plate or in that cup, that is. So, in a way, I think Donald Trump must be Simon says or Mikey of the world. And his supporters, they support that man like he’s some kind of god or idol or whatever. And, to me, Donald ain’t nothing but an anti-Christ. And, plus, you ain’t supposed to worship a person. In the Bible it preaches against idolatry. You ain’t supposed to worship false idols. Donald Trump ain’t nothing but a false, fake idol for that matter.
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Yeah, I’m sitting here trying to watch this open championship, and I hear where there’s been another murder of police officers in Baton Rouge, three of them dead so far. This has got to stop. And this administration needs to stop this. All the blood is on their hands. Obama, it’s on your hands. I can’t wait to hear what Hillary Clinton and Obama have to say whose fault this is now. It’s the gun’s fault. It’s the white police officer’s fault. It’s the police officer’s fault. They shouldn’t have been going over there anyway to respond to this. It was a ridiculous call for them to even be over there to start with responding to this call. It was their fault. This has got to stop.
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This is for Scott Yost, your county editor. I am sitting here reading a column that Scott wrote on Thursday, July 8, 2010. I thought it was a great column and that’s the reason that I kept it. It’s called, “Relationship with God, Not a One-Way Street.” Scott, I hope you can dig this one out and reprint it. I think it needs to be reprinted. It’s a wonderful column. Thank you for writing it. Goodbye.
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First of all, I’d like to say Obama is not worth crud. He has not done what he said he’s going to do. He’s ruined America. And if the Democrats are voted in again, America is dead.
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The far left in this country despise and resent the private automobile because it represents individual freedom. And they can’t control that. They would much prefer to have us herded like cattle into public transportation, which, of course, is a euphemism for government transportation. And, so, the leftists at NPR and other liberal organizations are deciding not to refer to car accidents as accidents anymore but as car crashes, because they want to increase the amount of controls on you as you drive down the road. They cannot accept that when you’ve got millions of people driving around, there are going to be accidents, but they will not accept that. However, today when they revealed that John Kerry will visit an American victim of the attack in Nice, they used the word truck accident. So, let me get this straight, when a fanatical Muslim extremist deliberately kills 80 people by driving his truck into them, that’s an accident.
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I’d like for the people of North Carolina and the nation to really think long and hard about putting Hillary Clinton as president. She’s been on the scene for 25 or 30 years. Has your life changed for the better because of her? We do not need her tired ideas, and we do not, definitely do not need her husband, Slick Willy.
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Yes, I’m calling about an idea and philosophy that has invaded our culture, and it’s destroying it. It’s this idea of win-win. I can’t lose. I want a do over. And I want my self-esteem considered before anything else. It started way back when my son was on various teams, and he got trophies just because he was on the team, not for winning, but for just participating. And I asked why. And they said, we don’t want to ruin his self-esteem. This has broadened into, I can’t lose. The only losers can be in this country now are on sports teams. And even Tom Brady and the underinflated football shows that that is somewhat suspect. But Bernie Sanders, for example, started a false revolution in the sense of the old word revolution. And, then, he loved himself. He loved hearing himself. He loved seeing himself. He couldn’t quit.
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Just look at our country. People are torn apart and divided because of race, because of income, because of gender. You name it. Less people in the workforce than there was in 1978. House foreclosures are through the roof. The banks are about 10 years behind getting through all the foreclosures. Just look at what this leader has done to our country. Cops being murdered in the streets. Unbelievable. Please, America, do not elect another Democrat. Our country cannot stand four more years of this.
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Yes, Bob Avakian. Who is he? He is the head of the Revolutionary Communist Party. You say you’ve never heard of him? You’re wrong. He and the party are at every protest: Ferguson, Dallas, RNC Convention in Cleveland. Even provides the signs for the demonstrators. On the bottom of the signs is their advertisement. They have been taking to removing them, that they have received too much publicity. Who they work with and provide the signs from the Democratic tent. Occupiers. Progressive Labor Party. Answer: NAACP, New Black Panther Party, national LGBT organization, climate environmentalists, pro-Palestinian organizations, Christian socialists justice and Planned Parenthood. You surprised by any of these groups that you support with your vote or finance with your money when you give to the Democratic Party? This group openly burned, or rather attempted to burn five American flags yesterday …
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Hillary Clinton is running a TV commercial showing excerpts from some of her speeches, which she says are inappropriate for children. I agree they are. But since they are, why does she continually show them on television for children to see? Another example of why she would be a lousy president.
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In the July 21 issue, someone is concerned about young male and female transgenders going to the military draft and wondered about the ones who want to use a restroom of the opposite sex. Did you know the military, as of last week, it said they are going to pay for those who wish to have the surgery for transgenderism, it will be paid for them, the Army, as such taxpayers eventually will be paying for this surgery. If it means so much to an individual who wants to be the opposite sex, that individual should pay for it themselves and use the restroom as they have their sex changed on their birth certificate.
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People I’ve talked to say they tried to get their kids to go to the restroom before they leave to go out to a public place for fear of being sexually assaulted in the bathroom. Well, I guess the NBA don’t care about child safety, or they would be backing HB2. Most people I talk to will have their kids go to the restroom before they go, and most of them will go to the bathrooms armed to protect themselves from sexual assault, because our government and the people like the NBA are so perverted that they don’t care about personal safety.
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Since our school system has four regional superintendents, and three regional executive directors, why did they feel the need to go out of state to hire someone to run our schools? Wouldn’t there have been one person capable out of that entire group of taking the job instead of going out of state and getting someone not familiar with our system? Has anybody asked this question or gotten an answer?
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If America does not vote Trump in, we’re in for a disaster. It’s really humiliating to see Clinton and some of these other fools get up there with their childish behavior and cut some other people down when they’re guilty, just as guilty, as the other person. We do not need Clinton in office. We’ve already had them in there once, and look what a mess they made. So, do not vote Democratic. Bye.
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Yeah, this is to the “may I” Nancy Vaughan. I’m not going to call her mayor. She don’t deserve the title or the job. All she is, is may I. When Skip Alston and Earl Jones wants money, they go to may I. May I have some money? Sure. For that museum, that’s a money pit. I don’t think we should be paying the $900,000. Where’s Jones when they try to find him to pay some money to Guilford County taxpayers? Can’t find him. Him and Skip Alston, neither one. So, if you need some money, just go see may I. She’ll give it to you.
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Sitting at the Wendover exit off of I-40 in the left-turn lane. Out of about eight vehicles, I have by far the oldest vehicle, and, apparently, the only one that the turn signal still works on. Imagine that. All these new cars, their turn signals don’t work. Imagine that. Thank you.
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I wanted to defend what Dr. Ben Carson said at the RNC convention in Cleveland. He’s absolutely correct. Hillary Clinton has openly stated that one of her mentors, idols, in fact she attended his school, was Saul Alinsky. And if you go to Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, he dedicated that book to Lucifer. So, he’s not incorrect in that. And any Democrat who has the love of this country, love of God, should certainly take a step back at that if nothing else.
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So, this is nine police officers about soon be dead. And every bit of the blood is on Obama’s, Lynch’s and Eric Holder’s heads. Every bit of it. The worst administration I have ever seen in my life, bar none. They are weak. They are trying to break this country down. And they have done a great job of it. They have divided us. The worst race relations since the ’60s. Absolutely the worst. He has done nothing but divide us. No hope. Of course, that’s what his – he was running on hope and change. Oh, he changed it all right. He made it worse.
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Yes, the liberals have managed to take down the Aycock Auditorium sign, and now you have a Women’s College of North Carolina …
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You are right. You need an ad sales rep quick. Based on this week’s issue in the amount of ads. If it were not for Greensboro’s Donald Trump, I don’t believe you’d be in business. You made a point about the difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons. A guy called in and he made a little error. And, then, you have to quote about the difference. I don’t think that was necessary. Do you use an AK-47 when you go hunting? Give a guy a break. He’s right. I’m an AARP member, or NRA member I should say. And I don’t think we need AK-47s. They’re used at almost every shooting. Come on, give a man a break.
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Editor’s Note: It is not impossible for an American to own an AK-47, but it is extremely difficult. None of the recent shootings have been with an AK-47. In fact, none have used a fully automatic weapon.
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I’ve sat here this week and watched Donald Trump’s family come out on his behalf. Anybody that’s watched this show, this GOP Convention, and didn’t appreciate the family that this man has, and each and every one of them adore him, and have worked for their entire lives in his company. The one thing that hits you, or should hit you, is Trump Jr. getting up there and saying that they were as comfortable in a D9 dozer as they were driving their own cars. Because his father had put them down in the bottom end of the businesses and let them work through, being trained by very competent employees of his, teaching them how to be responsible, confident and trustworthy in each and everything they’ve done, and shown them the things they need to do to be the competent crowd that they are.
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Continuing. Anyone that’s watched the GOP Convention and saw the way these Trump children have handled themselves around anyone else, how kind and considerate they are to people, and it’s absolutely amazing that if Trump never does another thing in his life, he’s raised a family that he can be proud of. I’m proud of them just the fact they’re Americans like myself. I cannot understand anyone that would not want a man of that caliber running our country, when they would prefer to have something like Hillary Clinton in there. Remember Hillary Clinton, what difference does it make? They’ve got four dead Americans. What difference does it make? Remember the 3 o’clock in the morning phone call that was never answered. Remember the 600 times that those people over in Benghazi asked for help over the years.
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Felt something I haven’t felt in eight years. I feel like there may be a politician on our side, one that won’t go around apologizing, one that won’t try to bedazzle us with his words. I hope he reaches his own faith. Good day.
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This is in regards to Chuck Mann’s letter about placentas. Chuck, have you ever considered marijuana? You’ve got way too much time on your hands. Enjoy your day.
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Someone who has hate in their heart has hate in their heart regardless of what our president says. With that being said, I am glad I am not so influenced by anything that anyone says where I would go out and shoot, or kill, or in any other way harm someone with whom I may have a disagreement about something. And when it comes to hatred, I don’t know that we are so divided as a country as you think. When things happen, we come together very, very well. The problem is the politicians on both sides who try to tell us how bad the other ones are, and they’re lying most of the time. And that comes from both sides.
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Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy four times. He was the personal financial advisor for boxing champion, Mike Tyson, who also filed for bankruptcy. So much for his business acumen. It’s real easy when you start out with millions of dollars given to you by your daddy. Dude, make a good thing out of it. I’m sure you can turn it into more money. But not everything that he touches is golden. And if you think that any man out there is never wrong, then you’re sadly mistaken. And he is wrong, but he will never, ever admit it.
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Hi. I thought of a way to protect our law enforcement officers. If a group wants to protest, clear out the law-abiding citizens and let them protest without protection.
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Let’s see if I have this straight now. This Todd Burroughs was behind the business at almost 2 a.m. And you want to know why they wanted to check him out in an area that had robbers. He doesn’t stop. He tries to drive home, lights flashing. He gets to his driveway. And, then, what happens? He gets out of the car, stun gun won’t stop him. Pepper spray won’t stop him. He takes the police officer’s baton, pins him against the car. The pit bull attacks, bites one of the officers. His wife is hollering at him to get under control. He’s dead drunk. And you wonder why this occurred? He’s parked behind a business late at night? What are they doing? They’re doing their job.
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If you get involved with the Clintons, the following things could happen. Number one, it will cost you. You will get shafted or your life is in jeopardy. History proves this. If you lie down with dogs, you’re going to get up with fleas.
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In regard to this distinguished professor – what a joke – Michael Walden. I can’t believe anybody in this day and age if they did any digging at all would believe that the gas crisis was due to a shortage of gasoline or crude oil. At that time, we were living in Ohio, and when taking our daughter to college in Kansas I asked the people at the gas station next to where we stayed if they would be open in the morning and if they had gas. They just laughed at me and said, Sir, we are not allowed to close. We’re open 24 hours a day, and we have so much gas we do not know what we’re going to do with it. Now, it was a distribution problem. Who started it? Probably the government. But there was no shortage.
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My father delivered product. I think it was Nixon who was going to cut everybody 10 percent of the heating oil. And I was afraid we would run out. So I bought drums to put it in, and he told me, Son, don’t do that. You don’t have to. He couldn’t tell me that he had bought up all kinds of fuel ahead of time. He was a jobber to take care of his customers. He couldn’t even tell his own son without penalty of going to jail, probably to prison. This is how sad some of these things have gotten. So tell Mr. Michael Walden, as Bill O’Reilly would say, wake up. Don’t be a pinhead. Thank you for your time and keep up your good work. I just love what you have in there.
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I tell you what’s true. Anybody that’s served in Benghazi would never vote for Hillary Clinton. I think the NRA is intelligent, and I think they have a good point there, and I’m glad to see the NRA is backing Trump. It’s about time somebody got behind him.
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Yes, I was reading The Beep. The edition is Thursday, July 21. And I was really appalled about all of the comments that I have read, especially about our president, and about our current situation now with police officers and black males and women being victimized, shot and killed. First of all, number one, Barack Hussein Obama is not the cause of all of this commotion that is going on in the world today. He came into this situation. We were in turmoil before he came in.
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The DOT has way too much money. And, then, their priorities are in the wrong place. On Bryan Boulevard over the past few months, DOT has removed an attractive, plant-diverse, self-sustaining, low-maintenance median landscape to be replaced with rolls of sod, which has no visual interest and is high maintenance. Mowing on regular intervals. Not to mention the amount of time it’s taking them to do this. Enough with the grass. Fix the potholes and pave the streets.
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If words could kill, the US would be done killing all the terrorists by now, because we love to talk. All talk and no action. That’s because of the administration that we have. Hopefully, Donald Trump will get in there and straighten this mess out.
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King Barry may as well go ahead and flush the rest of this time. He’s been nothing but the great divider, and I’d like to ask the person who said that he was just floating high above us. Well, how high above us is he floating now? He’s delusional. Be glad when he’s gone.