Just saw something that takes me back to the late ’70s, and that’s gas hoarding. A Mercedes SUV tailgate down with five tanks. Gas hoarding. I just can’t believe it.
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I think it’s a crying shame that America has gotten to the point where we cannot even enforce our laws anymore. People can start up a protest, burn and loot businesses, destroy police cars, and police are told to stand down. The Bible says lawlessness will abound in the last days. Well, we have a lawless president who does what he wants. So that sets a good example for our next generation, don’t it?
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The man’s name is Colin Kaepernick, and if he wants to sit down or kneel down, or do whatever he wants to do during the national anthem, that is his right. And really the only person it affects is him. The HB2 bill affects a lot of people, not just the one person doing it. If it only affected the guys that enacted the policy, sure, no problem. But it affects a lot of other people. And the problem with the bill is not the transgender bathroom part of it, it’s the fact that they took away the public’s right to sue the state because they’re discriminated against. That’s the problem.
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Editor’s Note: That part of the law was amended and people can file suit in state court.
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They found some more bombs in New Jersey. It’s hard for me to understand why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are trying to destroy this country. Bringing people in and not knowing nothing about them. I believe if they was brought into a court of law, they’d have a hard time proving that they wasn’t trying to destroy the country. This has been going on overseas for years, and now it’s going on here. And I don’t think it’s going to stop anytime soon. Anybody that would vote for Hillary Clinton really needs to have their head examined.
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Yeah, Steely Dan Fan Man. Who put somebody who stole from the White House back in the White House? If that woman had of been prosecuted, then, for those crimes, she would have never been able to go on to commit all these other crimes that she hasn’t been prosecuted for. I am so angry. Good gracious, I’m so angry I could wring her neck.
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The reasons that I’m not going to vote for Roy Cooper for governor is, one of the many reasons is he has not stopped the credit card people from calling. He could have done that with either legislation or federal law. He could have got some kind of relief to relieve the people from being bombarded daily, every day, every day of my life, including weekends, I get a call wanting to improve my credit card debt. I don’t have any credit card debt. So I don’t have a problem with it. Consequently, these people are crooks. And they are not going to help anybody but themselves. Consequently, I’m voting for our governor who deserves my vote and my confidence.
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Yes, I’m an Uber driver, driving locally in Greensboro for over a year now. And I am amazed by the unbelievably maniacal reckless driving in Greensboro. Number one, there is no patience. Everybody is, basically, in such a hurry. Speeding is rampant. I think traffic speed limits are now suggestions instead of the law. Nobody abides by them. Secondly, they’re following too close behind you. People just get right up on you, basically, and the traffic is not going anywhere. They give you no margin at all whatsoever. And, thirdly, no turn signals. Nobody ever gives turn signals anymore. I mean, basically, you’ve got to have some sort of psychic ability to know when somebody is turning. It’s ridiculous. So, we should put computerized cars, because Homo sapiens cannot drive anymore. They lack the knowledge, the etiquette, the ability of any kind of concern for fellow human beings.
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Hey, get this. I just won $20 from a liberal college professor. She and her husband were over for dinner and I happened to wager that the individual who’d be responsible for the bombings in New York here would have brown eyes and a beard. And she refuted it. She said I’m prejudiced, I’m awful and I’m terrible and that probably would not be the case. I said, “OK, let’s put $20 down on it, then.” And she did. And, so, now the New York authorities have released a picture of the person of interest and the people wanted, and the guy I’d seen has brown eyes and a beard. So I called her and left a message, and she hasn’t called back yet. But if she’s honorable, she owes me $20. That’s a big if. I know. But, hey, it’s always gratifying to take money from a liberal. It’s like taking candy from a baby. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Yeah, I have a small storefront on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. Everybody keeps talking about Trump’s casino closing down. It can’t run. What the reality is, they’re getting ready to build a new one. They’re going to take out the Taj Mahal, what was left of the Playboy/Trump casino. They’re going to actually build a new casino there. It’s scheduled to open in 2018. So they’re actually building a bigger building and going to implode the small building. I thought it was kind of interesting.
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As a US Army vet, I reside here in Greensboro. I would like to thank Mr. Thigpen for his Thank-A-Vet ID program in giving discounts to veterans in Guilford County. And, now, in the Rhino Times I read he’s also brought passport services to the city and surrounding county. This man should be running for the mayor’s office, or even president. Thank you, Mr. Thigpen.
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I’ve never been at Camp Butner as a patient. I’ve been there. But I do believe there’s plenty of people at Camp Butner, North Carolina, that’s got more sense than Barack Hussein Obama. I’m watching the United Nations. I won’t listen to his voice. I’m reading it off the screen. He says we’ve got to do more to help the refugees. The only thing I know to do is bring them all to Washington, DC. That’s where they need to go. But I don’t think he’s going to go along with that. Or either just give them this whole country and we’ll go over there. This man absolutely is trying to destroy this country. I knew a long time ago he thinks the United States of America is too white.
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I’m calling about the pipeline that’s on the East Coast. I’m really surprised that there is not a policy control somewhere all along that line where you have to have a checker, a checkpoint, where you could discover leaks before they really happen. This is such an awful thing that happened up the East Coast. Now we have gas stations closed. Let’s just face it, quality control is really, really important. So let’s have somebody go along that pipeline at regular intervals. Check the pipeline and see that there is no leaks. OK? Have a good day.
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I read in the last issue of the Rhino Times that John Hammer feels like the ACC has recently become politicized due to the HB2 bill. The ACC became politicized a long time ago as soon as John Swofford left Chapel Hill and got control of it. And he has stated numerous times that East Carolina, the third largest college, university in the state, would never be in the ACC. If that ain’t politicizing, I don’t know what is.
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I don’t know if anybody has seen the most-recent video of Hillary Clinton speaking in Philadelphia, Temple University, where her one eye doesn’t appear to be focused correctly. And it’s throughout the whole speech. So I went and looked up on a website, eye focus, and there is such a problem. But, generally, it occurs in infants. If it occurs in an adult of her age, it did indicate that it’s caused by neurological issues in the brain. So I would hope that some people would take a good, hard look at that video and judge for themselves. Very strange to look at somebody and they can’t focus both their eyes on you. And, also, the same day she was helped to the stage by Secret Service agents, and there is a picture of that online as well.
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We must have the dumbest people in the world running the federal government. Whole areas, president on down. For example, 9/11 never would’ve happened if we had closed the borders and had better security. I read in the fish wrap today where more than 800 immigrants were given citizenship. We had better vote for a president who has some guts to run this country or we’ll be in worse shape than what we are.
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Hi. I’m calling to report an incident on Twitter that I experienced after watching a live stream of the High Point University rally that the High Point University College Republicans Club hosted for Donald Trump this afternoon. I tweeted on my Twitter account that all the kids were young and beautiful and hopeful looking and full of promise. And I get a tweet back from one of your local residents. But she tweeted back that they just looked like a bunch of privileged white kids to her. So I looked up her information and found out that her store was part of a revitalization project for that area.
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Look, North Carolina, we, first of all, need to show the General Assembly up there in Raleigh that we are not going to stand any more for them taking all of the businesses away from North Carolina. Well, Donald Trump said that we don’t have anything new. OK. We don’t, huh? Well, let’s add it up, North Carolina, Greensboro, Charlotte, Raleigh, Chapel Hill. Let’s add it all up. NCAA tournament, out. The basketball tournament, out. The ACC, out.
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As I was saying, this HB2 bill has caused North Carolina millions and millions of dollars. You Republicans, Democrats and Independents of North Carolina, of Greensboro or Raleigh or Charlotte and all of our cities, sister cities and brother cities surrounding our area, you need to think real hard before you go to the poll and make your decision. Forget about all the character flaws of Hillary Clinton, and even Donald Trump. Forget about their flaws. Forget about all the mistakes and all the stuff in their past. And look at what they are presenting to the American people. Look at the issue.
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Hillary Clinton has outdone herself. She’s trying to capitalize on the white cop that shot the Oklahoma man and killed him. She don’t know anything at all about the black man that shot the white cop in Shelby, NC. Somebody needs to tell her.
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I suggest those with computers, if you don’t have one go to the library and Google the following: Critical hardware released to China under the Clinton administration. Believe it or not, he released so much, it is pathetic, and I’m afraid that Hillary is going to do the same thing as Obama has done with Iran. God bless this country, but God better help us, because nobody else will be able to. Thank you.
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I just got a quick comment about an ad I saw on TV from the New England Shirt Company complaining about Donald Trump making his suits and coats and ties and jackets in other countries. I’d looked at their website, for the New England Shirt Company, and just for a dress shirt, it will cost you anywhere from $125 to $175 for one cotton-picking shirt. Are they kidding? Who could afford that? No wonder Trump has to go overseas and make goods. I don’t know about y’all, but I’m on a beer budget. I ain’t on no Champagne budget.
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Three states and 500 miles away a pipeline leaked, causing North Carolina and other states to rely on existing supplies of gasoline. Prices are rising, and we should have reduced our driving. Now this is for the non-fossil energy fans. North Carolina has zero producing oil wells and zero natural gas wells. And if we drill, if we frack, we could create our own supplies and not be at the mercy of outside events. Think about it.
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Gibbon says in his book, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that there are eight stages of civilization: bondage to spiritual faith, faith to courage, courage to liberty, liberty to abundance, abundance to selfishness, selfishness to complacency, complacency to apathy, apathy back to bondage. At which stage do you think the United States, our wonderful country is today? I’m looking at apathy. Lord, help us. Love your paper.
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Yeah, I was just wondering, you have these African Americans, some guy jumped out with a gun, and got killed, OK? Now, you’ve got these African Americans tearing up Charlotte, burning stuff down, stopping traffic, and there’s even a Facebook page up talking about organizing for tonight’s event for, basically, I guess, to go looting some more in Charlotte. I’m surprised Facebook hasn’t took it down yet. Now, I’m sitting here wondering, they’re acting just stupid over a guy that had a gun in his hand, OK? What’s going to happen if Trump wins the election? Are we going to have to worry about looting and rioting and destroying stuff then because Trump wins, or what? You know? I’m being sarcastic. But doing my job, I just can’t get over how how out of it some of these people are.
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You know, I can’t understand, a black officer shoots a man that’s not complying. All he had to do was obey the officer’s commands and he would still be walking the streets today. And to hear all this hate and everything. All they’ve got to do is comply. It’s very simple. If I was a police officer, a second-generation police officer, and the man had a gun, I’d be the one going home unless he shot me first. And it’s a sad thing to say, and it’s a sad scenario, but it’s the way everyone is made it seems like. It’s just amazing what’s going on in the US. Thank you.
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I guess after the protestors get through destroying Charlotte, then king Obama will invite them to the White House like he did with the Black Lives Matter terrorists. And he will probably take them in the back room and congratulate them on a job well done.
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Well, I’ve been sitting here watching TV, and they’re showing about that violence down in Charlotte. And now they’ve called in the National Guard to control it. Well, if these people are protesting that guy getting shot, why aren’t they out in the street doing a protest instead of down there breaking into people’s business? I really truly think they just use the protest as an excuse to get out and break into everybody’s business and steal everything they can get their hands on, because every protest that I have seen on TV, they have done more damage to the people that owns businesses than they have done good for the man that got shot. And I think it ought to be some kind of law against that, but I really truly think they’re just mean people that want to get out and do something mean.
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Looks like you’re up to your old trick again of ganging up something and then publishing it as if it were a fact to try to get your readers to believe it is true. You say, quote, reports are, end quote. Hillary Clinton’s game plan is in shambles. Can you validate this by telling us what reports, parentheses, more than one, close parentheses, you refer to? Are they from reliable sources, etc.? If her campaign is in shambles, wouldn’t it be so obvious you could say that it is without saying you contribute it to some vague, quote, reports, end quote?
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What is wrong with these foolish millennials? You can be riding down the street. They will walk out right in front of your car. You could be in a store, they will walk right into you like they don’t even see you. They have zero problem-solving skills. They’re socially crude. There will be three or four of them in a restaurant eating, and they will be loud and noisy, and they couldn’t care less if they may be disturbing people around them. Either it doesn’t click in their head or they just don’t care. They think earning a living is having mommy and daddy’s credit card.
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I was just wondering if Swofford is going to move his office out of North Carolina since he’s taken the ACC out. If he does, let’s hope he moves it all out and good riddance. I hope he never comes back.
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Yeah, you know this Charlotte stuff is really getting out of control. Night before last they turned over semi-trucks on the highway. Caught them on fire, wrecked cars, all kind of stuff. And they went early in the morning and looted a Wal-Mart and tried to burn it down. I don’t know who would burn a Wal-Mart down. I guess they’re illogical high school dropouts, I guess. But, anyway, then they went out the next night and tried to burn some more stuff down. And what I can’t – if I went on a rampage like that and burning businesses down and looting them, and they looked on the security cameras, I guarantee my behind would be in jail today. I guess they are allowing them to walk the streets even after they got them on video.
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Thank you, Rhino, for letting us deplorables vent. I just read where Obama is fast tracking the new immigrants in the country to get them citizenship by November. Since this man has been in office, not one thing has come out of Washington that makes me feel good about our country. That says a lot about him.
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Well, I figure you’d be speaking up, Jesse Jackson, after the Charlotte mess that we’ve got. But it’s not because you care about the African-American community. It’s only that you want to make some money off of the African-American community as always. You don’t care about your people, only keeping them down.
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I’m calling about the rioting down in Charlotte. I realize y’all won’t print this, but it needs to be said. They need – well, I don’t expect the mayor to do it, because she’s so far out in left field, she don’t know what she’s doing anyway. But I expect somebody to stand up. Maybe the government, and tell these thugs and thieves down there in Charlotte, rioting will not be tolerated in these markets. When they start busting in the doors, they’re stealing, which is the main purpose of the mixed majority of them down there is to tear up everything they can get in their hand. It’s outrageous to watch them tear up police cars and stomp the windshields out on public vehicles that we have to pay for as taxpayers and tear these stores up. These stores haven’t done anything to these thugs. Number one, the man had a gun in his hand …
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As far as the HB2 bill, women do have a right to privacy. And they should not be subjected to a man walking into the bathroom and peering over the stalls. But when you talk about a person like that, you’re not talking about somebody from the LGBT community. You’re talking about some kind of a pervert. And there is a difference. If you can’t see that, then something’s wrong with you. As far as the NCAA and the ACC and all the other things pulling their basketball out of North Carolina, good for them. You hit somebody where it hurts, in the pocketbook. And that’s exactly what’s going on. And our folks down in Raleigh don’t seem to care. Thanks.
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The local dailies seem to be so biased I wonder if the editors are being bribed by the Democratic Party. Donald Trump is criticized. However, I don’t remember reading about the $60 million the Clintons supposedly laundered through Canada.
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Welcome to America. This is my country. This is your country. I am a constitutional American. I have a question. Friday, Sept. 23, 2016, there have already been three demonstrations in Charlotte, North Carolina, where an African-American policeman is accused of shooting an African-American citizen. In Oklahoma there is a white female American policewoman who shoots an African-American civilian. How come there are not the same protests in Oklahoma as there is in Charlotte, North Carolina? Thank you, Rhino Times, for this freedom of the press. The Son of a Legal Russian Immigrant, 1911.
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Hey, this year’s election is right around the corner. And I always enjoy looking at the information you print for all the candidates. You help me to choose each time. Also, I like to vote early. So, here’s my request. Could you print it two weeks sooner? That will give us time to look it over and make up our mind and get to the polls? That’s all. Thanks for what you do. Bye.
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The Democrats have been exposed now for being the modern-day plantation owners that they are. Just think about it. Poor people have been voting for the Democrats for 55 or 60 years. And guess what? They’re still poor. They’re poor because the Democrats keep them there. That way they’re guaranteed their votes. The Democrats offer the social programs, free rent, free oil subsidies, free groceries. And, oh, by the way, if you get married, you lose it. So there goes the father figure. If you get a job, you lose it. So there goes the career. By the way, keep voting for me and I’ll keep handing you out the social programs. Nothing but modern-day plantation owners to keep poor people down so they can’t, so they cannot, come up.
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Another black eye for the Greensboro’s News & Record. My neighborhood has an ongoing problem with the News & Record delivery person disposing the yellow plastic binding strap, along with the brown paper cover, in our yards on a frequent basis. Consistent communication with the delivery manager resulted in no change. Short of asking the miniscule number of News & Record subscribers to cancel and keep this delivery scoundrel out of our neighborhood, does anyone have a solution?
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I tell you, this country is going to hell in a hand basket. Please, print this. We’ve got an absolute fool for a president. We’ve got another fool liar in Hillary Clinton that’s running for president. And these dummies are going to vote for her. She’s calling us Americans that are voting for Trump deplorable. Are you serious? We’ve got these athletes that are kneeling because of the flag, because they oppress black people. It oppresses black people. And we’ve got these stupid riots in Charlotte. It just blows me away. I watched that mess the other night, Wednesday night. And all I did for about four hours was shake my head.
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Hey, Beep. Hey, Reid. It seems to me when some people see a fire burning out of control, instead of trying to put it out, they choose to throw gasoline on it and leave it to the rest of society to figure out how to handle it. Southern Guilford County here. God bless emergency responders.
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Hello, Rhino. My hope is that the young children in this generation will grow up and look back at what’s going on in this country right now and ask themselves, what were those people thinking? Thank you.
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Good morning, Beep. Just listening on the news this morning. Hillary was going to Charlotte. Charlotte asked her not to come down there. The thing here is it kind of sounds like Hillary is morphing into Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Have a nice weekend.
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It’s Saturday, Sep. 24. I didn’t graduate the head of my class in 1953. I’m 81 years old. But I see on television where they opened up this museum in Washington, DC. Money is easy to spend and hard to make. It looks like to me that someone with some kind of authority would have enough knowledge to know they need to take all the stuff that they’ve got in the civil rights museum in downtown Greensboro and carry it up there and let the people that own that building, whoever it is, sell it and get this money trap over. That’s the only sensible thing to do the way cost of living goes up every year. Quit spending the taxpayers’ money on something that’s like pouring in a rabbit hole.
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Attention baby boomers and X generation folks, don’t forget that if habitual liar Hillary Clinton wins the election, you will lose regarding new appointees to the Supreme Court, something they don’t talk very much about. This, in all likelihood, will last for the better part of the rest of your lives. This should be just another reason why all baby boomers and Xers with two grains of sense should go to the polls in droves and vote for Donald Trump. Boomers and Xers, please, tell all your friends in either generation about this if they are not already aware.
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I can understand your disdain for Hillary Clinton, although I think it is ludicrous how strong your obsession is to criticize her. But I don’t understand how you, or anyone else, can be high on Trump. In his own way, he is just as contemptible as she is.
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I just want to say nowadays we all know that the FBI stands for fathead blundering idiots.
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