Hello. I’m truly thankful for the Rhino and the Beep. For without it, I couldn’t speak my mind nor hear the thoughts of others. I’m especially thankful for Roy Carroll and John Hammer and staff for your dedicated effort to keep this publication ongoing. Southern Guilford and Otis here.
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I bet the Democrats would be in favor of the border wall if it were Russians coming across the border. Do you think so?
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I cannot understand how the feds can raid the law offices and home of Trump’s lawyer and they didn’t look into – they didn’t raid Hillary’s lawyer, his office and his home. And they didn’t look at OJ Simpson’s lawyer and home or any of the high profiles. Why Trump? This is outrageous.
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I believe we can cool the earth. Put millions of pieces of tin foil cut into 12-inch squares in the space shuttle. Launch it and spread the tin foil out in space over the desert Southwest. The tin foil will reflect some of the sun back into space and cool the earth. You know how much cooler you feel when you get out of the sun into a shade tree. Thank you.
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Don’t ever expect CNN to get around to the real story about why we are in Syria. The real story that we’re in Syria is because President Obama – if you remember him – do-nothing Obama, drew a red line in the sand. And then allows the Syrians and the Russians to eradicate it and, basically, peed on him on the other side of the line. And that’s one of the reasons why it emboldened the Russians and the Syrians. And now we have the mess that we have in Syria. And on top of it, do you remember Secretary of State John Kerry saying all of the chemical weapons have been taken care of, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? And he’s one of the biggest scammers I’ve ever seen in my life. Thank goodness he was never elected president. And we know now they have chemical weapons. They’re using them now.
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I was just reading your account of the City Council’s last meeting, and I want to say that thank goodness we’ve got one person on the council who’s got some sense. And that is Justin Outling. I wish the rest of them would take his lead and try to have a little intelligence in their decision making and behavior. Maybe he would be a good candidate for the next mayor. He represents my district, and I’m proud to have him. Also, I would like for Yvonne Johnson and maybe some of the other members to spend one night on the street and see what it’s like to be homeless. I think it’s outrageous some of the comments that I’ve read that some of them made. These people need all the help they can get, and there’s certainly nothing wrong or threatening for them asking for some help.
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Yes, I’ve been following the debacle about renaming of the airport. It began, I guess, back in December. And I’m a little bit like BJ Barnes. An airport is an airport is an airport. I think what we have here is the Airport Authority has more money than it knows what to do with. So now they want to spend a bunch of money to rebrand the airport. How silly can you get? You folks at the Airport Authority, use your brains. If a company is looking to relocate into this area or to invest in the area, it’s not going to be based on the name of the airport. What they want to know is, is there an airport that facilitates the travel of our executives into that market? The fact that we have an airport is a great thing. Let’s make it the best we can. It’s like when a company is looking to relocate to an area, and they want to know if there is rail service. They don’t care about the name of the railroad.
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Hi. I was just hugely disappointed to pick up the Rhino and see that you’ve gotten rid of The New York Times Sudoku and The New York Times crossword. I’m sure that probably cost you some money, but it’s also cost you a reader now. That was pretty much the highlight of the issue for me was those two things. Now that they’re gone, no more Rhino.
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I did not say that every police officer is an incompetent bully with low intelligence, because that is not true. Some cops are noble, decent and brave. But not all of them.
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Hillary, you’ve got to let the election go girl. This is counterproductive. Listen, once the weather straightens out, you and Billy Bob need a much-needed R&R. May I suggest Martha’s Vineyard in May? While there, do take in the bookstores. They’re great. And coffee shops. Also, while there, the two of you, please, take in the sun and gentle sea breezes while you take a long leisurely walk off a very short pier. You’ll be doing all us deplorables a huge favor. You go, girl.
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Hello, Beep. Making America great again is one matter. Finding enough of legal American citizens who want to make this possible is another issue. Otis says there’s always a wish in one hand while the other hand becomes full of something else.
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Did you hear that the London offices of Fox News were raided by European Union police agents? That sort of thing is not unusual on the continent of Europe, but in Britain we are accustomed to a free press. What can you say? Thank goodness we’re leaving the EU. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Hello. Jump Starter calling. I was horrified when I checked the April 5 edition of the Rhino Times and went straight to the Sudoku puzzle and saw there was no Hyper Sudoku made available to the readers. And then I discussed it with family members, and they said, well, maybe it’s just one of those John and Elaine tricks that they play now and again to see if people are paying attention. And next week they’ll begin with the Hyper Sudoku once again. So we’re hoping that’s it. But, please, know there is a number of people anxiously waiting to see next week’s edition to see if we have Hyper Sudoku including in it. Thank you for all you do.
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My son was once stranded in Fuquay-Varina. His engine light came on. He checked the oil dipstick and it didn’t even register on the stick. He was was broke and had to ask strangers for money to buy oil so he could get home. If he had been in Greensboro he could have been cited or arrested for panhandling without a permit. It’s a stupid ordinance. Sometimes people need help.
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Yes, Loretta Lynch was just recently interviewed. I think it was by NBC. And, of course, they were mostly cupcake questions. But she never really answered the question of why the terminology of matters instead of an investigation was used. She did mention it was an investigation, though, which was interesting. But a real FBI investigation involves – should have involved a grand jury, should have involved a testimony under oath. This was a progressive left investigation. Basically a whitewash. If you follow the Alinsky principles, unfortunately, again, you have distraction, lies and demonization. And that was all there: distraction of having that meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton and then telling everybody it was about golf and about the babies …
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Just beeping in to inform Rhino readers something that the local fake news media and the Durham judicial system has snuck past you. All of the Durham monument vandalizers’ charges were totally dismissed on April 2 due to lack of evidence. What? While law enforcement did nothing as they vandalized – read, not doing their jobs – and the judicial system playing them after being charged with mountains of evidence – read, again, not doing their jobs – let’s all make sure next go round they don’t have jobs. Letting lawlessness go on selectively will come back to bite us all.
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What’s the Facebook total up to now, was it 87 million people whose information has been compromised or sold directly to Informatics Research firms? Well I think we can solidly say once again that Zuckerberg is a bad actor as is Facebook, a bad actor. If anyone recalls his original diatribe when at Harvard where he totally vilified people who were giving him information as students, and he called them ignoramuses, and I’m putting it politely, for giving this personal information including, you know, addresses and Social Security numbers. Well, fast forward to today, and we can see clearly that any free service is not free. The goal is to gather data, package that data, sell the data, use that data. If for nothing else then to project behavior.
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Good morning, Beep. You know, it’s a real shame that the Democratic Party is opposed to everything that the American voter voted for. They don’t know what we want. Evidently, we’ve got a president that’s showing them what we want. I think it’s really going to hurt the Democrats when it comes to the vote because money talks.
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Yes, somebody should tell that buffoon in the White House that the Republicans investigating him is the one that he has appointed. He needs to stop getting confused with the Democrats. I know he’s dumb as everything, but somebody should let him know, like usual, he’s either a liar or he’s a fool. And they don’t investigate people unless they’ve got plenty of proof. Then they go in. They get warrants. And then they go in and they arrest the people. They don’t do all that for nothing. And no self-respecting FISA court judge or any judge or any investigator is going to do all this for it to come back and bite them if it’s not done right.
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The best way I can describe Robert Mueller’s witch hunt with his godless, ultra-liberal Hillary worshippers can be summed up in the title of my favorite World War II movie, and one of my favorite movies period. Mueller has gone a bridge too far.
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What kind of double stake is this? They want to let Hege run for sheriff when he is a convicted felon when normal convicted felons can’t run for any office? Come on. What is that? It ain’t right. If they let Hege, they are a bunch of fools. That’s crazy. It ain’t right.
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Editor’s Note: After a convicted felon completes his sentence, his citizenship rights are returned.
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Can you imagine Hillary Clinton as she approaches the old folks home? She’s going to be the most-shrill voiced – Russia, Russia, Russia, Putin, Putin, Putin. They impeached me. I’m the president. I mean, just imagine. She can put the chardonnay down for 30 minutes, you know? There might be hope, but Hillary, Hillary, you’re going down the rabbit hole darling. And there’s no coming back.
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Well, you know the FBI went and raided Trump’s attorney’s office, and his house, and everything else. And I’m sitting here wondering, everybody that’s using the attorney besides Trump, all their information is now floating around out there. Let’s say if you had robbed somebody, or killed somebody, or filed papers on your ex-wife, or just whatever. When they picked up Trump’s stuff, they picked up everything, apparently out of that office. You know? And that makes it even – if I was one of their clients that used that attorney, I’d be pretty upset right now. I guess, personally, next time Trump needs to hire a Republican to run the FBI. Maybe that would solve the issue.
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I’m wondering, if the United States and Russia do go to war against each other and they end up nuking each other, I wonder if once it was, you know, they won’t hit every city in the United States. I mean, think about that. They’ll only hit the major cities. Like Greensboro definitely would get nuked, because that’s the Colonial Pipeline storage area and a couple of others, probably in Charlotte, and probably Raleigh. But I think – and Wilmington. And that’s probably about the only four in North Carolina that would get hit. Now, my question is, once they nuke these cities, have we – does the United States government have something in place so the sections of the United States like Mocksville or Clemmons and Advance and some of these out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere territories, would their mail be functioning?
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I wanted to say I just got home and turned the TV on, and the holier-than-thou and grandstanding politicians are raking Zuckerberg over the coals. They are disgusting. Look at the mess they have made in Washington. And they are drilling him?
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Hello. I was just watching Dana Perino. And she had on Madeleine Albright, the woman that said if we didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton that all the women could go to hell. I’d like to tell her something. You know, I’m a woman. And I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton. So, I guess I should go to hell because of that. But I’d like to tell her that we don’t need her advice on foreign policy. She’s not the person that we need to have on foreign policy. I don’t care what role she had in the Clinton administration, but she didn’t do a good job, because look what he did. Look at the cover up that went on in the Clinton administration. And then she tried to play this big role in Hillary Clinton’s campaign when it was nothing but scandal and scandal after scandal. So I’d like to tell her that she needs to sit herself down and just be quiet, because nobody wants to hear from her.
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To thin the mosquito population around your house, half-fill a five-gallon bucket with water. Put some grass in the water to stagnate it. Wait a while. Keep watch on the bucket. You will see the larvae mosquitoes after a few weeks. Strain the water through a fine mesh strainer. Dump the mosquito larvae on to the ground. Save the water and wait for the next batch. One mosquito can lay between 1,000 to 3,000 eggs depending on the species. If you wipe out 1,000 mosquitoes, that is a potential of millions of mosquitoes you have destroyed.
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The corrupt news, the Democrat news, has missed a story. When Trump was in kindergarten, he’d taken a little girl’s seat, and when she told him to get up, he got up and never apologized for sitting in the seat.
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One word sums up Facebook: schmuckerberg.
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Yeah, this is for the letter to the editor that Alan Burke wrote in about many groups are disenfranchised. First off, Colin Kaepernick lost his job. He has not worked in the NFL since that season he took a knee first. Number two, how many of the people that pay to go see the football game didn’t get to see the game after the national anthem? Everyone speaks as though people kneeling during the national anthem is like everybody goes home right after that. No, they stay and watch the game. And one more question for Mr. Burke. How many games do you go to in the NFL every year?
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I’d give my next Social Security check if I could have been standing right behind Barack Hussein Obama when they rained those missiles down on Syria Friday night. And, also, when they played the part when he said all the chemicals is removed. And another or two said it, all the chemicals was gone. I’d like to have heard what he had to say. Remember now, he’s a lawyer.
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I recently attended a concert at the Greensboro Carolina Theatre. What a great place. It truly is a crown jewel of North Carolina entertainment venues. The Carolina is celebrating its 90th anniversary. Hope it goes another 90 years. There are also upcoming renovations. One of the upgrades is new seats. That sounds great. Except, unless I am misinformed, where currently there are 16 rows in center orchestra, there will be 19 rows after the renovation. Does a cramped, uncomfortable airliner packed like sardines come to mind? That would be a shame to do.
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Republicans, will you, please, go to the polls in the mid-term and let’s vote these Democrats completely out of office. They are awful, awful people. They continue to whine and complain about the election and this has gone on for about a year and a half now. They’re nothing but obstructionists. They try to obstruct this president and stop him from passing policies that we can all benefit from. Let’s get rid of these people once and for all. These people are nothing but a plague on America. And they have never been any good for America. They’re nonvalue system is very detrimental to our society. So let’s go to the polls and remove them from office and get them out completely once and for all. See you at the polls. Thank you.
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Good morning, Beep. Another happy day in Greensboro watching the people break the law and the police officer won’t do nothing about it. From Yanceyville to Lee’s Chapel, I come to Lee’s Chapel and Yanceyville, the light was red. People done started moving, and this fool in an SUV went right between all of them. They had to slam on brakes. And right down the road, here comes a police officer. People flying. He did not bother to stop nobody, do nothing. Then I got on I-29. This is really good. You probably won’t print it. I looked in the right-hand lane long ways before you get to Lee’s Street. We was running about 55 …
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Hello, Beep. I just thought of something else. I just called you a while ago. I just seen you had BJ Barnes on the front of your paper talking about what they want to do to protect our kids. Why don’t they patrol the school zones in the morning, these fools flying through there and passing stopped school buses? Because the Greensboro city Police Department will not do it. They’re too busy sitting behind buildings hiding on down at Biscuitville eating breakfast instead of patrolling the school zones. All you got to do is just sit there. You sit in the parking lot. So what’s the difference? And you could maybe save a child’s life. And BJ Barnes, you’re going to get reelected, why don’t you do something about the people that fly up and down through these school zones?