The City of Greensboro is kicking off a “Spring Expungement Series” on Thursday, March 20 and, for those who make it past the first stage, on Thursday, April 24.

Additional similar programs are being planned for the summer and fall of 2025.

The City’s Human Rights and Parks and Recreation departments will be hosting the first of the three scheduled Thrive GSO Expungement Education Series for Greensboro’s “justice-impacted” residents March 20 and April 24.

The programs will begin at 6 p.m. at the Lindley Community Recreation Center at 2907 Springwood Dr. in Greensboro.

According to promotional material from the city regarding the series, the March 20 event “provides information about the expungement process, a qualification screening, and access to community resources.”  And, “Pending the screening’s outcome, participants may meet individually with a legal professional in the April 24 session.”

If getting your criminal history erased isn’t enough of an attraction for you, snacks will be available for participants March 20 – and dinner will be served April 24.

When a criminal record is expunged, the record is basically sealed – that is, it’s hidden from public view and doesn’t show up on background checks.

The process is meant to allow people with a criminal history to get a fresh start.

It’s not, however, a complete erasure: Expungement hides the criminal records from the public –however, law enforcement officials and some government agencies can still access them.

Those interested in participating can register online at

Thrive GSO is described as “a City-sponsored program for individuals, advocates, organizations, and agencies concerned with raising awareness about and addressing the issues surrounding criminal records, including expunction, housing, employment, voting, and education.”

 Thrive GSO helps its clients connect with available government and private community services.

You can visit the Thrive GSO website if you want more information about these events or related matters – or you can contact Human Rights Outreach and Education Coordinator Paula Washington at 336-373-2038.