The elections are, for the most part, over and it is now time for our ‘elected representatives’ to get to work for US, the American citizens. Unfortunately, there are far too many of these ‘elected representatives’ who don’t seem to understand exactly what their job is.

Contrary to what far too many people think, we are a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. When the Constitution was written and ratified it included an amendment, the 10th Amendment, which states that the federal government only has the powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that any other powers are reserved to the states or to the people.

Let me say that again… the federal government only has the powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that any other powers are reserved to the states or to the people. I would encourage people to print out the 10th Amendment, add a personal note, and mail this to their Representatives and Senators. In that note, people should call for the revocation of the 17th Amendment which in essence took away the original concept of States representation in the Federal government by allowing Senators to be elected by popular vote of the people instead of State legislatures. This took away the representation of the States as a body.

We the People, over generations, have allowed OUR power, OUR lifestyles, and OUR freedoms to be covertly taken away from us and altered by people we thought were there to work for US. These are the people who I consistently refer to as “Professional Politicians”.

What is a “Professional Politician”? Look into these folks like Biden, Schumer, Bush, a large number of Representatives and Senators both R & D. How long have they been in power? How many have had a real job like you and me? How many “Professional Politicians” (Obama for example) have never held a real job like you and me? Why does a politician get paid 6 figures plus a whole slew of bennies when they’re supposed to be working for us? When was the last time We the People got to vote on a pay raise for OUR representatives?

Do you see where I’m going here?

Too many “Professional Politicians” campaigned with the “I’m here for you!” line then turned around and kowtowed to their Party bosses.

Think about it,

Go Galt @ Carpe Diem

Alan Marshall