Illegal Aliens Treated Better Than Veterans
Dear Editor,
I wonder if it’s possible to get my status changed to illegal alien.
Granted I’d probably lose my military retirement and disability status and my Social Security benefits. But when I see what our government is doing for people who’ve broken into our country, violating our laws, it makes me wonder if all those years were wasted, if all the sweat, the pain, the worry, the sacrifice was worth it when I’m seeing people who have flagrantly broken our laws being given everything they want and need.
How do I reinforce in my grandchildren a sense of responsibility, of proper ethics, of what makes you proud to be an American when our government appears to not give a happy rat’s fourth point of contact (paratrooper’s term) about us, the American people. our government can give law-breaking illegal aliens everything but can’t provide veterans, people who stepped up and gave of themselves for our country, with basic needs. What’s wrong with that picture?
Texas stepped up and told the federal government to step aside and let us show you how it’s done. And because they are doing things how it should be done, the federal government is running scared because they are showing America how it could be done all along the border, south and north. As for the wall President Trump was building, the (National Socialist) Democrat Party saw how well it was working and on day one when they got power, shut it down. And not only shut down construction but based on news footage, coyotes are cutting holes in it and bringing people through, and the worst part is there are no Border Patrol people anywhere in sight.
The last time I checked, the 10th Amendment to the Constitution says, in simple terms, that the federal government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people. I’m no constitutional scholar, (I did stay in a Holiday Inn once) but it seems to me state governments could tell the feds thanks but no thanks to all these illegals they’re sending. Abraham Lincoln said it best in his Gettysburg Address, “…government of the people, by the people, for the people …” but the NSDP wants Americans to forget that and believe it should be “government of the elite, by the elite, for the peons.”
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Again, I thank you for your service to our country. I only pray that society will see and understand the grave mistakes being made by the progressive movement. If not, maybe a civil war will be the result. It has happened once in our history.
Jv, I thank you for your kind words and support. It was (and still is) an honor, privilege, and adventure serving.
As I like to tell people, I’m not retired, I just not on jump status right now.
As for civil war, I believe it will be a second American Revolution if it happens and I pray it never comes to that, but in the words of Capt. John Parker “Stand your ground! Don’t fire unless fired upon! But, if they want to have a war, let it begin here.”
I know he was a Revolutionary War soldier, but I don’t consider those that want to take us in a Socialist direction true Americans in their hearts.
The United States federal government in Washington, D.C., regulates immigration. But states also have some of their own laws that can control immigration in their states. The rules established in 1952 with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) are the main ones the government follows today.
The constitution is a living document. Every time the Supreme Court rules on a law, it can change how the constitution is interpreted.
And using Lincoln, a white supremest, to lock in your points. lol. Of the people, by the people, didn’t include black men, or any women.
Refugees have always been welcome to our shores. Calling them names and saying they have it so much easier. And life’s not fair, makes no sense.
You know Cheryl, I agree with you about refugees being welcomed.
BTW, here is the definition of refugee per the UNHCR
“a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.”
These people are NOT refugees. They are illegal aliens breaking into our country.
Ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation? It was this minor document signed by the “white supremacist” (I fixed your spelling) Abraham Lincoln. And I must have missed the part in the Gettysburg Address where he said it only applied to certain people.
The Constitution is not a living document. It doesn’t change, the interpertation does.
God save us from Common Core education.
Ted Kennedy’s Immigration and Nationality Act was passed into law in 1965, not 1952, and it profoundly altered the racial ethnic and cultural composition of America’s immigrants (the legal ones). Previously mostly European immigration was suppressed and surpassed by Third World immigration. That’s what Kennedy and the Democrat Party wanted. And that’s what America got.
Genuine refugees should of course be welcome. Europe is seeing refugees from Ukraine right now, and images show what you’d expect. Bedraggled and tired mothers, fathers and children barely managing to put one foot before another as their lives and livelihoods have been destroyed.
But take a look at the people lining up to get into the US. Mostly males, young (18-40), no accompanying wives or family, and hostile towards photojournalists. They’re no refugees, they’re just chancers trying to break into America. And call me a bigot (that’s a given), but these people are not the engineers, doctors, musicians, and farmers who we see leaving Ukraine. Far from it.
They should be summarily deported.
So people hunted by the cartel are not qualified refugees? Or those hunted by gangs in Haiti? Sound like you like to pick your refugees based on their value versus their suffering.
Such people (tiny fraction) are required to request asylum in the FIRST SAFE country they reach, not nation shop.
Sounds like you like to score points rather than debate truth.
Nope. I have mentioned this before. If you have a better source (and no, your ‘opinion is not a source) but the notes that:
In 2019, the Trump administration (and Biden administration again in 2022) introduced a rule that would have made it difficult for asylum seekers who passed through another country before arriving at the southern border to be eligible for asylum in the United States. This rule was struck down by a federal court in 2020 again in 2023. As of now, immigrants have the right to seek asylum even if they pass through countries other than their country of origin before entering the United States.
The Guardian !!!
And you’re conflating US law and International Law.
Lincoln a White Supremacist?
Cite your source.
As with any of Alan’s letters you need a translator to get through the drama to the actual truth.
Truth: Most immigrants living illegally in the country are not eligible for benefits from federal programs. A valid Social Security number is needed to receive most federal benefits. Immigrants in the country illegally are not issued Social Security numbers. They can receive emergency medical coverage through Medicaid in certain circumstances (for example child birth).
Asylum seekers can receive benefits once they have entered the process. I know conservatives hate that people crossing illegally can declare asylum but to change that requires congress. Guess who controls congress?
Veterans on the other hand receive Disability compensation, Pension, Health care, Education and training, Home loans, Insurance, Veteran Readiness and Employment. As well as qualifying for all other income based federal benefits if they require assistance.
I would much rather have veterans benefits than the little benefits that illegal immigrants receive. But you be you Alan.
“Truth: Most immigrants living illegally in the country are not eligible for benefits from federal programs.”
Being eligible and being given them by the (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their RINO lackeys.
“Immigrants in the country illegally are not issued Social Security numbers.”
Except they get false SSN as they are coming in.
A carrot crossing the border can declare asylum but until it’s processed and awarded it’s not eligible for diddly squat.
Getting EARNED benefits is a bureaucratic nightmare and takes time. These people get handed their stuff as they get released into OUR country. And why are we not going out to find and help those veterans like the NSDP does with these illegals. Vets first, Illegals second, but hey, I’ll be me.
Oh, and BTW Chrissy…you’re welcome.
You really do just make stuff up to feed your bigoted view of southern border crossers. But you be you.
What I stayed is factually true. Amnd oh by they, asylum seekers who work pay taxes. If they don’t, that is on their employer.
Alan is no bigot. And he doesn’t need to take a class in Remedial English.
He may not be…but he certainly doesn’t have a lot of empathy for people crossing the southern border.
I am good with English (I understand Hate is a noun AND a verb) but not proofing my comments from my phone. Yesterday was a bad day indeed. I will get over it. lol
You’re just a joke, mate. A pathetic excuse for a joke.
Your words speak for the juvenal nature of your character loud and clear. Mate.
You can’t even spell juvenile.
Juvenal was a celebrated poet in Ancient Rome. What does he have to do with this conversation?
You really are a bleedin’ idiot.
Alan’s got your button Chris.
Not really. I am just here to bring facts to tlcointer the silliness of his ignorant, drama filled rants. (Really doesn’t take much effort)
Chris I hope you remembered to celebrate on January 19th.
Of course, I always celebrate National Popcorn day. What are you doing that Day?
So Jv, Austin, JOE, and anybody else that might want to come. I’m having a party in my place in Chrissy’s head. I just need a rough headcount so I know how much chow to lay on.
Oh and Rebel, could I impose on you to bring liquor?
Be glad to Alan, I just happen to have a fresh batch out of the still. And chris do you know why we celebrate January 19th?
Chrissy is not as smart as he thinks, so here’s a hint.
The Commander of the brave men who sought only to peacefully leave an overreaching Union were led by a man who was a bigger, better human being than the slippery hypocrite who led the US.
But the victors write the history books…