April is Autism Awareness Month and many local entities – like Piedmont Triad International Airport and Guilford County government – are taking steps to promote awareness of the condition. This week, the High Point Public Library announced that it is also planning several programs and other activities in order to join in the effort.
In fact, the library’s Children’s Division – with its new Certified Autism Center designation – is planning multiple autism-friendly programs this month.
On Thursday, April 6, the library will be holding an Autism Awareness Fun Day starting at 4:30 p.m. (Registration for the event is required by calling the Children’s Division at 336-883-3666.)
In addition, the library’s Research Services will have a book display centered around autism on the second floor – and the ARC of High Point, an organization that supports those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, will be displaying items created by their clients in the first-floor library lobby display cases.
The High Point Library Children’s Division recent designation as a Certified Autism Center was awarded by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards. This designation required library staff to complete training and become certified to better understand and welcome autistic or sensory-sensitive guests and their families. The credentialing board also conducted an onsite review to provide the library with additional recommendations on how to better welcome and accommodate visitors.
The High Point Public Library is preparing to construct the Rotary Club of High Point Sensory Garden.
That attraction will be on the library’s property facing Sunset Drive. The Rotary Club’s naming sponsor for the garden, with help from additional funds raised through the High Point Public Library Foundation, made that garden a reality.
For more information about the programs taking place during Autism Awareness Month, you can contact Children’s Services Manager Jim Zola at jim.zola@highpointnc.gov.