Under normal circumstances, illustrations from an elementary school book that the lieutenant governor displayed at a press conference would be considered fair game for a news publication. However, not in this case.
Rather than using the illustrations themselves, the Rhino is providing a link to those illustrations with a warning that this link is to graphic illustrations of sex acts that many may not consider appropriate. However, they are from a book currently being used in in North Carolina elementary schools. Here is the link: https://ibb.co/qRKqd9j
The News & Observer has confirmed Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s statement that the illustrations are from a book that is available in some public school libraries in the state.
This is what Robinson called “filth” and has stated repeatedly that he does not believe it is appropriate for elementary school children, whether it is in the library or used in the classroom.
Because Robinson made strong statements against this type of graphic sexual material being used in North Carolina’s public elementary schools to teach children about transgenderism and homosexuality, he is being viciously attacked by the left.
At the press conference, Robinson was asked if the problem he had with the illustrations was that they depicted homosexual sex acts and Robinson pointed to the illustration and said, “I’m talking about things of this nature, whether it be heterosexual or homosexual doesn’t matter.”
He added, “Any type of highly sexual material of this nature does not need to be spread in the schools.”
Robinson, who is North Carolina’s first black lieutenant governor, also displayed several of the emails that he and his office have received regarding this latest controversy (some of which are shown below).
That is certainly over the topic pornographic and not necessary for sexual education of minors. Even if the pictures where of a man and woman. The idea of sex ed should be about learning about your body as it goes through puberty and some fundamentals around reproduction. I certainly don’t recall graphic cartoons like that when I went through the sex ed classes in the 70s.
Good on Robinson for calling this out.
Thank you Mr. Robinson for pointing out the filth being made available to our children. Anyone who agrees with this policy definitely has a warped sense of decency.Again thanks and I’m looking forward to great things in your future.
WOW!!! Hope he runs for governor.
The e-mails are disgusting but not surprising and were obviously sent from a Marxist indoctrinate. In a one word measure of character, I would say “Filth”
I am so proud of Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson for taking a stand for our elementary children and speaking out against such illustrations being used in our schools . I am tired of all articles pointing out that he is black. The color of you skin has nothing to do with this type of illustrations being morally wrong. I can not imagine Roy Cooper supporting this and let me say, he DOES NOT represent me as he has stated that he is representing the citizens of North Carolina. I, for one, do not want Roy Cooper speaking for me about such FILTH!!!!!
In a fit of absentmindedness I was watching Left wing WFMY TV News the other evening. It is a propaganda arm of the Left. So their piece on Mark Robinson was anchored by a gay man, and their photographer chose a strange framing of our Lt. Governor. The frame was sharply cut off at his left shoulder. I soon realised why. On his left were some images of the disgusting pornographic filth that is being fed to our children. WFMY refused to let us see them, but have no problem with little children being exposed to them.
The political Left is robbing children of their innocence and childhood.
Time to put the spotlight on our sorry ass public school system. Of course we’ll wind up on the fbi’s (intentional lower case) domestic terrorist list now, but I kind of like that moniker…has a nice ring to it.
I am not prejudiced against anyone – race, sex, sexual orientation, etc. We all have a place on this earth; however, these books do not belong in ANY school!
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is a man of conviction and courage, traits sadly lacking in most of our representatives. I agree, such graphic sexual depictions are not appropriate for children attending elementary school. At one time, parents addressed those issues, not the school system. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson has my vote and my respect.
If the main stream news media including all local television stations as well as the News and Record would publish the TRUTH about what Mark Robinson is really saying, then the majority of the public with support Mr. Robinson with open arms. However, because he has been accused by the media of calling certain individuals “filth” he is being crucified without just cause. He hasn’t called anyone filth. He is referring to these pornographic publications that are being shoved down the throats of young children in the public schools. Wake up and see the truth for a change rather than being led by the main stream news media like sheep to the slaughter.
This is why my children are in private school. It is a huge sacrifice. We have two cars that are 17 and 14 years old. And I would not change a thing.
Damn Right!
I certainly got educated. Thank you Mr. Robinson for bringing this to our attention.
I am a 65 year old man. If one of my children had brought a book home from a school library with these images, I would have been in the superintendent’s office the next day and would not have left until this trash was removed. This is totally absurd. What idiot librarian or teacher would allow such pornography to be in an elementary school library? There needs to be an investigation of how this book was approved and the person that approved it should be dismissed immediately.
Similar physical reaction on seeing these images as with the transportation secy. in crib with two infants and man- wife. Nausea.
Please get involved with our local school board ,show up and express your displeasure and disappointment .
This is a great way for the Democrats to stick us with smut.I call our representative Kathy Manning as often 2-4 times a month .(She is a Full fledged Democrat)Her number is 336-333-5005.It’s time for Conservatives to take back the house and senate. In 2022.Then the President in 2024.We need to keep Democrats out of all offices forever.This is a strange request but we can do it.
The Democrats are Hell- bent on destroying our country.Just look at our border,our economy,inflation,Sex-Ed/smut in grammar school,Afganstan with Americans left over to be killed by Talibans. Anyone who reads this please let’s start Kicking these people from office .the illegals are at least 20% sick with Covid ,with no checkup or shots for Covid.