Greensboro Should Follow Eden’s Lead
Dear Editor,
Eden Police Operation “Glass House” leads to the arrest of 21 drug dealers! This is what aggressive law enforcement is all about. Please take note Greensboro city leaders.
In addition to Eden’s success to combat crime, Greensboro City Leaders could also learn from Winston-Salem’s Police Department’s initiative to link commercial and private security camera’s to their website.
Winston-Salem instantly arrested an individual that shot a child this week. This is a wonderful answer to combat crime in Greensboro. If there is any consideration whatsoever of installing shots fired towers at $100,000 per square mile, as proposed, it would be obvious our city is run by idiots?
Have you ever heard gun shots fired outside your house or in your neighborhood? I guarantee when anybody hears gun shots fired in their vicinity, the 911 call center lights up like a Christmas tree.
Jim Donaldson
Use National Guard On The Border
Dear Editor,
The situation on the southern border has gone from a bad situation prior to Biden assuming power to a complete out-of-control circus. The stories that are coming out should scare every American regardless of where you live.
What the mainstream media is not talking about is the number of illegal aliens that are coming over the border has exploded. They use the children as decoys knowing most everyone’s attention would be focused on them, allowing non-minors to slip in. The sizes of the groups that are being detained seem to be larger than ever. And what doesn’t help is the number of border agents being pulled away from patrol duties and having to assist in providing care to the illegals in custody, a number growing daily. The other thing not fully known is the ratio of those caught versus those that get away. One thing you can be sure of is those not caught are much higher.
One possible action that can be taken is for the governors of the border states to activate their National Guard to provide the needed manpower that can augment and assist the border agents. Border agents act under their authority while having the guard troops as the additional assistance needed acting under the agent’s control.
Another aspect of this situation is the number of non-Central American illegal aliens that are showing up. According to the government’s own numbers this category is raising. And in the current situation of potential terrorist attacks this sort of thing should be right up front and center in the discussion on border security and illegal border crossers. But as we know it will take a terrorist attack that kills and injures a number of Americans before Biden and the feds will take it seriously.
One thing I am curious about is how this change in policy will affect employment numbers. I’m no statistician but I would like to see someone crunch the numbers on how President Trump’s policy on keeping illegals in Mexico while awaiting processing versus allowing them into the country, allowing them to get lost in the masses, then taking jobs from legal American citizens.
I know some people will say I’m anti-immigration and that’s not true. I am anti-illegal immigration. I welcome those that follow our laws. Immigrants are good for any country. Illegal immigrants have the potential for destroying a nation.
Alan Marshall
Alan, the last sentence of your letter is the key. The left-wing of the Democratic party hates the American way of life, our Constitution and laws. This lack of enforcement on immigration is just one way that the Democrats plan to destroy our country. The key question is how can a president set forth policy that ignores the laws and processes of the US government that has been established for centuries? Is this not a treasonous act? I would say that it is. Where are the lawsuits? Where is Congress? Where is the Supreme Court? If there are supposed to be checks and balances in our system of government, why have the actions of the president not been challenged. Our country is under siege and we are doing nothing. I agree with you. Send in the troops with orders of shoot to kill if someone crosses the border illegally. Yes that is drastic, but it will certainly send a message quickly that the laws of the US will be enforced.
I rarely support Alan’s opinion but I think he got this one right. I actually appreciated how he avoided the inflammatory rhetoric that your worthless comment adds to the conversation on the difficult topic of immigration. To say that Democrat’s plan to destroy our country and that they hate American way of life and the constitution…etc etc..
While I am at times accused of drinking the leftist agenda (I am an independent ex repulican) on topics such as BLM and immigration (I do get sucked in by the bleeding heart messaging at times), you have truly had too much of the Nationalist Separatist Kool-Aid.
Just because Democrats have a different view of how to progress the American view doesn’t make them evil. Any juvenile name calling and fear mongering doesn’t add any value to the real conversations this country needs to have if we are ever to unite again for a common good. Take the time to sit and have a conversation sometime without the use of hate and fear. You might actually learn something. Such as shooting desperate families (often including women and children) attempting to illegally cross the boarder is not only immoral but also unconstitutional.
I truly hope people that spew hate and division in the name of party politics will learn to seek help to understand what has opened such an ugly hole in their heart and learn to look past hate to find real understanding.
God Bless.
Your concept of “the American view” is much different than mine. Our country can’t solve our own problems with homeless, yet we encourage others in the world to come here, even illegally, and thinking it’s what’s best for those people? There is not enough money in the world for our government to give to people, current citizens or those here illegally, that would satisfy democrats.
What’s missing in out country is not the lack of compassion for the plight of others, but has more to do with our never ending need for money. . . . .and that’s why democrats pressure the Fed to print more so they can give it away, like candy to a baby resulting in the baby wanting (and expecting) more.
Those of us whose parents were born before about 1930 learned lessons on what we want, versus what we need. They also taught us to not to expect the government to give us anything since we ARE the government. It is not up to politicians to make our lives easier, but to get out of the way and let us and our ideas help grown the country. Kids today want a brand new car at high school graduation, but our parents made us earn it (and pay it back) with a loan to buy a used car.
What’s missing in our country is a focus on self-achievement without government help.
You accept government help every single day of your life. Most of it is invisible. Stop with your good old days babble. It’s been nearly 100 years since the lessons your parents passed on to you were context relevant. Depressions look very different in this age, people have different kinds of access and gatekeepers to education and training, there is more competition for lower-paying jobs and less opportunity for “work hard and succeed” types of jobs that don’t require specialized training. The world is different than 91 years ago when your parents were born. The rules have changed. Peoples behaviors have changed. It’s time to adapt.
Well Chris,I agree with Alan most of the time !!He almost always has data to back up his (Ideas he espouses).Statistics about illegals coming over the border compared to the last year or two of Trump is 4-6 times greater under Biden .While campaigning all Democrats were in favor of open borders . Since Joe arrived a flood of people,mostly from Central America but also terrorist from the Middle East,Africa,and parts unknown have entered the US.Some have been caught. There are probably 10-20% of all Illegals have COVID. The way these people are housed is unhealthy and dangerous to our border patrol .In the beginning all the ones in first were put on a greyhound bus and shipped to a city maybe near you.Thus,adding to the problems we already have with COVID .This president has no regard for any blue collar people in America because the onslaught of all the illegals.This is why he was so adamant about increasing the minimum wage for the illegals coming(this is my guess). Joe said he was a unifier,he is working every way possible to put Americans out of a job .Look at all the Republicans,minorities spainards ,businesses in Atlanta he has hurt because he flat out LIED about the voting law that was voted on by the state.Also when did big companies take over and decide which law in which state was acceptable.I heard if a Democrats lips were moving it must be a lie. Now the president is trying to bankrupt our country to appease the blue states that were irresponsible about this shutdown by throwing trillions of dollars at them .The red states all followed guidelines but opened up their states .The worst thing is the children loosing a years education while the red states opened.Private schools were open while public schools were closed in the blue states.
Alan almost always makes up and twists data to try to make his points more impressive. Money is nothing. The deficit grew with Dems. It grew with Republicans. It will grow more with Dems. The last guy approved much more stimulus than the new guy, but that seems to be blindly ignored. The last guy made tax cuts bigly that reduced revenue while increasing spending.
Get your nonsense out of here.
It’s funny you say Alan almost always has data in a letter in which he literally doesn’t present a single piece of data as evidence. Alan is a politician, don’t forget that. He regularly tries to use fear tactics to get people to agree with his side, but he’s nothing more than a loud gay old man. The loudest in this echo chamber. The gayest when he sees terrible things in the world he can capitalize on for his political messaging. The oldest when he repeats the same misguided ideals over and over again. And a manliest when he ignores his privilege and advantage as a white man in our society.
Get your nonsense out of here.